Why do you understand this?
It will make it illegal to kill a human person.
And even if people will still do it, just like people will still rob banks, rape people, beat their wives, when we make something illegal, clearly, it will happen less often.
I haven’t seen that happen when we banned robbing banks or beating wives.
There’s no reason to create an either/or.
We are perfectly capable of doing both–banning abortion AND focusing on factors that lead to people not wanting to abort.
I understand because I am a woman and also a empathetic human being who doesn’t like anyone to suffer…
OK so say banning abortion becomes a reality.
What punishment would you choose for a woman who does abortion? How would you determine how that punishment is carried out, and what resources would be put in place to prove a woman indeed had an abortion and not a miscarriage, to avoid punishing the innocent?
To reduce abortions you would support better sex education for all society and free birth control for them as well? Because that is what lowers abortion rates. If you truly believe that a woman who becomes pregnant because she was raped should be FORCED against her will to have that child or be punished by law for lack of education on sex leading to unwanted pregnancy, it’s very scary. Women are not expected to be a slave anymore, we are autonomous humans and its no longer the dark ages. In the old days when women had no means for abortions in these situations do you know what happened? Infanticide and abandonment. Its still a common occurrence, that’s why fire stations have baby boxes where mothers can leave unwanted children. Its even worse in poorly educated 3rd world countries where infant mortality and abuse rates are high.
Also, just to raise this point since you brought it up; nobody wants to abort.Maybe some mentally deranged person would get some kind of satisfaction, but most people aren’t like that. Having an abortion is one of the hardest decisions a woman will/will not choose to do and whatever choice she makes will stick with her for her entire life. Its not a casual thing that people do out of the blue because they want to. Every woman is aware that her pregnancy has potential to becoming a cognitive human like you and me. Being pregnant though, is not a automatic ticket, miscarriages still happen, so do still births.
Is the law supposed to police morality, or provide for public safety? Most of the time, those overlap. Murder is both unethical and detrimental to public safety. Same with kidnapping or theft or robbery. ( Murder in a legal sense being premeditated violent attack which ended someone’s life, not in self defense; this is why people get off on insanity pleas as well…because someone thought to be insane is not able to coherently premeditate while understanding the full consequence to their action.) These crimes violate peoples human rights, just like banning abortion would.
Its been researched and proven many times already that anti-abortion laws only increase the number of unsafe abortions. You want to live in an ideal world, as do we all but you also have to compromise with reality. Outlawing heroin doesn’t reduce overdosing rates. Educating individuals on overdosing on heroin does.
Good sex education is incredibly effective at reducing rates of pregnancy and spread of disease, as long as it’s not abstinence only.
Just for some comic relief, let’s imagine for a second this spinned in the opposite direction where say we force long term birth control on everyone, and make them apply to have children! The state can decided when they are ready.