How to deal with "Every religion thinks it's the right one"

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Please… PLEASE don’t make this thread a 150-post “Did not!” “Did too!” yelling match about stamp collecting and the definition of atheism! :mad:
Who is yelling? :confused: You’re the one who is making the angry face.

Could you please please cool down? Thank you. 😉
Aren’t you chief of your realm? You are apparently good in shouting at people in this forum! Using words like superficial, …
I wasn’t shouting :D. Shouting would be using the word in all caps, like this: SUPERFICIAL 😉
Radical doubt is in fact very very necessary when it comes when it comes to belief supported by the fact that it is words of God if and only if one contradiction is found in the words. Doubt, of course not the radical one also is necessary when it comes to human knowledge when it cannot fully explain the subject matter.

Now lets pick up the book of Genesis and see what is written there in the first chapter. It start with:
  1. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
  2. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
  3. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.
  4. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.
  5. God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.
We all know that the earth was no created and instead was formed as the result of dust rotating around the sun! Do you believe that this is the words of God? Aren’t you going to study the rest of book with radical doubts then? Please notice that Heaven and Earth were created in one day as it was mentioned on one verse, so the whole verse is false if a part of it is false, meaning that Heaven was not created as well…
And you are going to read Genesis literally? And who told you that way is the only way?

There are some who connects Genesis this way with the Big Bang.

First Stage, Initially just stuff for the Big Bang(formless/void). Darkness everywhere.
2nd stage. Big Bang . I think it comes with Light.
3rd stage. Sun, stars, planets etc
4th Stage Life.

Seems a pretty good match. Unless you want to insist that before the universe was born, there is such a thing called a Day. I can’t help you there.
And you are going to read Genesis literally? And who told you that way is the only way?

There are some who connects Genesis this way with the Big Bang.

First Stage, Initially just stuff for the Big Bang(formless/void). Darkness everywhere.
2nd stage. Big Bang . I think it comes with Light.
3rd stage. Sun, stars, planets etc
4th Stage Life.

Seems a pretty good match. Unless you want to insist that before the universe was born, there is such a thing called a Day. I can’t help you there.
Are you trying to change the meaning of the words to fit what you believe to reality you observe? How did people interpret these words a thousands years ago? What if Big Bang theory comes to be not true and another theory Zig Zang becomes a proper theory that explain the state of matter better? Are you again going change the meaning of words to adopt your belief with what is real?

I was exactly in the same situation as you are now trying the change even the context to save my belief so I completely understand you. Everything is matter of time though, depending on person and how attached s/he is to his/her belief.
This is such an hard question. Isn’t there a book with the answer to all the hard questions?
CS Lewis quote of the day:

“If you are a Christian you do not have to believe that all the other religions are simply wrong all through. If you are an atheist you do have to believe that the main point in all the religions of the whole world is simply one huge mistake.”
Except, of course, for there not being “one huge mistake” in the atheist religion. 😉
Atheists are a funny breed. They’ve got it all backwards. Instead of not having to believe that other religions are entirely wrong, atheists believe that all religions are directed to a false belief, with the perception reversed when it comes to their own religion, for they have denied what others affirm and they affirm what others deny.

Atheists practice a religion that is centered on the existence of God, only in the negative. The negativity of atheism is one and the same as its belief that all the other religions are making one huge mistake, by being contrary to the atheist position. The huge mistake of the atheists is seen as such by the perception of all the other religions. If all religions of the world were to become atheist, everyone could be miserable together. Just think, to have any fun, they’d have to complain about how things USED to be!
Too many great mathematicians have been baffled by mathematical problems to imply that demonstrating mathematical proofs is easy.

Since God is the source of all mathematics as well as everything else, why should demonstrating the metaphysical assertions of religion be easy? :confused:
How could there be a mathematical proof for something we assign all our ignorance to?
You saying he got ahead of himself there? There’s design for certain, to what we assign it to tis questionable. hard to imagine a greater intelligence isn’t involved.
You saying he got ahead of himself there?
Where the God’s knowledge come from? The knowledge is a state of mind acquired from the exposure of a being to external reality.
There’s design for certain, to what we assign it to tis questionable. hard to imagine a greater intelligence isn’t involved.
That is in fact the easiest way to hide our ignorance to what really God and creation is. How God could be simple at the same time infinitely intelligence?
Where the God’s knowledge come from? The knowledge is a state of mind acquired from the exposure of a being to external reality. That is in fact the easiest way to hide our ignorance to what really God and creation is. How God could be simple at the same time infinitely intelligence
The same way a simple equation leads through sequence to an entire board filled with complex mathematics and from a known to the unknown resolves at another known. That’s how we elevate theory to law.

Perhaps an interesting conversation about all eternity. How shall we know where Gods knowledge came from, when we can’t conclude the existing universal unknowns of design are from higher intelligence or random chance.

Be it one believes in God supernatural or god natural, the problem unsolved remains the same.
The same way a simple equation leads through sequence to an entire board filled with complex mathematics and from a known to the unknown resolves at another known. That’s how we elevate theory to law.
Are you trying to say that we and God are completing each other?
Perhaps an interesting conversation about all eternity. How shall we know where Gods knowledge came from, when we can’t conclude the existing universal unknowns of design are from higher intelligence or random chance.
The randomness cannot create knowledge since the knowledge is the correlated states of mind from outside reality. Simply, randomness is against correlation. So one option is gone. Supernatural God could not exist since absolute knowledge is exhaustive and don’t allow the existence of anything else. Simply, absolute knowledge suffice itself and does not need anything else. So another option is gone too. We and God however could complete each other constructing knowledge and understanding knowledge from pure void.
Be it one believes in God supernatural or god natural, the problem unsolved remains the same.
With the difference that you have a chance to understand God natural but no God supernatural.
This comes up SO often for me when discussing religion with non-believers. They always eventually go to the “Well every religion thinks it’s right and all the others are wrong!”… For me it’s hard to keep the conversation going after that. It’s like, yeah they do, but why does that stop you from finding your own truth?

Any advice for how to deal with it when this is brought up? How can I kind of elevate Christianity/Catholicism above all of the “other” religions that would swear they are the truth?
Christianity, specifically the Catholic church, recognizes the fundamental failing that is depicted in the Garden of Eden…that being it is the perogative of God alone to determine Good vs Evil. When any religion takes it on itself to assert it knows THE WAY it is eating the proverbial apple from the tree of knowledge of good and evil - attempting to position itself like Eve at God’s level. The Catholic church alone attempts to communicate itself as a deposit of the faith and truth, a mere vicar or agent of God, that people can turn to in order to find for themselves a place to “practice” their faith through sacramental living and encounters through all five senses of the rituals, prayers practice and the Word that aid us in our approach and relationship with Jesus.
Where the God’s knowledge come from? The knowledge is a state of mind acquired from the exposure of a being to external reality.
Where is this radical doubt of yours? Why must knowledge be acquired by exposure to outside reality? Merely because it works that way with humans does not mean it must with all minds. The order and function of the universe was (name removed by moderator)utted into it from another source. Big Bang cosmology shows that the universe came into existence. The cosmological constants that order it were either highly highly improbable accidents or determined by an external, non-material agent. Have you some candidates in mind?
That is in fact the easiest way to hide our ignorance to what really God and creation is. How God could be simple at the same time infinitely intelligence?
Merely because you or I cannot explain something does not mean it cannot be. Where, again, is your radical doubt? Why does it simply disappear whenever a tough question arises, as if it MUST be true either that 1) humans have all the answers or 2) humans can have no answers?
Where is this radical doubt of yours?
I still hold my doubt until otherwise a better explanation that how the knowledge could be constructed is provided. Why should I hold the old explanation once the new one explain the old one and even more?
Why must knowledge be acquired by exposure to outside reality?
The acquired knowledge has to be like this, otherwise it has to be intrinsic which we don’t call it knowledge but instinct.
Merely because it works that way with humans does not mean it must with all minds.
Read previous comment.
The order and function of the universe was (name removed by moderator)utted into it from another source. Big Bang cosmology shows that the universe came into existence. The cosmological constants that order it were either highly highly improbable accidents or determined by an external, non-material agent. Have you some candidates in mind?
Please read this for origin of universe. What we have learn from science history is that it does not talk and does not claim that it wants to find the absolute truth, if there is any, but claims that there exist a theory that explain the current state of experiment well. That is all. I don’t think if science is a good approach to answer question like what is the origin of existence, knowledge, etc, because it tries to understand the current subject of study by focusing on one subject matter, ignoring the effect of whole which we don’t know what it is exactly.

Moreover, we could be cognitively closed to understand the origin of existence. There cannot be any proof for existence of God as the concept of God by itself is where we assign all our ignorance toward existence to. So those claims about finding proofs for existence of God are false since they try to proof what is our ignorance toward origin of existence. Does this make sense to you?
Merely because you or I cannot explain something does not mean it cannot be.
That is true but we should not strive on something we can neither explain nor experience too. We should however be open to how things evolve and what we could understand in future and doubt on current state of our understanding is the key point toward accepting and understanding the new concepts.
Where, again, is your radical doubt? Why does it simply disappear whenever a tough question arises, as if it MUST be true either that 1) humans have all the answers or 2) humans can have no answers?
How said that our current understanding of existence is the word of God. We know from history of knowledge in general that our understanding changes by time hence we are open to changes hence there is no need for radical doubt.

The word of God however must be absolutely true hence one should drop those claims that are regarded as words of God once one and only one contraction is observed. It has to be radical in this case because the claim is about absolute truth whereas in former case it is about current state of truth.
This comes up SO often for me when discussing religion with non-believers. They always eventually go to the “Well every religion thinks it’s right and all the others are wrong!”… For me it’s hard to keep the conversation going after that. It’s like, yeah they do, but why does that stop you from finding your own truth?

Any advice for how to deal with it when this is brought up? How can I kind of elevate Christianity/Catholicism above all of the “other” religions that would swear they are the truth?
Why aren’t you honestly attempting to seek the truth, rather than simply attempting to elevate your particular religion above others?
Why aren’t you honestly attempting to seek the truth, rather than simply attempting to elevate your particular religion above others?
The truth is embodied and handed down through story, tradition and ritual. Given all choices possible it is our nature to seek and find the source(s) of truth that have withstood the scrutiny of time. In the Catholic tradition we find saints, mystics, theologians, scientists, and doctors of the church that from all time profess heroic virtues that are not subject to the passing whims of any one generation. This trait is born in Judiasm and is held sacred in the magesterium (authentic teaching) that transcends the last 2000 years.

Do you have another equivalent example that we should consider?
Why aren’t you honestly attempting to seek the truth, rather than simply attempting to elevate your particular religion above others?
Because I have sought the truth, and concluded that Catholicism is the truth. Why would I not want to evangelize and elevate it, which I believe it deserves?
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