How to own up to white privilege

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De veju?
Last time this happened it didn’t go very well though it was intresting to see all the flaggings
I’ll have to bring that up to my non-white friends. I’ve never had any trouble in “those” neighborhoods either. Not to say that they are crime-free.
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Government policies? No, not true. Poor people had to be dumped somewhere. And without work, and few prospects for work, a life of crime becomes one of the few ways out.
Are you actually kidding me ? African American mums teach their young sons what to do when a policeman stops them and have to coach them so the worst doesn’t happen ?
Jesus did not call on Romans to beat themselves up for having Roman privilege.

Although St. Paul did use the privilege of Roman citizenship, possessed by all free people of Tarsus as a reward for siding with Rome, to get his case judged by Caesar instead of by a local guy, and thus getting himself martyred in Rome instead of being released scot-free. And he got beheaded by Nero instead of crucified like Peter, because no Roman citizen could be legally crucified.

So yeah, the early Church was okay with Roman privilege. There were all walks of martyrdom.
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Poor people had to be dumped somewhere.
But they weren’t just placed “somewhere”. Non Catholics were specifically placed in Catholic neighborhoods for explicit purpose of breaking up Catholic neighborhoods. It’s all in the book.
That is what I observed. That and the artificial increase in housing prices starting in the early 1970s to reduce and then almost eliminate stay at home moms. Fortunately, the number of stay at home moms is increasing.
I think right now there are “subtle” ways of racism and discrimination which are not so related to the color of the skin.

For example LGTB “tolerance” or I should said dictatorship, either you fully comply with all their ideology or are an “intolerant bigot” and will not doubt to prosecute you if possible.

The same goes for the “right of abortion”, either you fully comply or are label a “woman hater” who wants to remove woman’s “right” to self determine what they do with their body.

Both things are just as racist as when racism was predominantly due to color skin.

Christians are the most discriminated and persecuted religion in the world.
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It’s only natural that the majority group in any given community enjoys privilege. That’s because in-group preference is a thing.
Allow me to mention what I call “reality constructs.” They are only partly true. They are designed by middlemen who enjoy creating such things. Put another way, the reality you are proposing is not a monolithic, solid piece. Read some books by people of color who have built lives for themselves.

What do you know about African American mums? Most of their sons will end up in prison. Read the following:
What you are saying is fiction. I have every idea. You don’t know me. You are attempting to judge white people by the color of their skin.
All I’m saying is if you are white you have a head start in life in America. You have a lower than average chance of being shot and killed for no reason by the police
Uh, your point? Some joined the military. Others became drug abusers. I was talking to a young black man whose father was a member of the Black Panthers. A group which disappeared in the 1970s. He said, “When the drugs came in, everything fell apart.” In the 1980s, crack cocaine suddenly appeared in black neighborhoods. How did it get there? A black man said, “We don’t have no boats or planes.”
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