Can you explain this further, and include why and how Satan is portrayed and gives instructions o the audience? Your explanation is incredibly vague.
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I KNOW!It’s very humbling to learn you were part of a big hoax.
In the endowment you will watch a movie which covers the creation and the Garden of Eden. They reenact the whole scene where Satan beguiled Eve and then they get cast out of the Garden. However in the Garden he is Lucifer. After the garden he visits Adam and Eve as Satan.Can you explain this further, and include why and how Satan is portrayed and gives instructions o the audience? Your explanation is incredibly vague.
That’s because the temple ceremony is consider very sacred to Mormons, and they are instructed not to talk about it outside of the temple. I respect that it’s sacred to them, and in respect to the faithful Mormons who do come to this site, I won’t go into details as they wouldn’t go into details either.Can you explain this further, and include why and how Satan is portrayed and gives instructions o the audience? Your explanation is incredibly vague.
Not really bastions of morality and righteousness, are they?Well, if you throw people like Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, Ervil Lebaron and Warren Jeffs into the mix, I’d say you’re pretty close.
The Mormon version of the Virgin Mary is that she is a virgin because she only had sex with God and since God is not a man, she could honestly say that she knew no man.This concept is rejected by the LDS. They believe Jesus is a literal biological son of God, conceived through normal biological means of their heavenly father and heavenly mother.
I was referring to a phrase often repeated in the ECF. This is so common it has a name, "the exchange formula." Here is an Evangelical Christian (I think) who references Catholic scholar Daniel Keating's Deification and Grace who I keep recommending to those anti-Mormons who reject the IDEA that "men can become gods."Would you provide specifics rather than such a broad claim. What ECF believed whatever Jesus Christ was men may become? What writing is this contained in?
Keating uses two words for this becoming claiming they are related and both used. Christ partook/participated in our humanity so we can partake/participate in His divinity.A careful reading of these references provides more than a hint of the idea of exchange that is occurring here, via the Incarnation, between God and man. In fact, as Russell elaborates, the Incarnational mystery, and the divinization of man, which it makes possible, was described by the Fathers as the “exchange formula.” Professor Daniel Keating echoes Russell, elaborating that the “formula of exchange” is the common phrase describing this God-man trade, in which “the eternal Son of God became what we are so that we could become what he is.” Russell continues on this point, referencing St. Ephrem the Syrian, who taught that ‘He gave us divinity,’ and ‘we gave him humanity.’” Russell continues, citing Gosta Hallonsten, who suggests that this “exchange formula” has “remained simply a ‘theological theme’ in the West, while in the East it expresses ‘a comprehensive doctrine that encompasses the whole of the economy of salvation.’ Therefore, continues Hallonsten, ‘A real doctrine of theosis . . . Is to be found only in the East.’” At the time in which he was writing, Hallonsten may have been correct. Happily, however, as we shall see below, there are positive signs that this unfortunate state is being rectified.
@hope, as I read the shortened paragraph you refer to, not having known it beforehand, it was in fact John Henry Newman who came to mind.After all, John Henry Newman did jut that in his autobiography, Apologia Pro Vita Sua
This is accurate. Here is what Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism taught from the official LDS’s websiteI have been around Mormonism for 30 years. They have always taught that god was an actual man.
I think this goes back to the statement earlier in the threadThis is accurate. Here is what Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism taught from the official LDS’s website
“God Himself was once as we are now, and is an exalted man, and sits enthroned in yonder heavens! That is the great secret. If the veil were rent today, and the great God who holds this world in its orbit, and who upholds all worlds and all things by His power, was to make Himself visible,—I say, if you were to see Him today, you would see Him like a man in form—like yourselves in all the person, image, and very form as a man; for Adam was created in the very fashion, image and likeness of God, and received instruction from, and walked, talked and conversed with Him, as one man talks and communes with another. …
Encyclopedia of Mormonism:I’ve been following this thread and might I point out that it would be perhaps helpful if both sides defined “gods”. The meaning today isn’t the same as during the ECF’s.
The Mormon understanding of “becoming gods” is not the same as the early patristic fathers. Christian theosis or deification is not what the Mormon Church teaches.Gods and humans represent a single divine lineage, the same species of being, although they and he are at different stages of progress. This doctrine is stated concisely in a well-known couplet by President Lorenzo Snow: “ As man now is, God once was: as God now is, man may be ”