How to own up to white privilege

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Abstract talk without action leaves ‘nothing happens.’
The concrete is to make it a habit to notice how people are treated. Look for people who are being overlooked who shouldn’t be, people who are getting a pass who don’t deserve it, people who are getting harsher treatment because they don’t work the system as well, et cetera. Unfairness doesn’t have just one cause or only touch one group.

The problem is that this takes a lot more work. I know that applying a quantified grading rubric is far more work than a subjective one. The quantified one means it is less likely someone wil be graded up or down for irrelevant reasons, though.
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You will find that what happens to other people is beyond your control. Hearing that someone’s feelings were hurt or that they were involved in an altercation are things you had no part in.
The term, “White Privilege,” has become a term often used to justify hatred of white people, who are some how responsible for oppression of minorities.

The reality is, most white people in the US and Canada, didn’t get benefits for being white, but rather, for being part of the majority which in North America, was white…

If you were to go to China, you’d quickly learn that there are benefits for being Chinese, which non-Chinese don’t share 100% of.

The same is true in other parts of the world. The majority benefits and defines that culture and that’s part of life

The problem in our culture today is that there is a movement to make equal out come the goal and it’s not driven by creating equal opportunity, but preferential opportunity for women and minorities.

The result is a rapid move toward totalitarianism, as the worse people to enforce these new ideas, will be the ones placed in charge of ensuring it happens.

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You are saying nothing new here. Noticing anything done by others and what will you do? I know people who are in a position to hire and fire. I’ve seen them in action. Western society has been taught to be self-absorbed, to have no respect for anyone except, and this is doubtful, themselves. When each person is literally an island who goes wherever whim takes him, then nothing gets done that doesn’t serve whim or pleasure.
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And who uses such terms? Leftists and radicals. They create “reality” or at least think they do.
Any time I hear ‘own up to’, I think, “Ah, I have committed some fault I need to take responsibility for, make reparation for, and firmly resolve to amend so I don’t do wrong in future.”

But I did not choose to be born of a particular color, or sex. Neither did my parents or any of my ancestors.

I did not choose to be born into a particular ‘time’.

Or a particular place.

Any given person is going to have some particular advantages and some particular disadvantages in his or her life, some based on things beyond control, and some on things that can be controlled.

If I am born into poverty, I cannot control the circumstances around my birth, and for some time, I cannot control what I can do about it until I can either be given advantages (education) and then choose to work extremely hard to use that advantage to the fullest.

But color is something that is not a ‘choice’. In some societies, being a ‘white male’ meant you could get ahead simply by being ‘white’ and/or male’ quicker than by being ‘nonwhite’ or female. But Marco Polo aside (and he left China), being white and male in non-white societies usually didn’t end all that well. And for much of the history of civilization, men and women of any color had pretty similar lives and destinies. A woman might not have to go off to battle for her lord, so a better chance to ‘live longer’. But she might not have the chance for education (and hopefully better life materially). A male might have a shorter life expectancy due to wars, a female shorter due to childbirth complications. A male OR a female might be seen as simply an ‘object’.

So what? Do we require every male now alive to pay us women for the millennia we were raped, objectified, kept from achieving our full potential?

Do we require the white person living today to pay all black people for our ‘white privilege’ when many white people here in the US came here, never owned a slave, were victims themselves (the Irish potato famine, Polish and Russian gulag victims, immigrants just like today, the ones fleeing from persecution, and actually getting in legally for the most part, ‘paying their dues’, who often were just as much victims as any black citizen? “No IRISH NEED APPLY”. “We don’t hire Mexicans. . .Chinese. . .Jews. . .”

How about instead of targeting whites, asking for all people to recognize that injustices have existed throughout history and to personally work, and try to work with all others, to eliminate injustice (whether it is on the basis of sex, race, religion, etc) wherever they themselves are, and to ‘carry it forward’ in future?

How about less, “I’m gonna guilt you, sucka” for historical injustices you never were guilty of, and so called privilege based on characteristics you had no personal choice therein, and more, "Let’s make sure we treat all people with dignity and respect, and try to help all achieve the full goodness they are capable of?
Very well said. The actual real world is separate from the proposed utopias in the minds of others. Humans are all flawed. Self-respect and respecting others needs to be heavily promoted not hedonism.
If any of you were born in a third world country were white, black and yellow all suffer perhaps we could have a better perspective.
I would surmise that any one that has been born in the US has been blessed with a privilege that far outweighs the perceived race divide that seems to engulf the discourse here. I am not saying that here there is no discrimination or that we should minimize how evil it is. But one should also see the broader horizon and try to work on improve the race relations no matter what color of your skin. As others posted, trying to dump guilt on someone because of their skin color is no different that continuing with the discrimination roulette.
i have perused the question of the knapsack article, i don’t buy that people of color can’t do most of what she claims, solely because of their race.

this may have been possible in past racists environments but not in today’s liberal society, as a norm.

she claims being late for work will be held against her because of her race? huh? what? Okay!

before you object, read the questions and think about them.

some people are racist and should be called out for it; but, they are not just white people.
You are saying nothing new here. Noticing anything done by others and what will you do? I know people who are in a position to hire and fire. I’ve seen them in action. Western society has been taught to be self-absorbed, to have no respect for anyone except, and this is doubtful, themselves. When each person is literally an island who goes wherever whim takes him, then nothing gets done that doesn’t serve whim or pleasure.
That’s a bit of a relief.
(How much worth saying is really new, lol?)

I’ve watched kindergarten teachers. No, they didn’t teach their students to be self-absorbed. They were very good teachers, true, but they weren’t training the children to be wrapped up in themselves or to brood over injuries. They were teaching them to treat everyone as they’d treat a friend, in both rewards and consequences, whether they were particularly fond of them or not.
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