punishments and atrocities that could never exist in a Catholic social order.
Yes, it has happened. I wouldn’t want to see it happen again.
Say what you will, modern means of instantaneous social communication, the ability of anyone with a smartphone to record anything that happens and have the video go viral in hours, a vigorous free press that reflects all viewpoints, can be and often is a great force for good. I would like to think that these things, in a Catholic social order, would quickly bring any potential fascistic abuses to light.
Would the clerical sexual abuse phenomenon ever have been exposed without the press and modern social communication? Does anyone think there are people who wish those forms of communication didn’t exist? Heat and light can be very antiseptic. It’s not the dioceses, nor the Vatican, that have put together all of these websites that list all of the known offenders, what they did, where they did it, and puts it out there for the whole world to see. It’s independent online journalists and writers. I’m glad we live in a world where this is possible.