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The Deseret News, Dec. 23, 1923 “Mary told the story most beautifully…Referring to the event, she said: “God hath done wonderful things unto me.” And the Holy Ghost came upon her, is the story, and she came into the presence of the highest. No man or woman can live in mortality and survive the presence of the Highest except by the sustaining power of the Holy Ghost. So it came upon her to prepare her for admittance into the divine presence, and the power of the Highest, who is the Father, was present, and overshadowed her, and that holy child that was born of her was called the Son of God…The power of creation…It is the most sacred and holy and divine function with which God has endowed man. Made holy, it is retained by the Father of us all, and in his exercise of that great and marvelous creative power and function he did not debase himself, nor debauch his daughter. Thus Christ became the literal Son of a divine Father, and no one else was worthy to be his father.” – Melvin J. Ballard
The birth of the Savior was as natural as the births of our children; it was the result of natural action. He partook of flesh and blood‑‑was begotten of his Father, as we were of our fathers.
Brigham Young Journal of Discourses 8:115
More about the LDS teaching about God and Heavenly Mother/Mary and the birth of Jesus:
I see you also don’t have any quotes from Latter-day Saint leaders teaching that Mary conceived Jesus by sexual intercourse with God the Father.
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Isn’t Brigham Young a Latter-Day Saint leader?

“…It was the result of Natural action…”

(I’m avoiding using the graphic term you continue to use because 1)I know there has been a 14 y.o. on this thread and 2) that term was not used until more recently so there’s no point in continuing to act as if there are no other words that mean the same thing)

Also, can you explain the history and meaning of the name Latter-Day Saint? I notice that is the term you prefer and I have often wondered where it originated from.
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Isn’t Brigham Young a Latter-Day Saint leader?
Most definitely.

“…It was the result of Natural action…”

“it” clearly refers to the birth of Jesus as specifically stated in the quote, not the conception of Jesus.

Note that even if Brigham Young did express an opinion of conception of Jesus by physical contact, he never submitted that teaching to the church for formal acceptance. New revelations are formally submitted to the Church for acceptance.

(I’m avoiding using the graphic term you continue to use because 1)I know there has been a 14 y.o. on this thread and 2) that term was not used until more recently so there’s no point in continuing to act as if there are no other words that mean the same thing)

Excellent Point! Thanks for the reminder.
Also, can you explain the history and meaning of the name Latter-Day Saint? I notice that is the term you prefer and I have often wondered where it originated from.
The name “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” was given by revelation to Joseph Smith as indicated in D&C 115:4 (See Doctrine and Covenants 115)

A quick break of the name is as follows:

“The Church of Jesus Christ” - the church established by Jesus Christ
“of Latter-day” - to distinguish from the earlier days during Christ’s mortal mission
“Saints” - this is the label used to identify followers of Jesus

So, “Latter-day Saint” is we believe the divinely appointed label for those who have joined the Church and “Mormon” is just a nickname (based on our belief in the Book of Mormon).

See Saints - The Encyclopedia of Mormonism for more information.

I hope this helps…
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There’s a difference between traditional Mormonism and New Age Mormonism. Traditional Mormonism rarely used the words “sex” or “sexual” or things like that. The quotes you posted obviously are talking about sexual relations between God and Mary. Those who are too proud to admit it, never will. It’s fine. All that matters is the truth and you and I know what that is. I remember noting that Spencer W. Kimball talked about sex a lot, but rarely if ever used the word “sex”. Traditional Mormons taught that God had sex with Mary. I heard it over and over and over when I was in the church. The last time I heard it taught in a gospel doctrine class was about 6 years ago. New Age Mormons try to distance themselves from old, unacceptable doctrines. They are trying to assimilate themselves into Christianity, which isn’t working. Old Mormon doctrines like darkies being denied the priesthood because they were the seed of Cain or because they were less valiant in the pre-mortal existence have been replaced with “Huh? We don’t believe that.” The same goes with God and Mary and a bunch of other things. Don’t let the Mormon schizophrenia confuse you.
No kidding. I guess LDS are free to disregard teachings they don’t like?
That’s what they have done with God having sexual intercourse with Mary.

That’s what they’ve done with darkies and the priesthood.

That’s what they’ve done with the Word of Wisdom.

That’s what they’ve done with the temple endowment.

That’s what they have done with the nature of God.

That’s what they have done with parts of the Book of Mormon that don’t jive with New Age Mormonism.

That’s what they have done with polygamy.

And the beat goes on . . . . .
Thank you for your honesty about the LDS teaching on God and Mary. It was taught in a gospel principals class, but some LDS posters here claim It was never a teaching?! Wow just wow.

I’m quite certain that the reason behind the plan to distance themselves from all things “Mormon” was made abundantly clear in Romney’s op-ed piece yesterday.

The Cumorah pageant, Brigham who?, changes to the temple ceremony giving women more rights…are a huge PR campaign to set the stage for a Mormon Presidential “worthy of wearing the mantle of the President”.

Romney is soooo out of touch and always has been! His whole presidential campaign was nothing but a giant Mormon infomercial. Let’s see what the LDS PR machine will try next after yesterday’s complete bomb.

I thought the LDS were moving towards more mainstream Christianity for religious reasons, but now I think it’s purely political.
I dont know anything about what Romney said. Would you care to share a link?

I didn’t support him, not because he was a Mormon. I don’t really care about that. I didn’t support him because he’s an enemy of the Constitution. Which thing I also don’t understand about Mormons. Most of them are anti-Constitution. Look at how well Romney has fared in Utah.
Now that I know the teaching about God and Mary WAS taught in your gospel principals class (thanks to former Mormon poster Lemuel) it is obvious what you are doing. So just stop.

When did a Mormon prophet start having to submit his revelations to the church for approval?

So, church members have to let a prophet know which of God’s revelations are true?!

God can be wrong or the prophet can be wrong?

Church members have more power than the prophet and even God?!

Do LDS believe they are already saints just by being members of the LDS Church or is sainthood a goal to be attained through various means?
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New Age Mormons try to distance themselves from old, unacceptable doctrines. They are trying to assimilate themselves into Christianity, which isn’t working.
Completely agree. There are older doctrines, and yes they were doctrines, that are now dismissed as never having been doctrine. The effort to mainstream Mormonism I believe really took root when Hinckley was president.

In order for Mormonism to become more mainstream and less of “a peculiar people” (something they used to embrace), it has had to distance itself from those doctrines that have been mentioned.

Mormonism in the past few decades have changed a lot. But then it has changed a great deal since Smith and Young’s time, too
No one here has discredited the Church of Jesus Christ. The Church Jesus is the Founder of is the Catholic Church.

Many here have proven the errancy of the church Joseph Smith founded (ie: the Mormon church) and its teachings.
Our current President has made his own attacks against the Vatican when speaking of the border wall. 😡 No one is above attacking another when it comes to politics, regardless of religious affiliation.
Now that I know the teaching about God and Mary WAS taught in your gospel principals class
Just a tid bit of information and a correction. Gospel Principles is for investigators and new members. That’s the “milk” class. Gospel Doctrine is the “meat” class. That’s for more seasoned members. I believe that if you started teaching investigators that God had sex with Mary, it would scare a good number of them away. They talk about that in Gospel Doctrine as well as in the priesthood and RS meetings. A lot of things that they don’t tell you until after you’ve been baptized and gotten a bit more comfortable with the new religion. It’s a bait and switch sort of thing.
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Meh. Flip Flop Romney is just a blowhard. He’s jealous because he got his clock cleaned twice while running for president. He’s in no position to be telling Trump how to do his job. Sour grapes. Too bad . . . so sad.
Attacked the Vatican?

Do you mean attacked Catholic teaching?
There is much disagreement about that topic (and many other teachings coming out of “the Vatican” so we must be careful about what we believe and make sure it is keeping with the CCC).

Here’s a link that gives commentary on what the Catechism of the Catholic Church actually says on the topic:

I’m tired of people relentlessly bashing on our president. Let’s just leave it at that.
Oh, after reading this talk from Ezra Taft Benson from a General Conference I think it’s way more than that.

I think the LDS Church is making their move. They seem to believe it is the end times and it is their obligation- since the Founding Father’s appeared to Woodrow Wilson asking to be posthumously baptized Mormon-to restore what they believe to be rightfully theirs as stated in the BoM etc.

Glenn Beck came to Utah during the last presidential campaign and gave a talk about how the Mormons are going to save the USA- then it was Ted Cruz-anyway, he was spilling the beans.

I can’t understand how he/they actually think nonMormons would also believe that it’s up to Mormons to save our country?
Maybe our LDS posters here are new members.

TOm - you seem to have disappeared on us. Are you a new member?

gazelam- are you a new member?
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I think it’s pretty easy for religious groups to consider themselves to have a divine mandate. Glenn Beck is primarily a political pundit so that adds a bit of an absurd sense to it but the general sentiment is not that different from evangelicals saying America needs to turn away from Harry Potter and gay marriage and all that.
I was in my second bishopric in 1987 and I read a letter to the congregation from the First Presidency which counseled the members to read and study the Constitution. I took it to heart and it was life-changing for me. Unfortunately, try having a discussion with just about any Mormon on the subject of the Constitution and you’ll see how completely ignorant most of them are. They don’t follow the counsel of their prophets, in general. It’s all lip service. The Mormons, or the Elders of Israel as they like to call themselves, are in no position to save the Constitution. Most of them don’t even know what that is.
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