Is it sinful to be beautiful, sexy?
I hope not, because my wife would be going straight to Hell!
Is it sinful to have those traits while posing for a picture (by the way, one doesn’t have to be nude to have those traits)?
It is certainly not sinful to be sexually attractive - it is, in fact, a good thing which God has made. However, just as it is perfectly fine and even morally good to be fit and healthy and strong, to use your strength to bully others is wrong.
The same applies to sexuality - it is morally wrong for a person to deliberately go out and attempt to create lust in another person.
Playboy is one of the “tamer” publications - the women are universally sexy and attractive, but they are not in explicit poses for the most part. I cannot comment on the motivations of Playmates or the photographers, but I suspect that the intention is to create sexual desire in places where it should not be created.
A woman dressing attractively but who does not wish to create sexual desire, but rather wishes to be enjoyed, is a different kettle of fish to a Playmate.
“The desiring of the desiring of ones beauty is the vanity of Lilith, the desiring of the enjoying of ones beauty is the obedience of Eve.”
As for St Joseph, would he have had a Playboy magazine? I don’t know, but if he were a football fan, he might have, because I think they have a pretty good round-up of the various teams at the beginning of the season.
I would suggest he wouldn’t have done - he would have had a magazine that didn’t have pictures of naked girls spread all over it. You seriously suggest that the spouse of Our Lady would have chosen to have a magazine which contains something that can very easilly be considered porn?
ANYWAY, I maintain that nudity isn’t sinful, per se.
And you are in good company because the Church agrees with you.
if somebody wants to celebrate the beauty of the nude female, that shouldn’t be judged a sin, even if some people are brought to lust by those pictures. The lust is their own sin, not the sin of the girl, the photographer, or they guy down the street that happens to enjoy the magazine for it’s articles.
If we were talking about the lingerie section of a mail-order catalogue, you might have a case - the teenage boy who takes those while his mother is out of the house and looks at the pictures and has lustful thoughts bears full guilt; those pictures are designed to model the clothes and not to arouse lust. Certainly, the models are beautiful - but they are generally in modest poses (this does not apply to much of the Victoria Secrets catalogue, however!)
But we are taking about Playboy - a magazine which showcases nude women. These women often have looks of simulated sexual enjoyment on their faces, or have their hands in self-pleasuring positions, or are shown stripping or otherwise in a sexual situation.
Certainly - the man who walks down the street, sees a pretty girl dressed in a long skirt, jacket and blouse and has lustful thoughts is solely guilty. The guy who buys Playboy and has lustful thoughts over the centerfold who is pretending to be sexually aroused shares his guilt with the girl, the photographer, the publisher and the peole who chose to sell that magazine.