How to deal with your daughter having sex before marriage?

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Tax evasion is a sin too, we don’t normally shame our children telling them, “Are you evading your taxes?”

We raise our kids with the hopes that when they go off as adults they make the right choices.

Are you “”effing” on my dime” is such a vulgar terrible thing to say to a young lady.

It’s not his business either.

Her soul belongs to her, and he’s just causing her to break away from him.

Love her less? I can’t imagine loving my kid less.

In the Bible Jesus uses parables of going out to search for the one lost coin, the one lost sheep.

If anything we try to love the sinner more.
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No, because part of helping someone is investigating to find the truth. This is an Internet forum and no one here is going to investigate. They should seek professional help and we should not encourage anything else.
I’m done. May God Bless this family.
What more to the story do you think there is if the OP is not lying? In other words, what circumstances would cause what this man did—saying to his daughter “Are you f-ing him on my dime?”, loving his daughter less because she committed the sin of fornication, and shaming his wife for 20 years because of her sexual past—to merit responses from posters that are any different than what they have been?
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Whereas I do not approve the vulgar language used, I think there is one part that has not been discussed - the fact that she is attending school on the father’s “dime”. That implies that he is paying for the dorm room. If she were living rent-free at home (or even away from home but in housing being paid for 100% by the parents), would it be unreasonable for a parent to impose a no-fornication rule? I’m hearing so many comments “she’s an adult”, but how many times has it been said on this very website that if a person is an adult that person can pay for his / her own schooling?

So, yes, it is the father’s business, just as it would be his business if the daughter were busted for throwing an underage drinking party in her dorm room.
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Whereas I do not approve the vulgar language used, I think there is one part that has not been discussed - the fact that she is attending school on the father’s “dime”. That implies that he is paying for the dorm room. If she were living rent-free at home (or even away from home but in housing being paid for 100% by the parents), would it be unreasonable for a parent to impose a no-fornication rule? I’m hearing so many comments “she’s an adult”, but how many times has it been said on this very website that if a person is an adult that person can pay for his / her own schooling?

So, yes, it is the father’s business, just as it would be his business if the daughter were busted for throwing an underage drinking party in her dorm room.
What about the part where he loves her less because she fornicated? And that he’s been shaming his wife for 20 years about her sexual past? And of course the vulgarity? It’s perfectly possible for him to lay down the rules about what goes on in the dorm room he’s paying for without any of the above.
I converted to Catholicism later in life so did not have the benefits of the teachings as a teen. I had 3-4 boyfriends before getting married and have always been made to feel I am less worthy because of this. He says that all catholic men would feel this way about girls who did not wait until marriage. I have allowed him to make me feel shame and it’s only now I’m realising, through what has happened to my daughter that it’s not my fault.
If your husband was not a virgin himself, he has no cause to shame you, otherwise you should call him out and shame him back. That should shut him up (at least with you).
If your husband was not a virgin himself, he has no cause to shame you, otherwise you should call him out and shame him back. That should shut him up (at least with you).
Call him out on hypocrisy, yes. Shame him back to “shut him up?” Would that be the Christian response? She can call him out on it in a way that does not employ the bullying tactics he’s using against her.
There’s been a lot of responses to this already, but I just wanted to weigh in as a college-aged woman.

Your husband is absolutely wrong for “loving her less” because she had sex. That’s the opposite of what Jesus would do. He has no more love for a perfect Christ-follower than for an atheist.

I think if you were concerned about her having sex, it would have been more appropriate for you as her mother to initiate the conversation. Not in the heat of the moment, and without the profanities. And not prodding into the details of her past, but just giving her guidance from the standpoint that she is in a relationship and you are just acknowledging the temptations that may be there.

I have a sexual past and there’s absolutely nothing either of my parents could have told me to change my behavior. I chose to become Catholic in college, and it was a journey and process that I had to go through on my own to understand. It was only then when I repented. At this point, all you can do is let her know your love for her has not changed, and pray for Jesus to show her the rest.
That implies that he is paying for the dorm room. If she were living rent-free at home (or even away from home but in housing being paid for 100% by the parents), would it be unreasonable for a parent to impose a no-fornication rule?
Do you really think the dorm room is the only place the daughter could be intimate with the boyfriend?

He can’t control her behavior 24/7. So no, having a “no fornicartion” rule is silly and controlling. How about a “no murder” rule? Or a “no lying” rule? Oh wait, the 10 commandments already have those rules— and yet people still lie, murder, and fornicate.
I’m hearing so many comments “she’s an adult”, but how many times has it been said on this very website that if a person is an adult that person can pay for his / her own schooling?
Some people are of that opinion, others aren’t. But holding education dollars hostage to behavior is a controlling move, not a loving move. The parents are free to do as they want with their money, yes.
So, yes, it is the father’s business, just as it would be his business if the daughter were busted for throwing an underage drinking party in her dorm room.
One of these things is illegal with civil and criminal liability. One of these things isn’t. So no, it isn’t his business and it isn’t the same.
It is not normal to ask your daughter or son if they are having sex when they are an adult. Period. Especially if you are only asking your daughter and not your son, clear sexism and double standard.

Honestly this thread and those defending it is sickening.
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Would that be the Christian response?
Why wouldn’t it be? After all, one of the speculations about what Jesus wrote in the ground when He confronted the mob that was about to stone the woman caught in adultery was that He was writing their sins - in other words, shaming THEM. And it worked…
Sexual sins aren’t necessarily worse than any other sins, and we all fall daily. He’s got a weird hang up about this, it sounds like to me.
That’s not biblically correct. Somewhere St. Paul writes (I believe it is in 1 Corinthians) putting fornication in a special class of sins, saying “every other sin a man commits is outside his body, but the fornicator sins against his own body” and compares fornication to uniting with a prostitute.
Several comments here are saying that a father has a right/duty to check up on his adult daughter’s sex life. I think these comments are missing the point. The point, surely, is that this is a situation in which normal family relations have broken down due to the father/husband treating his daughter/wife in a manner that is clearly abusive, and apparently has been abusive for some two decades or so.

In a more healthy family situation, parents and children can talk about things. Just possibly, if this man treated his family decently, his daughter would want to have open honest conversations with her father. There’s not a lot I wouldn’t feel happy talking about with my dad, because he’s a great dad. I think the OP’s husband has to learn that having a good relationship with your children is something you have to earn. Sadly, it sounds like he may have gone too far in the wrong direction to win back his daughter. Perhaps what he should be working on now is his relationship with his wife before he loses her too.
That’s not biblically correct. Somewhere St. Paul writes (I believe it is in 1 Corinthians) putting fornication in a special class of sins, saying “every other sin a man commits is outside his body, but the fornicator sins against his own body” and compares fornication to uniting with a prostitute.
The point is we’re all sinners. As in the Biblical scenario you placed in the post before this one, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” The father/husband in this thread is throwing a lot of stones.

And the woman Jesus was defending in that story was caught in ADULTERY, which is arguably more serious than fornication because it adds an extra layer evil—destroying a marriage.
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I’m sorry, I just don’t understand this at all. Why are we supposed to assume the OP is lying? As with anything that goes down on these forums, we can only go by what she’s posted.
If I may offer one reason in defence of those who remind us not to assume OPs are truthful…

I used to be a volunteer on a mental health and suicide hotline. It’s an unfortunately real phenomenon that there are many mentally ill, socially maladjusted, individually disturbed individuals out there, who reach out to whatever dedicated forums or available resources they find for “support” with… false stories. And taking their story at face value isn’t always actually the most healthy thing to do. One might not expect it, but at the suicide hotline, there are some people we were REQUIRED to hang up on (a decision not taken lightly), because they were such persistent abusers of the service and it had been assessed that feeding into their fantasy narratives by continuing the conversation, was worsening their problem (not to mention taking volunteer time away from the people in real crisis).

Obviously that’s a pretty unique environment, and a pretty extreme scenario. But I think even Scripture cautions us about believing a false report, and automatically assuming a report is true and acting as if it is (including actions that might feel ‘small’, like assuming guilt in our hearts, throwing insults at the people we’ve assumed guilt about, etc), rather than (when possible) inquiring with the accused. And I don’t feel the need to ‘justify’ what Scripture says here, as I trust that there are probably a multitude of ways God protects us when we’re obedient to it, beyond what we can imagine.

It seems to me that we can never go wrong by taking a step back, and responding to every question with love and compassion for the questioner on the assumption it’s true… and also love and compassion for the other people the questioner talks about, who might be getting misrepresented. Just, frame things in a slightly qualified way, or at least keep your heart qualified and aware that the facts are actually unknown. Going along with whatever someone says, especially if that turns into 'Mean Girl’ing about the ‘bad guys’ in the OP’s story, as if support for one person requires unqualified insults of others… that can even escalate beyond what the OP wants, even a truthful one.

Again: I’m not REMOTELY suggesting that the OP on this thread is in the category of OP’s whose question we should be suspicious of. Just, off topic, responding to your query, that I’ve seen multiple people make on multiple threads, about why folks occasionally remind us not to assume that everything an OP says is a truthful reflection of reality… It’s because this is an important thing to remember. It doesn’t mean “Ignore the OP!” or “Accuse them of lying!” But I think it is indeed always wise to answer a stranger’s question in a way that keeps in mind that they might be giving false testimony, and that feeding a fantasy doesn’t just potentially hurt others (and demean us), but can actually also hurt the OP in certain scenarios.
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I’m very sorry, but I don’t think your suicide hotline analogy adds up. The woman in the OP seems sincere. She is seriously questioning whether or not her husband acted wrongly, and it seems she is just now realizing he shamed her and mentally abused her for 20 years. Based on that, I’m more concerned with the possibility that any “slack” given to her husband will result in her continuing to blame herself for his bad actions and to her excusing him for his inappropriate behavior toward not only her but her daughter. That’s why I’ve been coming down so strongly on anyone who defends him even in the least.
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It sounds like your daughter and her father’s relationship is really damaged.

No, he shouldn’t have asked.
There is literally no reason for hem to have asked.
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