Can you please specify what are the fruits of Islam that are so different to that of Judaism please? I prefer to compare like with like.
You are welcome to discuss another like for like. What are the fruits of the Baha’i Faith that are so different with Christianity?
If fruits are what you are after, I would suggest the fruits of the Baha’i Faith are the sweetest that there is
So you are saying that Jesus in no way contradicts Moses and the Torah??
Besides if you are trying to bring a mass of people who are idol worshippers to worship the one God, it might not be wise guidance from an All-Wise Lord to tell them to start worshipping a Person instead.
The Arabian tribes were savagely lacking Spirit, and teaching “God is Spirit” is a much more wise approach. Even I can see that, never mind an All-Knowing, All-Wise Providence
Divinity of Jesus leads to another idol worshipping extravaganza to the Arabians AT THAT TIME.
Jesus never stated that He is God and the Father was greater. If Jesus is God then how can the Father be greater, “in any capacity”??
Dear Lord, guide these people!!
Dear Lord indeed!
Dear friend, show me one conman who has done what Baha’u’llah has done. The second most widespread religion on earth, with not one sect, completely united and the emblem of what humanity should look like…loving all, embracing all, and never calling Prophets of other religions conmen, or their Holy Books as “messed”
Show me one person who has done this. Even Jesus hasn’t done this, because Jesus lovers cannot find space in their hearts to respect the Islamic religion.
You love Jesus don’t you?
Please dear friend
I have said enough. I must bite my tongue. The all-embracing values that you pride yourself on is not evident at all
God bless you.