I don’t understand your objecting to the movie based on things like this. The movie was not intended to say “all stories are like these stories” or “all lesbians are like Rilene.” Of course they aren’t!
For my part, as a bisexual man in a straight marriage, I think it is the worst sort of nonsense to say that Rilene was deceiving herself about her “sexuality”, as if sexuality was some uber-important guide to human decisions. Men who leave their wives to be with other men surely aren’t all “deceiving themselves” or pretending they can be with a woman. Many of them CAN be with a woman, but choose to be with a man instead. Rilene isn’t typical of all lesbians, but there are lesbians for whom it starts as an experiment, and then they like it. She obviously liked it, and “being wanted” was part of “it”.
You say that her story isn’t unlike many straight marriages, and you’re right. Again, the movie was not trying to say that gay people are unlike straight people. Quite the opposite, the movie was emphasizing time after time the commonalities between gay and straight relationships.**
I feel like you came into the movie looking for propaganda, and that’s what you saw. But the movie isn’t intended to be propaganda. It’s intended to create a conversation, and to validate the experiences of people like Paul, Rilene, and Dan.