This really depends on what your husband helps out with already. I think it can be difficult for any spouse who does not stay home with a baby to comprehend how exhausting it really is. If you are breastfeeding that can be even more tiring. Who gets up at night with the baby? Does the baths? Changes diapers? Dresses her? Pays the bills? Does the dishes? Does the laundry? Arranges doctor’s appointments? Cleans the house? Shops for groceries? Does the meal planning and cooking? Being home with our son is the most difficult thing I have ever done, and I have worked as a full time professional for many years.I think I will try your advice on splitting household duties or at least organize the week to manage it better. Sorry, new mom here…still learning the ropes. Does anyone have an example on how to do this?
I’d choose a few things that you’d like help with, and make those tasks officially “his” responsibility. We did this- my husband is responsible for washing towels twice a week and taking out the trash. He also does his own laundry. (I work part time and care for our son full time, otherwise I wouldn’t need as much assistance.) He occasionally will get groceries.
Given your husband’s response in the past, though, I’d make it clear that more help is what you need from him simply because he is a part of the family and you are tired- not because it will get him more intimacy. A man who already is manipulating you emotionally may say “Oh, I loaded the dishwasher, let’s go” and that’s not how it works.