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[Post 2/2] I started to believe in non-Catholic things like pro-choice being good and gay marriage being okay. I thought pre-marital sex was fine and I can remember clear as day, telling myself that I would have pre-martial sex someday because it was the ‘cool’ thing to do. I thought chastity was a joke and worth mocking with my friends. I was swayed by attractiveness and the longing for closeness and connection with someone that I lost my faith. Now three/four years later I am very strong in my Catholic faith, I run a pro-life club and I give talks on chastity and how to fight impurity and I am waiting until marriage to have sex, I thank God I never fell to that temptation! So I thank Jesus for saving me because I know if they said yes I wouldn’t be Catholic today and I would have done things that wouldn’t of respected those women as they deserve.
Makes me very sad actually how I almost lost my faith because of a wanting to date someone and this is why I hate when people view dating as a social symbol or as “look at me!” or as some casual fling. Because this casual stuff nearly cost my faith and my morality. I’ve never shared this story of my past with anyone before, it’s been too hard for me to come to face with that I turned my back on Jesus. But now, I do daily mass, rosary, divine mercy, and so much else that now I feel I can genuinely help whomever my future wife is get closed to Christ (and have her help me too)! Praise God He watched over me in HS and let those three women reject me!
Makes me very sad actually how I almost lost my faith because of a wanting to date someone and this is why I hate when people view dating as a social symbol or as “look at me!” or as some casual fling. Because this casual stuff nearly cost my faith and my morality. I’ve never shared this story of my past with anyone before, it’s been too hard for me to come to face with that I turned my back on Jesus. But now, I do daily mass, rosary, divine mercy, and so much else that now I feel I can genuinely help whomever my future wife is get closed to Christ (and have her help me too)! Praise God He watched over me in HS and let those three women reject me!
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