Any time I hear ‘own up to’, I think, “Ah, I have committed some fault I need to take responsibility for, make reparation for, and firmly resolve to amend so I don’t do wrong in future.”
But I did not choose to be born of a particular color, or sex. Neither did my parents or any of my ancestors.
I did not choose to be born into a particular ‘time’.
Or a particular place.
Any given person is going to have some particular advantages and some particular disadvantages in his or her life, some based on things beyond control, and some on things that can be controlled.
If I am born into poverty, I cannot control the circumstances around my birth, and for some time, I cannot control what I can do about it until I can either be given advantages (education) and then choose to work extremely hard to use that advantage to the fullest.
But color is something that is not a ‘choice’. In some societies, being a ‘white male’ meant you could get ahead simply by being ‘white’ and/or male’ quicker than by being ‘nonwhite’ or female. But Marco Polo aside (and he left China), being white and male in non-white societies usually didn’t end all that well. And for much of the history of civilization, men and women of any color had pretty similar lives and destinies. A woman might not have to go off to battle for her lord, so a better chance to ‘live longer’. But she might not have the chance for education (and hopefully better life materially). A male might have a shorter life expectancy due to wars, a female shorter due to childbirth complications. A male OR a female might be seen as simply an ‘object’.
So what? Do we require every male now alive to pay us women for the millennia we were raped, objectified, kept from achieving our full potential?
Do we require the white person living today to pay all black people for our ‘white privilege’ when many white people here in the US came here, never owned a slave, were victims themselves (the Irish potato famine, Polish and Russian gulag victims, immigrants just like today, the ones fleeing from persecution, and actually getting in legally for the most part, ‘paying their dues’, who often were just as much victims as any black citizen? “No IRISH NEED APPLY”. “We don’t hire Mexicans. . .Chinese. . .Jews. . .”
How about instead of targeting whites, asking for all people to recognize that injustices have existed throughout history and to personally work, and try to work with all others, to eliminate injustice (whether it is on the basis of sex, race, religion, etc) wherever they themselves are, and to ‘carry it forward’ in future?
How about less, “I’m gonna guilt you, sucka” for historical injustices you never were guilty of, and so called privilege based on characteristics you had no personal choice therein, and more, "Let’s make sure we treat all people with dignity and respect, and try to help all achieve the full goodness they are capable of?