Hunter Wants Open Season on Domestic Cats

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Anybody who doesn’t like cats just ain’t cookin’ them right! 😃
Spoken like a true Curmudgeon. A delight to Roy’s ears! 😃
OK, I’m curious Lisa. What do you intend to do with your litter of puppies? Surely you don’t intend to keep them all. So do you have owners lined up for all of them, or do you intend to sell them? Why did you decide to have puppies? are you trying to breed for a champion or improve the overall quality of the breed? What is the motivation and intent?
I recommend that we herd them and corral them, brand em, and stick em in a cattle car. I am a professional cat herder, y’know.

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I can already see it…“Martha any suggestions for what to serve with cat a l’orange?”
St. Francis and St. Martin have GOT to be ticked about this!!!

I agree that it is appalling that anyone could propose shooting domestic animals like vermin. (Though I have a soft spot for rodents, myself!)

I have done animal rescue for eight years and have three kitties of my own (plus a dog). It breaks my heart how people treat God’s living, breathing creatures like inanimate objects that can be disposed of whenever they’re no longer useful or interesting.
Every day I read something that makes me realize that Satan has been working overtime lately! 😦

Can you imagine the psychological affect this would have on children… or any adult that has compassion for one of God’s creatures. There has to be a better way to take care of the cat problem.

God Bless

Your right, but there is a better way, its called spay and neutering, and responsible pet ownership. the problem is that ALOT of the “cat lovers” out there are irresponisble and have created a population of stray cats due to thier negligence**[spelling 😃 ] . In essense, however the cats meet their end, will ultimately be the fault of people who claim to love them.
Something tells me that would be cold comfort to the child who saw neighborhood kitties being shot.

Yes, it’s the fault of irresponsible people, but we can surely think of a more humane way to deal with this situation.
To start with, it’s outrageous that anyone would think that “hunting” cats is a solution to anything…It sounds like this person may have serious problems that I don’t think he is somebody who should have a gun in the first place…What happens when he has a disagreement with the neighbors?? Does he start by shooting out their windows??

(I love the “armed & dangerous” kitten, BTW!)
When cats go feral, they are no longer domesticated. What is the difference then between a feral cat and a raccoon? If raccoons, or possum, or skunks are becoming a nuisance, it is perfectly legitimate to kill them. Feral cats are even more of a problem because they aren’t afraid of humans, and are very adept hunters, and are smarter than most traps.
When cats go feral, they are no longer domesticated. What is the difference then between a feral cat and a raccoon? If raccoons, or possum, or skunks are becoming a nuisance, it is perfectly legitimate to kill them. Feral cats are even more of a problem because they aren’t afraid of humans, and are very adept hunters, and are smarter than most traps.

If I had a dollar for every feral cat I’ve shot I could put a full tank of gas in my truck.

Besides they are supposed to be very tender and tasty.

If I had a dollar for every feral cat I’ve shot I could put a full tank of gas in my truck.

Besides they are supposed to be very tender and tasty.
They make a darn fine stew.
There seem to be two basic views in this thread. Either the idea of shooting any living creature seems totally abhorrent and the guy must be unbalanced to want to do it, or the cats are a problem, and this is a solution, but not necessarily the best one. What I don’t hear from the “how could you kill a sweet cat” people is a alternative solution. Yes, people are the root of the problem, not the cats. But “education” efforts, fines, and laws have been in place for decades, to no real effect. The shelters are overloaded, and killing the animals has ALWAYS been the ultimate solution. We just postpone it a bit by requiring the cats be caught first and given a short repreive before they are put to sleep. If they get adopted, great, but by far most are killed. This guy is just trying to elimnate the huge, expensive, wasteful middle step where first you have to catch, or report the cat, then someone else tries to catch it (yeah, right-when was the last time you saw an animal catcher patrolling the streets) then dump it at a shelter before they kill it. Lest you think I am being cold, or an animal hater, I have two pets, both from rescue. I refuse to buy an animal from a pet store or a backyard breader to perpetuate that problem, which only adds to the current issue. I love them dearly, and would be very upset if anything happened to either of them. But I am realistic as well. If an animal (species) is becoming a problem, population control is a generally accepted method. There are hunting seasons for many of these animals, as that adds to the government revenues while controlling the population as opposed to the other methods which would cost more tax payer money, and are generally less effective. This guy is trying to offer a practical solution to a problem. And we are not talking about wontly shooting things in a backyard. There are laws preventing shooting within city limits. He is talking about rural areas, where shooting is allowed and not particlularly hazardous to any bystanders.
I cant believe the whine and snivel I hear about a few cats loose. for those of you who thinks this is something new, you must have lived in a box all your life till now. until the last 40 years cats have been a primarly out door pet. they were kept as mousers. why the sudden change of mind of some of society that cats should be treated like dogs? even when I was a kid 30 or so years ago, seeing a cat pass thru the yard was just a normal everyday thing that everyone thought nothing of, oh do I miss those days. now there are a few fruitcakes out there that think they should be on a leash like a dog, for those who are that nutty, get a clue, a cat is not a dog. beem me up scotty
OK, I’m curious Lisa. What do you intend to do with your litter of puppies? Surely you don’t intend to keep them all. So do you have owners lined up for all of them, or do you intend to sell them? Why did you decide to have puppies? are you trying to breed for a champion or improve the overall quality of the breed? What is the motivation and intent?
I love chihuahuas and yes I hope to sell them to approved homes after references and vet checks,and yes I have entertained the thought of showing them because they are show quality,I am keeping at least one.I am an animal lover I have a statue of St.Francis in my living room,also I am in awe Gods creations including animals,Oh, if I do not find an appropriate home yes I will keep them:) I had prayers for Minnie while she was in labor she had 5 I didn’t know she was Catholic;) God gave her the prettiest lttle pups you have ever seen:) She is such a good mom and it is beautiful to watch her care for them.Out of curiosity what did you think my intent was?:confused: Why do people feel that all animals should be spayed?Why did God make them able to breed?I agree if you are irresponsible and do not care,and they are destined to be abused or neglected by all means do not have puppies.If people treated these animals right there would be no need in getting them “fixed”.It seems that life and God’s creation is despised from animals to humans all around and it is sad to me the only “solution” is to Break what God made or snuff it out before its born.I was shocked that dogs get abortions to:eek: Our dominion has turned on all sides.I think we need to learn how to be like lttle children like Jesus says and perhaps things would change across the board.God Bless
Lisa, I was hoping from your other posts that you were in fact someone who is concerned about the breed, and not just one of those, “I just thought it’d be fun to have puppies” people. I have seen WAY too many of those, and sadly, also the ones who say, “I’ll just put out a sign and sell them to anybody who walks up”. Then, when the puppies don’t sell, they dump them at a shelter or turn them loose. But someone who is into showing dogs, and truly concerned about improving the breed is not usually out for a quick buck. I was hoping you were one of the good ones. I unfortunately personnally know a person who has bred her dogs three times now, and sold the puppies to pet stores (brokers). Just because a dug is pure breed, doesn’t mean it should be bred. Her one dog has a small breathing defect that, while not life threatening, would likely be passed on to puppies, and should not be bred. She does it for the money. :tsktsk:

I personnally don’t think all animals should be spayed, and as long as they are kept properly, I don’t see a need. It is the ones who let their pets roam or that just “happen” to get loose every other week that cause the problems, and fill up the shelters. And yes, cats are not dogs, but neither are they outdoor animals any more than dogs are. I don’t agree with people who keep their dogs in an outdoor pen 24/7 either. Yes, they can adapt, but go to a shelter or vet and ask them what conditions indicate an animal has been kept outside. It does terrible things to their coats, and often they have parts (ears esp.) eaten away by insects, not to mention sores if they were kept on concrete surfaces. Loose cats are destructive, and a nuisance, and there are a lot more of them now than there were 40 years ago. I can’t drive to work without seeing at least one dead cat in the road. If it is your pet, keep it in your yard, wheter it is a cat, dog, or a cow. It is just common courtesy to your neighbors, not a crackpot new notion that society has only recently come up with.
Lisa, I was hoping from your other posts that you were in fact someone who is concerned about the breed, and not just one of those, “I just thought it’d be fun to have puppies” people. I have seen WAY too many of those, and sadly, also the ones who say, “I’ll just put out a sign and sell them to anybody who walks up”. Then, when the puppies don’t sell, they dump them at a shelter or turn them loose. But someone who is into showing dogs, and truly concerned about improving the breed is not usually out for a quick buck. I was hoping you were one of the good ones. I unfortunately personnally know a person who has bred her dogs three times now, and sold the puppies to pet stores (brokers). Just because a dug is pure breed, doesn’t mean it should be bred. Her one dog has a small breathing defect that, while not life threatening, would likely be passed on to puppies, and should not be bred. She does it for the money. :tsktsk:

I personnally don’t think all animals should be spayed, and as long as they are kept properly, I don’t see a need. It is the ones who let their pets roam or that just “happen” to get loose every other week that cause the problems, and fill up the shelters. And yes, cats are not dogs, but neither are they outdoor animals any more than dogs are. I don’t agree with people who keep their dogs in an outdoor pen 24/7 either. Yes, they can adapt, but go to a shelter or vet and ask them what conditions indicate an animal has been kept outside. It does terrible things to their coats, and often they have parts (ears esp.) eaten away by insects, not to mention sores if they were kept on concrete surfaces. Loose cats are destructive, and a nuisance, and there are a lot more of them now than there were 40 years ago. I can’t drive to work without seeing at least one dead cat in the road. If it is your pet, keep it in your yard, wheter it is a cat, dog, or a cow. It is just common courtesy to your neighbors, not a crackpot new notion that society has only recently come up with.
I am glad you wrote me back:) I can’t imagine anyone seeling their baby puppies to a “pet store”:eek: My little ones are spoiled rotten brats:D We are going to have to get a king size bed to make room for all of them,if we keep more than one;) They are inside dogs.I had to place an Old English Sheep Dog with an adult family about 5 years ago,I bought him from people who had me meet them at a their business:nope: He was 6 months old it was raining and he stunk really bad.I took him to a groomer and they had to shave him to the skin because of feces and urine caked in his coat :mad: The vet said he had NO muscle tone and said he appeared to have been caged.When someone knocked at the door he would shake and urinate out of fear.He started to be unpredictable around the children and if they raised their arms or moved to quickly he would go after them.So I called vets and tried to find Sheepdog lovers who had no children and found a couple.In my phone calls another man was lookin for a home for sabastians brother and he saw the place where he came from:banghead: Puppy Mill over 200 dogs caged some in dog carriers,stench and filth,he said his dog acted as if had been beaten as well,I too have no time for cruelty.People need to be kind to God’s creatures and these problems would not exists!God Bless
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