No, actually, God, the Father, is eternal.
Jesus is eternally begotten of the Father. He was not created, he is eternally as an aspect of the nature of God.
The Father is not God either
Jesus is a Manifestation of the Word of God. I would humbly suggest you might peruse or study Julio Savi’s “The Eternal Quest for God”
Here are a couple of extracts related to this theme:
The first emanation from God is the bounty of the Kingdom', says
Abdu’l-Bahá; and elsewhere He explains in Plotinian terms:[26]
The first thing which emanated from God is that universal reality, which the ancient philosophers termed the "First Mind", and which the people of Baha call the "First Will"... '.[27] The station of this first emanation, where the whole process of existence has its beginning, is alluded to by Bahá'u'lláh in one of His famous aphorisms:
Veiled in My immemorial being and in the ancient eternity of My essence I knew My love for thee; therefore I created thee… ‘:[28] God, unattainable in His unfathomable Essence, is conscious (He is, indeed, the All-Knowing) of Himself and of His own essential names and attributes, one of which is Love. This Love, on the one hand, implies – just as any other of God’s attributes and names which are
actually... existing and not potential'[29] -- the existence of a recipient upon which it may be bestowed; on the other -- being perfect -- it implies also that God is willing to bestow it. Bahá'u'lláh alludes to such spiritual reality with His words
“I did wish to make Myself known”’…[30]
In these words Bahá’u’lláh is, apparently, alluding to a station of existence, more than describing a reality in time and space. Next to the station of Absolute Divine Unity, a station is described in which the essential attributes of God express them-selves as active attributes: Love, as the act of loving; Knowledge, as the act of knowing; Will, as the act of willing. In this station the primal unity splits into a couple, a subject and an object, which in reality are identical: it is God Who knows and loves Himself. In fact, His essential attributes are identical with His Essence and His active attributes are but His essential attributes in their active expression.
Whereas the ancient philosophers called this station
First Mind', thus emphasizing the attribute of Knowledge, the Bahá'í texts prefer the term
Primal Will or First Will’:[31] God is Love (essential attribute), He loves Himself (active attribute), therefore He wants to bestow His Love (First Will). In this regard, Bahá’u’lláh writes:
The Cause of creation of all contingent beings has been love, as it is mentioned in the famous tradition: "I was a hidden treasure, and I loved to be known. Therefore I created the creation in order to be known"',[32] and
Abdu’l-Bahá says that every love existing in the whole universe comes from
the love of God towards the Self or Identity of God', a love He describes as
the reality of Love, the Ancient Love, the Eternal Love’…[33] Elsewhere He says that love is
the source of all the bestowals of God',
the cause of the creation of the phenomenal world’,
the axis round which life revolves',
the eternal sovereignty… the divine power’,
the first effulgence of divinity and the greatest splendour of God',
the greatest bestowal of God’ and
the conscious bestowal of God',[34]
…the transfiguration of His beauty, the reflection of Himself in the mirror of His creation’…[35]"