Hunter Wants Open Season on Domestic Cats

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Linda H.:
This is important, God gave us dominion over the animals, and we are supposed to care for them with compassion, and we have been doing a lousey job of taking care of them, especialy the domesticated ones like cats and dogs. I’m not a animal rights nut case, I don’t believe an animals life is more important than a humans, but I do know that when we chose to bring animals into our lives that we are resposible for caring for them in a loving and humain manner. That includes making sure that they are not running lose wreaking havoic and making babies in the neigborhood.
Please remember that how we treat and care for the least of Gods creatures reflects how we treat and care for each other.
Linda H.
Oops - I didn’t mean to imply that the guy was right. I just meant to say that it is just a few “differing” people that received lots of media attention for what purpose? For reasons stated in other posts, it would never happen (I think even the NRA would oppose this!).

I just think that it is sad when the media focuses on such bazarre things just to make a ruckus and make a story when their are wonderful, positive stories out there to be told.
Lock up the folks that dispose of their excess cats in somebody else’s neighborhood 😦
The whole idea of having a hunting season on a “domestic” animal tends to boggle my mind. . .

Of course, I live in Vt., where every year we have the usual quota of out-of-stater “hunters” who proudly bag their cow (“What? That’s NOT a deer?”) or their buddies ("What? Deer DON’T wear blaze orange?)

Hunting for food or for responsible stewardship and humane thinning of overgrown herds is one thing; but trophy hunting and this pitiful excuse for pot-shooting animals (rather than addressing the root of the problem, irresponsible people who indiscriminately let animals breed and/ or abandon them) is quite another.
Oops - I didn’t mean to imply that the guy was right. I just meant to say that it is just a few “differing” people that received lots of media attention for what purpose? For reasons stated in other posts, it would never happen (I think even the NRA would oppose this!).

I just think that it is sad when the media focuses on such bazarre things just to make a ruckus and make a story when their are wonderful, positive stories out there to be told.
I never thought that you were implying that he was right, I’ve read way to many of your post to ever think you would support a nut case like this one. Unforunitly I thought you were criiticizing the fact that this had turned up on our forum. I am so glad that I was wrong.
Linda H.
Tantum ergo:
The whole idea of having a hunting season on a “domestic” animal tends to boggle my mind. . .

Of course, I live in Vt., where every year we have the usual quota of out-of-stater “hunters” who proudly bag their cow (“What? That’s NOT a deer?”) or their buddies ("What? Deer DON’T wear blaze orange?)

Hunting for food or for responsible stewardship and humane thinning of overgrown herds is one thing; but trophy hunting and this pitiful excuse for pot-shooting animals (rather than addressing the root of the problem, irresponsible people who indiscriminately let animals breed and/ or abandon them) is quite another.
:clapping: ,:clapping: .
Linda H.
Anybody who doesn’t like cats just ain’t cookin’ them right! 😃
People Eating Tasty Animals? good idea, they may want to capitalize on all the free meat 😃

I say its a good idea. the local wildlife should not have to suffer, because people think kittens are cute, but then turn them loose or let them get pregnant and have even more that nobody wants.

while were at it, here is neat link for all you animal lovers out there… this ought to rile up all you amimal lovers 😉
Garg, while I love your take on what PETA stands for, I will have to disagree with you about how to control the roaming cats. I am a long time gun owner and used to do my fair share of hunting, but this is not the answer to saving our song birds and chipmonks.
Linda H.
Every day I read something that makes me realize that Satan has been working overtime lately! 😦

Can you imagine the psychological affect this would have on children… or any adult that has compassion for one of God’s creatures. There has to be a better way to take care of the cat problem.

God Bless

Linda H.:
Garg, while I love your take on what PETA stands for, I will have to disagree with you about how to control the roaming cats. I am a long time gun owner and used to do my fair share of hunting, but this is not the answer to saving our song birds and chipmonks.
Linda H.
The question is, what IS the answer? And how long will it take to implement it?

Feral and free-roaming domestic cats have been studied extensively – they kill more biomass than all hunters. They are an introduced species (not naturally occurring in the Americas) and they do upset the balance among native species.
Anybody who doesn’t like cats just ain’t cookin’ them right! 😃
I think Lance has got it right! Has anybody eaten cat? I haven’t. Never thought of it. First you got to catch them, and that ain’t easy. I’ve tried. Got cats coming into my yard all the time. Some are neighbors but you can’t tell whose because they run anywhere to get away from you at night and you can’t see what house they actually go into.

They come out at night and attack the song birds and love birds nesting on my property. They also use my entrance-way as a urinal and it stinks up the place and attracks flies. I have to hose the ground every night to try to keep them off of it.

They also use my side walkway and back yard as their lovers lane and sound like babies crying waking me up in the middle of the night wondering if someone abandoned a baby nearby.

The only reason I “hate” cats is the way they act. Nothing personal. No dog would ever be allowed to do what cats get away with every night. Why the prejudious in favor of cats and not dogs? Hmmmm?

Song birds are a real pleasue to me and God made them to live outdoors for us all to enjoy, but they are killed by roaming cats just hunting them for the game of it, and NOT because they are hungry. Jesus talked about God’s caring for birds in the Gospel, but did He ever mention CATS by name? NO!. So, stop with the “worshiping” of those thrill killers, odor causing, flea spreading, random breeding, noise making, night sneaking useless animals outside the house they should be locked up in. I say they are fair game for the sake of the defenseless birds and their off spring. And if PEOPLE don’t want their cats killed, they should keep them locked up in the house or chained up like dog owners have to do for common curteousy to their neighbors. You know? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you? What neighborhood dog owner would you let get away with what cat owners think they have a right to do?:hmmm:

Ps. Cats are selfish and don’t care about anybody else. How can anybody “love” something like that?
jim orr:
Ps. Cats are selfish and don’t care about anybody else. How can anybody “love” something like that?
It’s very strange… besides being very aloof and selfish, they also tend to reward their owners who feed and care for them by vomiting if you look at them sideways, stinking up the house, passing their waste outside of the litter box, scratching you, digging their claws in when they sit on you, wrecking your furniture and floor, leaving hair all over your clothes, making you sneeze and itch, passing on parasites to whomever cleans their litter box, and complaining if you’re not there 24-7 to give them your undivided love and attention. And yet I find them kind of endearing sometimes. Part of it is the air of dignity that they take on, even though they actually have very little. Kind of like a good straight man getting a pie in the face. Perhaps that’s a good analogy to the entire life and existence of cats.
If ppl actually took responsibility for thier pets, we wouldn’t have that many feral cats to begin with.
How many is “that many”?

First off, you suppose something that isn’t going to happen - there will always be people who don’t take responsibility for their children, much less their pets. Secondly, if more people took responsibility for their cats, that just means better hunting and less competition for the feral ones. Which leads to larger and more frequent litters.
Needless to say, I am completely opposed to such an action. Abosolutely disgusting!
Needless to say, I am completely opposed to such an action. Abosolutely disgusting!
No one is going to MAKE you eat them.🙂
Bobby Jim:
It’s very strange… besides being very aloof and selfish, they also tend to reward their owners who feed and care for them by vomiting if you look at them sideways, stinking up the house, passing their waste outside of the litter box, scratching you, digging their claws in when they sit on you, wrecking your furniture and floor, leaving hair all over your clothes, making you sneeze and itch, passing on parasites to whomever cleans their litter box, and complaining if you’re not there 24-7 to give them your undivided love and attention.

And yet I find them kind of endearing sometimes. Part of it is the air of dignity that they take on, even though they actually have very little. Kind of like a good straight man getting a pie in the face. Perhaps that’s a good analogy to the entire life and existence of cats.
One would have to be a masochist!
I could not agree more! I am a cat and dog lover in the extreme, (1 dog, 5 cats) but I wouldn’t HAVE so many if people would spay and neuter their pets. Mine are all rescue jobs. Little kittens found cowering under cars, soaked and shivering in a rain storm…
I don’t have any time for “breeders” or so called “pet stores” either. There are so many abandoned, abused and neglected animals out there that anyone who wants a pet can easily obtain one from an animal shelter.
I think it should be a mandatory fine if a person adopts and/or keeps ANY cat or dog or rabbit (need I go on?) that is not fixed!
As for the cat killing nut job in the article, he is missing a screw. Anyone who hates children and/or animals is without a heart. :mad:
Wait a minute now:eek: As a chihuahua enthusiast who just had a litter of puppies I take umbridge with that:eek: Did God not make the little dogs and cats with the ability to reproduce?Please do not lump people together with irresponsible pet owners or puppy mills:nope: God Bless
Where I live, the leash laws apply to cats and dogs alike so I keep my cat in all the time. I would not have to worry about such things unless he escaped. Still, I think this idea is really cold blooded.
Where I live, the leash laws apply to cats and dogs alike so I keep my cat in all the time. I would not have to worry about such things unless he escaped. Still, I think this idea is really cold blooded.
It is unsafe for cats to be running around anyway,besides the danger of being run over,feline leukimia and feline aids is rampant these days.
It is unsafe for cats to be running around anyway,besides the danger of being run over,feline leukimia and feline aids is rampant these days.
True, and I am very careful about keeping my cat in when I leave home and when I step in my door. If someone comes over, the first thing I do is ask that they be careful not to let the cat out (unless they already know and even then I sometimes remind them just in case).
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