Hunter Wants Open Season on Domestic Cats

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Couldn’t bring your link up but are you talking
about feral cats —domestics gone wild ?

This is a big problem in some areas in that it decimates local natural wildlife. What is your solution ?
tom.wineman said:
Couldn’t bring your link up but are you talking
about feral cats —domestics gone wild ?

This is a big problem in some areas in that it decimates local natural wildlife. What is your solution ?

Hi Tom - I was able to bring up the link so here’s my synopsis for you:
"The Wisconsin hunter and firefighter wants stray cats classified as an “unprotected species” that could be shot by anyone with a small-game license.

"*Copyright 2005 by The Associated Press. *

He proposes that any cat wandering through your yard can be eligble for shooting. These would not be feral cats - but could be just tabby taking a stroll. He is not bothered by birds that fly into his yard but he objects to cats roaming about. He believes that cats should not be allowed to go out and wander.

Now I understand some people hate cats. I personally love them and dislike dogs. I often see pets strolling through my yard - but have no inclination to shoot them. I find this firefighter a bit off center. Maybe this man has a beef with his neighbors and this is more of a personal vendetta. The article does not say so, however there has to be some reason why he would feel so inclined to kill.
Well, I don’t know about shooting them, as in most places it would be illegal to shoot anything that strolls through your backyard. It is unsafe to discharge a firearm inside town limits. However, I can personally sympathize with the idea of anyone’s “pet” cat roaming freely through the neighborhood. Cats do not “need” to roam anymore than my dog “needs” to form a pack with other neighborhood dogs and start defending teritory and hunting. If it is your pet, it should be in your yard, not mine. If it gets away once in a while, ok. But in general it should be kept on your property. Your house or yard. I have (humanely) trapped in my yard several cats that continually wander the neighborhood and turned them in to the animal shelter. I am sure that at least one of them “belonged” to a near neighbor whose idea of having a pet cat was to let it in the house at night, and feed it daily, but the rest of the time it roamed the neighborhood. The people at the shelter said all the cats we brought in were full of fleas, and most had one or more other diseases associated with being outside and eating anything they found or caught. “Outdoor” cats will kill their prey and leave part of the carcas in my backyard so my small children or dogs can find it, or attract other undesired animals to my yard. In the part of Wisconsin I live in, there are many commercials on the radio advertising that the shelters are overloaded with cats. Literally hundreds of them at any given time. (I do not exagerate. I know several people that work at shelters) It would be a full time job for the municipalities to deal with the cats. Not to mention expensive. A couple of years ago, a cat tried to cross a very busy four lane road at rush hour. Someone swerved, and caused a huge pile up that shut down the road for hours, and injured several people, although I don’t believe anyone was killed, thank God. I think that the cats are a huge problem, and that it will take a major attitude change by the people to fix it. So there is my two cents. If it is your pet, keep it safe in your house and yard, and then even if they did pass a law like this (which I doubt would ever happen) then your pet will be safe.
“Hunter” sounds like a cat hater to me…also a bit blood thirsty… :rolleyes:
aimee said:
“Hunter” sounds like a cat hater to me…also a bit blood thirsty… :rolleyes:

I agree aimee:nope: We have other things to worry about,then a cat daring to walk outside:o Good grief.May St.Francis cause his bullets to miss and hit the dirt:) God Bless
I think that I’d look for a tag before I’d shoot 😉
Perhaps we should email the story to PETA…they should be able to give Hunter some grief.
If the cities, counties and states would put some teeth into the leash laws we wouldn’t have these problems in the first place. The root of this problem isn’t with the cats and dogs. it’s the owners who are at fault. It’s not the cats fault that a parent decides to let their house cat have a litter of kittens, just so their children can see the miricle of birth. Or how about the owners of your everyday family dog, who thinks that their dog would have just the cutest puppies, these are the kind of irresponsable people that are behind the majority of this issue. I’m all for pet registration laws that charge a much higher fee to owners of “family” pets who refuse to have them spayed or neutered.

We are currently searching for a new dog, our 12 yr old beagle recently passed away, and now our basset hound/beagle( rescued from the SPCA 10 yrs ago) is very lonely. We are working with a couple of no kill rescue groups to find the right match for our family. As far as we are concerned rescue dogs are the best family pets in the world. Please do the very best for your pets and have them spayed ot neutered.
I think that shooting cats–especially within city limits is a sick and crazy idea. I personally don’t like cats wandering around because they kill the beautiful song birds. I had a nest of robins in my bush last spring, and my children and I loved looking at the baby birds through our window. Then one night a roving cat came and ate the whole nest full.

I also live in Wisconsin, but I would recommend calling a shelter. If the shelter must, they can euthanize the cats, but wanton shooting is not OK.
It is so bad here that many shelters will actually CHARGE you to drop off a stray cat. Thus, many cats roaming the streets. I agree one hundred percent, it is the people who need to change. It isn’t the cat’s fault, but what is the solution for all those cats already out there? Starvation? Being hit by a car? The current municipal systems have no effective way of dealing with this. I have actually spoken with college educated people who thought I was joking when I said all pets need a license, yearly. After an explaination, the response changed to “Well I haven’t ever gotten one before and I don’t intend to now!” Sometimes I think the animals are the smarter ones…
If ppl actually took responsibility for thier pets, we wouldn’t have that many feral cats to begin with. How about an open license on all cat haters?

tom.wineman said:
Couldn’t bring your link up but are you talking
about feral cats —domestics gone wild ?

This is a big problem in some areas in that it decimates local natural wildlife. What is your solution ?
If ppl actually took responsibility for thier pets, we wouldn’t have that many feral cats to begin with. How about an open license on all cat haters?
:hmmm: open license on all cat haters…now, thats something to think about 👍
originally posted by Linda H

The root of this problem isn’t with the cats and dogs. it’s the owners who are at fault. It’s not the cats fault that a parent decides to let their house cat have a litter of kittens, just so their children can see the miricle of birth. Or how about the owners of your everyday family dog, who thinks that their dog would have just the cutest puppies, these are the kind of irresponsable people that are behind the majority of this issue. I’m all for pet registration laws that charge a much higher fee to owners of “family” pets who refuse to have them spayed or neutered.
I could not agree more! I am a cat and dog lover in the extreme, (1 dog, 5 cats) but I wouldn’t HAVE so many if people would spay and neuter their pets. Mine are all rescue jobs. Little kittens found cowering under cars, soaked and shivering in a rain storm…
I don’t have any time for “breeders” or so called “pet stores” either. There are so many abandoned, abused and neglected animals out there that anyone who wants a pet can easily obtain one from an animal shelter.
I think it should be a mandatory fine if a person adopts and/or keeps ANY cat or dog or rabbit (need I go on?) that is not fixed!
As for the cat killing nut job in the article, he is missing a screw. Anyone who hates children and/or animals is without a heart. :mad:
good thing that guy doesnt live near me!!! first Im a cat lover, and Im very proguns also. that asside. my cat for many reasons is an indoor cat, but if he were to accedently get out of the house, and someone were to shoot him, Id have to repay the jerk with a punishment that equils the crime. with my bare hands. more extreme if someone were tio kill my mother’s cat, my dad is a gun owner and doesnt like anyone making his wife unhappy!! this hunter is wisconsin sounds like he needs his own personal white rubber room. if this idiodical law gets voted in, the whole state of wisconsin needs to be made a white rubber room.
:clapping: Frankly I don’t think it’s any worse than hunting rabbit or squirrel or bambi.

I have 2 cats, 2 guinea pigs, several fish, (all inside only pets - none fixed) 6 sons and 1 daughter and I’m sick and tired of stupid people thinking they are some kind of animal lover for dumping their pet to live free out here on the edge of the city! These dogs quickly form packs, learn when trash day is and leave several houses a mess of trash tipped/ripped about. Here in the near country we don’t have animal shelters like in the city - we’re on our own. If I call the police (2 cops are all we have here) out they send it to the city to be automaticly “put-down” the next day if it doesn’t have tags - there’s no space to keep them. People! There have been times when I wouldn’t let me kids go out the front door to get in the van because there were dogs roaming the yard and how am I supposed to know how kind/mean it is?!

I love dogs (the bigger the better) and really just about any animal there is - I do not like rabid feral animals running amuk on my property.

If you love it - buy it and care for it. If you leave it to live wild, it will meet a wild animals death. If not a bullet, a car, another animal, disease, etc… This is reality and the law of nature.
:eek: Wow - must have been an awfully slow news day for this to develop into a story. Apparantly they couldn’t find any good works to highlight. How sad. 😦
ProudArmyWife said:
:eek: Wow - must have been an awfully slow news day for this to develop into a story. Apparantly they couldn’t find any good works to highlight. How sad. 😦

This is important, God gave us dominion over the animals, and we are supposed to care for them with compassion, and we have been doing a lousey job of taking care of them, especialy the domesticated ones like cats and dogs. I’m not a animal rights nut case, I don’t believe an animals life is more important than a humans, but I do know that when we chose to bring animals into our lives that we are resposible for caring for them in a loving and humain manner. That includes making sure that they are not running lose wreaking havoic and making babies in the neigborhood.
Please remember that how we treat and care for the least of Gods creatures reflects how we treat and care for each other.
Linda H.
Perhaps we should email the story to PETA…they should be able to give Hunter some grief.
People Eating Tasty Animals? good idea, they may want to capitalize on all the free meat 😃

I say its a good idea. the local wildlife should not have to suffer, because people think kittens are cute, but then turn them loose or let them get pregnant and have even more that nobody wants.

while were at it, here is neat link for all you animal lovers out there… this ought to rile up all you amimal lovers 😉
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