I understand what you are saying and in no way did I mean that God would instantly, though it could and has happened, free someone of same sex attractions or any other burden we are facing. My answer was in reference to the poster who said the only thing they could do is to live in celibacy because if you are truly gay those are your only two choices. Being gay or being celibate. My understanding of his post was praying wouldn’t or couldn’t help and there is no way to be free of being gay, which is not true because I know of those that have prayed, asked God’s guidance and he has freed them. Some in a short period of time. Others over years. The same thing with pornography. God doesn’t always heal us instantly but he does guide us closer to him and to a place where we can find grace and healing. If we ask for his help and Mary’s intercession, he will guide us to places and people where we can find help and healing.With respect, I think saying such things as “pray the gay away” can be unintentionally demoralizing for someone who is experiencing same sex attraction.
Of course, all things are possible with God. And it is certainly possible that God would grant someone complete freedom from their inclinations and from any temptations towards sexual impurity. But I don’t think that’s the way it works for most.
By way of example, a lot of men struggle with pornography. I have heard stories from some guys who experienced a profound conversion whereby God took away that addiction literally in an instant. But then there are a lot of guys for whom it is a longer struggle.
If we set the expectation that all someone has to do is pray about it and it will all go away, then we risk alienating them once they try it and it doesn’t work out that way for them. The Cross is part of our lot in life. Sometimes we have to struggle under its weight. It is better for us to put the emphasis on the fact that Jesus always is there to help us carry our cross rather than set the expectation that Jesus will remove that cross if we pray hard enough.
There are many stories out there today of those who have found help and healing and are free of homosexuality and it is sad but too many people are belittling them, laughing at them and telling them they have not been freed of homosexuality and that they are living a lie. These people today are the ones who are being bullied.