What is the difference between polygamy and extramarital affairs?Oh, he practiced polygamy . . . you can’t really deny that.
What is the difference between polygamy and extramarital affairs?Oh, he practiced polygamy . . . you can’t really deny that.
Presumably, you wouldn’t call your honey-on-the-side your husband/wife.What is the difference between polygamy and extramarital affairs?
That’s what we are discussing.Presumably, you wouldn’t call your honey-on-the-side your husband/wife.
Polygamy is when you have more than one wife. Extramarital affairs are romantic or sexual relationships outside of marriage, but have not been officially wed.Oh, he practiced polygamy . . . you can’t really deny that.
Indeed he did. Fair Mormon even has a list of all his wives:Did Joseph Smith refer to those women as his wives at the time
Right, but if it was called polygamy years later, then it was actually extramarital affairs at the time.Polygamy is when you have more than one wife. Extramarital affairs are romantic or sexual relationships outside of marriage, but have not been officially wed.
Most likely what happened is that the news was spreading about polygamy in the Mormon church to places like England and it was damaging the work, so they added this “revelation” to show the people in England that they did not believe in, nor practice polygamy.But, wasn’t this just their public teaching on polygamy when in reality the LDS church still privately taught and believed in the institution of polygamy?
But they kept D&C 101:4 in the church canon until at least 1876.Not sure. It says that D&C 132 (plural marriage bit) was written in 1843 but “evidence suggests he had revelation as early as 1831.” (he married his first plural wife in 1833)
Polygamy is when you have more than one SPOUSE. More than one wife is polygyny. More than one husband is polyandry. Joseph Smith practiced both. He had multiple wives, some who were married to other men and some who were not.Polygamy is when you have more than one wife. Extramarital affairs are romantic or sexual relationships outside of marriage, but have not been officially wed.
Or they had a horrible fear of dying by a flaming sword.Gotta hand it to him . . . he had his way with the ladies.
Here’s the official answer:Was Joseph Smith a prophet because of his heritage, or was it a reward from God for being faithful?