I have read my own scripture which is full of fallacies, discriminations, false promises, … and I as human being couldn’t find them convincing. When I read other scriptures I find the same problems on top of that I find that each claim that they own the truth, meanwhile contradicting each other. How reading scripture could help me? Do you want me to give you a list of contradictions?
How sure you are that you are not going down a wrong road? It just becomes clear at the end who is wrong who is right if there is any end. Do you believe that there exist an end that we all should meet there?
So we might agree that there is a road.
We are not wandering aimlessly in a desert, feeding off vanities as the newspapers and history would suggest.
Nor are we like satellties hurtling to nowhere in space, at the mercy of blind gravitational forces, as we might appear through the lens of the physical sciences.
It sounds like you are unsure whether this journey has a final destination. Now, you could be just a litigious sort of person, perhaps trying to get the last word in a long lost argument with an overbearing father. One sees that here from time to time. But, I think there is a transcendent reason for your being on these forums, searching.
There is a way, in fact the Way, who is a person: the Word incarnate.
On the Path one is transformed, as are one’s relationships with the world, with others and with God.
There is more beauty, more light, more fullness of being, in spite of, and frequently as a consequence of the sufferings the world brings.
Reality reveals itself.
Reading scripture, your own holy writings in fact, will present you with the truth.
Where there is an apparent contradiction, this is where your mind has failed to grasp the Whole.
The “pieces” may in themselves seem contradictory, but they have their place in Reality.
This is the aim of sacred texts: to point you to the living Truth, transcending the muddle of mundane thought.