How to own up to white privilege

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I am speaking about what is happening in America. Didn’t talk about the colour of the police did I?
I am talking about Leftist “you need us to explain things to you.” No I don’t.
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You don’t need to explain anything. The facts speak for themselves.
And the purpose of this thread is what? Apparently someone believes they must tell others what to believe.
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How to own up to white privilege. It exists. We need to recognise it and work for a better society for all
ARTICLE: When I drove him home one night after a party, he let loose a tirade against African Americans (using the most despicable word in the English language), and I immediately smacked him across the face. I told him, “You gotta stop that stuff, you’re better than that.” My violent reaction may have shocked him, but I felt that he had to learn. He was ignorant.
Pretty disgusting that the author tries to rationalize a criminal act of violence in this piece.

White Christian Men were the last ethnic group to adopt slavery and first ethnic group to outlaw it, so his thesis is just false.

Why is he still occupying a Professor position he attained from supposed “white privilege”? According to his logic, he’s in the possession of stolen property (success that should have gone to others), so why isn’t he stepping down and letting someone less privileged to take his position? Because he’s only wants to enforce white privilege on other whites. See how this works?
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And the purpose of this thread is what? Apparently someone believes they must tell others what to believe.
Opening a discussion of an issue isn’t “telling others what to believe.” One of the great things about CAF is that one has no obiligation to participate in subjects one finds offensive.
I am talking about Leftist “you need us to explain things to you.” No I don’t.
Just to be the devil’s advocate, I have watched guys totally ignore a female colleague and then fall all over themselves when one of the guys said the same thing she had been saying. I would not have believed it if I hadn’t seen it. They were all just ignoring her and none of them realized it. She just wasn’t on their radar. It was fairly amazing.

I’ve also seen people act differently when a black man they didn’t know got into an elevator than when a white guy did. Again, it is fairly amazing. I can see where it would get old and discouraging, if you were the black guy.
I don’t find this offensive. I find this to be applying a double standard to people with a certain skin color.
No Ed. I just don’t want to be part of the problem to be honest and I want to not bury my head in the sand in denial that I am at an unfair advantage because of my race, and I want to use it for the advantage of all and do what I can and everything I’ve said is because I’ve listened to someone
Among the black people I know, there are good things and bad things that can happen

Currently, among the things promoted by Leftists as “important”:

People of color

I think encouraging respect for all is the best start. But few people even know each other and respect? What’s that? Lots of profanity and radical individualism try to fill that niche.
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Pretty disgusting that the author tries to rationalize a criminal act of violence in this piece.
You noticed that, too? The way to teach ignorant people is to smack them out of the blue? Amazing.
I found that “but I felt he had to learn” self-excusing attitude an absolute credibility killer. I hope he wasn’t a parent.
So, will you walk up to a random person of color and say, “Hi. I want to help.”? What kind of real world reaction do you think you’d get? If you really want to help, what will you do?
Among the black people I know, there are good things and bad things that can happen

Currently, among the things promoted by Leftists as “important”:

People of color

I think encouraging respect for all is the best start. But few people even know each other and respect? What’s that? Lots of profanity and radical individualism try to fill that niche.
Yes, I don’t think we ever move out of prejudice without teaching people to look for unexamined dismissiveness, regardless of its reason.

I’ve seen enough with my own eyes to know both that people are treated worse because of their skin color and that people are treated worse because they’re being unintentionally (or blithely or even boldly) annoying. The two are not mutually exclusive.
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No I won’t do that because thats trite and patronising and I have social awareness. What I will do is speak out and highlight what’s going on re police stopping/ shooting/ harassing minorities because of bias.
And I will LISTEN to people who are putting up with this on a daily basis and see what they want me to do
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