But we are detached from reality. All we have to explain the subject matter is a set of concepts when it comes to reality. I don’t think we have any direct access to pure facts that can explain reality as there is no guarantee that our mathematical mind based on fact could exhaustively set up a set of counterfactuals in which they could explain the absolute reality to its fullness because, I don’t think that what we experience is the edge of reality but its surface so we have extreme difficulty to understand the reality.A concept cannot explain anything, it is only sufficient reality that can.
Yes, assuming that God does know the absolute reality and there is no problem with translation. One cannot prove that our language which deeply connected to our cognition is able to comprehend the absolute reality hence there could be the problem of translation.It is only the reality of God that can sufficiently explain the facts, so the need for God as real remains.
Moreover I think that is the lack of knowledge that makes consciousness and changes in mind necessary. Consciousness is needed to understand state of subject matter most importantly provide awareness that something is lacking hence changes become necessary. The knowledge of absolute truth is exhaustive hence there is neither need for consciousness nor for changes hence God in your framework is neither has consciousness nor can change or cause any change.