How y'all tonight?

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God bless you…

Have really missed seeing you around here on CAF, but really do understand about your Internet connection situation.

Just wanted you to know how much you’re missed, and that you’re always close to my heart and in my thoughts and prayers. ❤️
Kind dear lady! This was the hardest move of all and the most important somehow. I am where I belong but still “hardships” that are sweet but still hard.
Ohh, I am so very sorry to hear that…

I will definitely keep praying…

I will pray that your burdens can be eased for you…

I really do miss you so…

Sending you lots of love and hugs, too…XOXO ❤️
Hardships are good. I am enjoying the challenges and feel more alive than I have done for years. Not good to have no real challenges as then we start to imagine them. Know what I mean?
Yes, I do…

Challenges “keep us on our toes,” so to speak, and keep our minds sharp too, but sometimes it’s still nice to get a bit of a break, too.

I love all of my friends and can’t help to still want the best for them and for everything to work out as well as possible for them, too. ❤️ 😊
Hardship was getting stranded without the wherewithall to pay for a room…Challenge was when starting to tackle that became a fascinating search. And now a snug bed, and the internet. Without the hardship no challenge and no solution… and I have made new friends.
It’s a beautiful thing when we ask for help ,take that step
and people go out of their way.Suddenly there are many possibilities when before it seemed so daunting
Interesting thing tonight was that I got several knockbacks of the no room at the inn kind for various reasons. Then the ride turned. I had not met the priest who comes here before so that was great too.
Once travelling overseas I must have miscalculated (or been pick pocketed ) and suddenly found myself short of cash to get back to an elderly friends where she was expecting me.I couldn’t call her to let her not worry.It was 10pm and snowing and I had to ask passerbyers for some coins to make up the difference for the bus.So many looked at me funny and hurried away.
I had shared pizza with a fellow selling Big Issue magazines earlier and suddenly here was I cold hungry and stranded 🙂 A good lesson.
A very kind policeman (who looked like my big brother)
gave me a cup of tea and talked to the bus driver.
It’s a humbling thing to ask for help,but it can be a time to grow for both parties for sure,if they’re open to it.
My heart goes out to you Rose and I hope things only get better from here on X
Nearly 7 am here in Ireland and the rain is thudding on the roof. It will take a sheer miracle to get home this morning. A sheer miracle. If the wind has changed direction that may help. Worried about the dog and no one can get in to her.

I know our ferryman will do his best.
I sing a lot these days… That day it was “Put your hand in the hand of the Man Who stilled the waters…” and He did. A short calm before StormBrian hit,enough to get home and settled. Lovely weather now
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