How to react when people cat-call your wife in public

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I only read the first few responses.

What do I do?

Well I hold my wife’s hand, or walk really close to her. In other words, people will know that she is with me.

I personally do not mind people complementing my wife, if they do not know I am with her. Why? Well, cause my wife is beautiful, what can I say.

So far, no one has crossed the line yet.
There is no shortage of news stories where situations like the one I describe occur.
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Self defense is absolutely Christian, and I find the idea that it’s not to be bizarre.
Is it absolutely Christian?

Anyway you don’t need to act in self defense if somebody is saying something to you or a loved one that you don’t like. The OP isn’t suggesting anyone assaulted or even tried to assault his wife, unless you’re of the opinion that shouting something at somebody is assault.
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Is it absolutely Christian?
ABSOLUTELY. Not only is it permissible, it can be obligatory. As in the case when some clown assaults your wife.
Anyway you don’t need to act in self defense if somebody is saying something to you or a loved one that you don’t like.
I never said or implied otherwise.
The OP isn’t suggesting anyone assaulted or even tried to assault his wife, unless you’re of the opinion that shouting something at somebody is assault.
I guess you haven’t read everything that’s been posted.
I wouldn’t say that being permitted to do something as a Christian means it is ‘absolutely Christian’. It seems more like a ‘if there is no other solution and you feel it is the only way to protect life’ situation.
I’d say verbally confront it always, get physical if it gets physical. Asking you to consult your wife first and just take it if she says it’s alright for dudes to hit on her is the most passive, new age, grossly feminist response there is imo. This is why we have mainstream news outlets like CNN suggesting cuckolding might be beneficial to relationships if the wife wants to do it. You have a right to defend your wife and marriage regardless of whether or not your wife is personally bothered. Any statement to the contrary is coming from a point of view that does not view you as the head of the household. Bottom lobster stuff.
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I wouldn’t say that being permitted to do something as a Christian means it is ‘absolutely Christian’. It seems more like a ‘if there is no other solution and you feel it is the only way to protect life’ situation.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church says that legitimate defense can sometimes be a grave duty, meaning that in such a situation it would be a sin not to fight.
But yeah, if some guy slaps your wife’s butt and you punch him, I don’t think anyone is going to fault you.
Thank you for saying this.
You and your wife have the legal and moral right to self-defense.
Careful there. No one has a right to escalate from a touch or a grab to a punch. It’s also very unwise. You never know where violence will lead. As @Tis_Bearself wrote just above, that could land the hubby in jail, the hospital, or worse.
Maybe I’m not being wise here. But just speaking from the perspective of a woman who was grabbed in this way by a stranger, and then not defended by any of the men in the group I was with, I’m personally glad to read that there are at least some men here who would stand up for a woman if this happened to her.

I’m not saying crack a wine bottle on someone’s head. But some kind of defence of my honour would have been nice (even a verbal rebuke of the man). The complete lack of any kind of defence for me (and the groper smirking away) was definitely… not a nice feeling. (I was personally too shocked to say anything myself, and then further shocked and disheartened that no one else said anything. Safe to say I didn’t return to that location in future, or spend more time with any of the people from that group in future (this was back in college, but at a seemingly perfectly normal pub, and no one was noticeably drunk or anything; the groper was not part of our group, and approached from somewhere else. And he was not a young college guy himself; looked middle aged to me).)

To be totally clear I’m only responding to the ‘response to groping’ tangent this thread has taken. Not the initial OP’s question about catcalling. I agree no physical response is called for there; an eye roll and ignoring it is fine and probably the most dignified response.
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I’d say verbally confront it always, get physical if it gets physical.
That’s a good way to get yourself seriously injured or killed. You never know when someone is going to bring a weapon to what you think is a fist fight
Probably true but I can’t say that I’ve got a particular fear of death, especially if I’m acting the right way.

Also boooooo Steelers. See you December 13th.
I’m sorry that happened to you.

In your male companions’ defense, I can only suggest that due to their youth and inexperience, they simply had no idea what to do. We’re not born knowing how to respond to every evil. Maybe one or more of them reflected on it and resolved to do better if it should happen again.
Would you link me to one where a woman broke a man’s jaw with a punch and was not charged?
Self-defense is not a crime. Why do you think someone will be charged for fighting off an assault?

Anyway, there’s a link. She pepper-sprayed someone and the police didn’t charge her with anything. They didn’t charge her because she was defending herself. Here’s another link to a similar story. Once again, she wasn’t charged because self-defense is not a crime.
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I wouldn’t say that being permitted to do something as a Christian means it is ‘absolutely Christian’. It seems more like a ‘if there is no other solution and you feel it is the only way to protect life’ situation.
No. Catholic teaching is that the use of force, including lethal force, against an unjust aggressor can be obligatory. Which means that you’re required to do it and that you commit a sin if you don’t.
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Also boooooo Steelers. See you December 13th.
Those are fighting words! 🙂

The Bills had a really good run last run season. I expected them to beat the Texans in the wild card game.
The person who made the claim did not set up a scenario where anyone was armed.
Well, pepper spray is not breaking a jaw with a fist.

The second story is from New Zealand and I do not know the laws there.
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