Your welcome. I said this about 6 months ago to a Catholic poster:Thank you! I appreciate the answer.
I do not believe a fair review of all the data results in everyone converting to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for objective evidentiary reasons alone (though some do). But I do think a charitable review of all the data would/should preclude the vitriol and claims of irrationality directed towards The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.I have a history on this board where I have called LDS problems, problems . LDS strengths, strengths. Catholic problems, problems. And Catholic strengths, strengths (all in last 6 months). I can admit that with the small minority of LDS voices AND my conviction that the CoJCoLDS is more likely to be God’s church on earth based on history, criticism and evidence than Catholicism; I spend more time responding to anti-Mormon Catholics with various responses; but I was just offering some pro-Catholic understanding to the missionaries assigned to our ward today.
It would seem that you cannot do this. If it is pro-Mormon you are against it. Anti-Mormon you are for it. If it is a Catholic problem, you will not admit it or ignore it. If it is a Catholic strength you will embrace it.
Charity, TOm