How to deal with "Every religion thinks it's the right one"

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Also, for what its worth, the Baha’i Faith teaches that Jesus was much more than “just a Prophet”

The Baha’i Faith recognises Jesus as per St. Basil of Caesarea’s description of His station.

If you belong to the Church of England, your religion was founded by King Henry VIII in the year 1534 because the Pope would not grant him a divorce with the right to remarry.
You have got to be kidding me. This is in the same category of canard as “Gavrilo Princip started the First World War”.

Also note that the Anglican Church does not claim to be the one true denomination, but rather a subset of the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. I think in any case, that the purpose of this thread was Christianity vs. others, rather than internal Christian denominations.
Well Jesus too had several conversations with the Devil, but alas the Spirit took over. Or did it?

Why would you question Muhammad’s similar predicament?

This clearly indicates the human and Divine aspects of these Prophets.

Did your meditations on this subject consider this possibility? If so, why did you conclude that Muhammad was deceived and Jesus was not?


Why devil should bother with Jesus if he was God!?
Why devil should bother with Jesus if he was God!?
Not sure…

But what is clear is that God does not get “tempted” by the Devil. That’s a sign of weakness, I would propose, maybe?

Not sure…

But what is clear that God does not get “tempted” by the Devil. That’s a sign of weakness, I would propose, maybe?

God does not get tempted as God is complete hence it is meaningless to temp God hence Jesus was not God.
God does not get tempted as God is complete hence it is meaningless to temp God hence Jesus was not God.
That makes sense. Of course, the argument exists that Jesus “took on” a human nature which was tempted. It was His human aspect, not His God aspect which was tempted.

What say you, O Philosopher? 😃

Can you please specify what are the fruits of Islam that are so different to that of Judaism please? I prefer to compare like with like.

You are welcome to discuss another like for like. What are the fruits of the Baha’i Faith that are so different with Christianity?

If fruits are what you are after, I would suggest the fruits of the Baha’i Faith are the sweetest that there is 🙂

So you are saying that Jesus in no way contradicts Moses and the Torah??

Besides if you are trying to bring a mass of people who are idol worshippers to worship the one God, it might not be wise guidance from an All-Wise Lord to tell them to start worshipping a Person instead.

The Arabian tribes were savagely lacking Spirit, and teaching “God is Spirit” is a much more wise approach. Even I can see that, never mind an All-Knowing, All-Wise Providence 🙂

Divinity of Jesus leads to another idol worshipping extravaganza to the Arabians AT THAT TIME.

Jesus never stated that He is God and the Father was greater. If Jesus is God then how can the Father be greater, “in any capacity”??

Dear Lord, guide these people!!

Dear Lord indeed! 🙂

Dear friend, show me one conman who has done what Baha’u’llah has done. The second most widespread religion on earth, with not one sect, completely united and the emblem of what humanity should look like…loving all, embracing all, and never calling Prophets of other religions conmen, or their Holy Books as “messed”

Show me one person who has done this. Even Jesus hasn’t done this, because Jesus lovers cannot find space in their hearts to respect the Islamic religion.

You love Jesus don’t you?

Please dear friend 🙂

I have said enough. I must bite my tongue. The all-embracing values that you pride yourself on is not evident at all 🙂

God bless you.

How can you state that you know about many Faiths when you clearly do not. Jesus did state that he IS God, not a lesser being, and it can easily be proven: Baptism and that is just one of many instances, so did a prophets before him: Emmanuel and I can do this all day long. There is no way that you can tell me that Islam is a loving religion, no way, there are many instances in every book that Islam uses, many, so many that it just gets boring to do the citations. The Coran does not have a system, if you read it and anyone that reads it knows this, for someone that does not know Islam it is jut gibberish.
You question my Values, and you may be right I am not perfect, but neither are you, you should re read your postings, you state that you are an all knowing humble person that does not know that much except the TRUTH. And you can’t even answer something as simple as why is Jesus’s divinity such a big link in God’s Divine Nature that without it, God as a concept fails. Still you know a lot right?
Do some research, read the Gospels, and you will notice how Jesus Stated as a matter of factly that He IS GOD and so did Paul and John. And no Jesus does not contradict the Torah, because He IS the Lord of theTorah, something that can only be attributed to God, and he said that He is the Owner of the Torah. You speak about mysticism and you can not even comprehend something so simple as to why God is humble, and he puts himself lower than the other Persons of God. The Father owns the Son and the Son owns the Father, and the same thing with the Holy Spirit, they give each other so completely and are in each others Wills, They are one Will because they Choose to give their Wills to one another, so yes Jesus Humbled himself, just like the Father did by Giving Gods Glory to Jesus, all that is creation does not mater without the true Glory of God which iS Salvation and not Creation, since the act of Creation is meaningless to an ALL POWERFULL BEING. But these mystical concepts are way to much, apparently, for the Bahai.
That makes sense. Of course, the argument exists that Jesus “took on” a human nature which was tempted. It was His human aspect, not His God aspect which was tempted.

What say you, O Philosopher? 😃

Yes, lets assume that Jesus took human nature. But the main question is whether performing a sin was a possibility or not. Everything is matter of time if performing a sin is possible no matter how much your will is strong otherwise he was God hence he could not take on human nature since he didn’t have ability to do sin.
God does not get tempted as God is complete hence it is meaningless to temp God hence Jesus was not God.
The devil tempted Jesus because he did not know who Jesus was, The devil did not know Gods salvation plan, until he tempted Jesus. Look at the temptations and the escalation of the temptations, it was the devil measuring Christ. Of course Christ was not tempted, because he couldn’t be tempted.
The devil tempted Jesus because he did not know who Jesus was, The devil did not know Gods salvation plan, until he tempted Jesus. Look at the temptations and the escalation of the temptations, it was the devil measuring Christ. Of course Christ was not tempted, because he couldn’t be tempted.
That is not correct since one of the reason mentioned for fall of angels is that God promised to incarnate as human being. Regardless, you cannot be human and God at the same time, you cannot be immortal and mortal at the same time, you cannot be complete and need food at the same time,…
Yes, lets assume that Jesus took human nature. But the main question is whether performing a sin was a possibility or not. Everything is matter of time if performing a sin is possible no matter how much your will is strong otherwise he was God hence he could not take on human nature since he didn’t have ability to do sin.
First of all God has every ability, even that to deny his own nature, there is nothing he can not do, there are no constraints at all, and Jesus IS MAN and God, truly, and that is a mystery I have no more answers for since I haven’t had time to dwell on it and it is just o big of a mystery. But I am sure there is a lot of information about it. You want to know, do the research and meditate.
That is not correct since one of the reason mentioned for fall of angels is that God promised to incarnate as human being. Regardless, you cannot be human and God at the same time, you cannot be immortal and mortal at the same time, you cannot be complete and need food at the same time,…
God can be anything he or she likes, and that is just it, God did not promise such a thing, He promised that the would sen the Messiah, and many prophecies wave way to the thought that the Messiah might be God, but no one knew for certain, not until God’s Salvation plan was fulfilled.

Before you sleep dear friend, please ponder this.

God is eternal and Uncreated

Jesus is eternal and Created.

Something to meditate on and we can explore further if you wish 🙂

You question my Values, and you may be right I am not perfect, but neither are you, you should re read your postings, you state that you are an all knowing humble person that does not know that much except the TRUTH.
Dear friend, please show me where I said I am an “all knowing person”

Please dear angel of Christ, be loving. I see some false misrepresentations being stated as fact on these forums and I wish to provide a perspective that has not been considered. That is all I am doing.

I start with the premise that Islam is a loving religion, which has been distorted over time, by Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

You start with the premise that Islam is a manifestation of the Devil.

This is part of the distortion, my friend 🙂

DeFuret #343
the Anglican Church does not claim to be the one true denomination, but rather a subset of the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church
Catholic Apologetics Online
Questions and answers on Catholicism and Protestantism
Fathers Rumble and Carty
“The Anglican Church came into existence by a complete change of constitution which every previous Archbishop of Canterbury from the time of Augustine would have rejected with horror.”
Henry VIII began the Church of England in 1534. The Bishops who submitted to him were validly consecrated, and validity lasted until 1550. But in that year, under Edward VI, a great effort was made to protestantize still more the Church of England both in doctrine and in practice. The form of Ordination was deliberately changed, all reference to priesthood in the true Christian sense of the word being eliminated. This defective form, utterly useless for the true ordination of priests, remained unchanged until 1662 - 112 years later. Then the mistake was realized and the form was corrected. But the correction was too late, for those with correct Orders had died, and only those who had been invalidly consecrated remained to hand on their pretended Orders.

Before you sleep dear friend, please ponder this.

God is eternal and Uncreated

Jesus is eternal and Created.

Something to meditate on and we can explore further if you wish 🙂

No, actually, God, the Father, is eternal.

Jesus is eternally begotten of the Father. He was not created, he is eternally as an aspect of the nature of God.
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