The Supreme Court also ruled that banning slavery was unconstitutional. They do not always get it right.Your argument would be valid if late term abortions were commonplace, they aren’t. Only when an abortion is denied to a woman at an earlier stage or she is inaware is late term abortion done. A fetus typically below 20 weeks is not viable. The Supreme Court has ruled that outright banning of abortion is unconstitutional.
Easy answer, targeted sting operations against abortion providers and investigate abortions based on plain view or a citizen’s report.You also never gave me an answer on how you would enforce this abortion ban, or what resources you’d have put in it’s place to thwart unwanted pregnancies.
It should be treated like any other homicide, logical consistency is not easy, but it is the correct way.You say you’d judge the woman depending on circumstance, well if you believe abortion is murder do you think a victim of rape who opts for one and then undergoes therapy should get the death sentence or life in prison? I’m sure you’ve heard priests say " sin is benign and when people go to confession they think their sin is original and not common but it is." Same for reasons why women get abortion, lol.
Defining a “human person” in a moral way is difficult. There are no hard division lines in this and everyone will have their own opinion on when a unborn child becomes a human. I personally think abortions should be capped at 12 weeks. Why? Because its pretty much a tiny person at that point and by 19 weeks can feel pain. At 12 weeks its already fluttering around and doing things in there. But what I personally feel still gives me no right to force that on someone who disagrees. Though most abortions are carried out before 12 weeks.
The confusion on when human life begins is due to the lack of logic and quality philosophy in schools. If we have a living entity in which all the parts act together for the sake of the whole and this entity has its own set of human DNA, it is human. That is all there is to it.Life clearly begins at conception. A new organism with unique DNA is created from the time it is a single cell. The ethics of abortion deal more with when that living organism can be considered a human and have legal rights. Life sure, but what about other things like consciousness or awareness? React to external stimuli? None of that happens at conception. The reason why a murderer who kills a pregnant woman is charged with two counts of murder, is because he disregarded the human rights and consent of both those lives. Abortion is an act of a woman being autonomous and not giving another life the right to impose itself on hers, pregnant women who keep their child give their child that consent out of love. Therefore it is a crime to rob both lives of …well life.
Strawman, this about the kid’s right to life.You won’t ever get abortion made illegal. I know for a fact here in the UK it will never be made illegal. So this argument is really one big hypothetical situation caused by a minority of the population who want to take away someone’s freedom to govern their own body, life, and punish them for sex.
Murder is supposed to be a risky and dangerous.Even if by a act of god, abortion became totally illegal, it’d still happen. It would only make it more difficult to get for disadvantaged people who can’t hop on a plane or pay money to get a legal, safe one. It would also increase child abuse and poverty.