Hydroxychloroquine rated ‘most effective therapy’ by doctors for coronavirus:

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NOT to draw parallels, they accused Christ of having a demon. I would consider the politically motivated source of opposition, both then and now.

Again: Not drawing a parallel.
Too late. You just did, but then the President has drawn the same parallel.

You knew who else was said to have a demon? Judas. So there really should be no comparisons made.
I’ll take Trump over Obama any day.
Oh, is Obama running, or is this like the Bush thing Democrats did for 8 years?

And people keep saying this is not a political issue. 😏
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Lent is over, I am back and nothing is changed: a lot of people debating something that they know nothing about–and about which even experts know far less than they need to know–on a topic they couldn’t do anything about if they knew.

I’d suggest letting time pass and judging later based on better evidence. As for the President, I think he’d look a lot smarter if he made fewer pronouncements about things that are totally outside his wheelhouse. If he imagined those physicians discussing the global commercial real estate market or the hotel business, I think he’d get it. Overall, though, we are in the middle of a “black swan” event about which we can know very little except that it is very hard to predict. The President and the governors are in unenviable positions trying to make choices that would have knit Solomon’s brows.
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I never thought much of Obama, but now that you mention it, his successor is probably doing more to burnish his reputation or legacy than anyone else could.
Someone else made it political, not me. Back when Obama was President we had another pandemic scare. In fact, we have missed this bullet 4 times in the past twenty years. We missed it by luck. Nothing else. I wasn’t critical of Obama then and I am not critical of Trump now. Trump is doing a great job.

Nothing Trump or any other government agency did or could have done would have lowered those numbers.

When Trump first stopped travel from china people called him a racist. Now the same people are calling him incompetent for not closing down the country sooner.

Do you really think Trump could have closed the country sooner than he did?

The simple fact is, this was going to happen at some point and dont be suprised if it happen again in 5 years.
Buzz kill?

I think I’m going to surf on over tho e right-wing prepper gun-nut forum, where everyone is expressing Easter joy and exchanging blessings…
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I think everyone in authority was taken off guard by the severity and lethality of this (but why? we knew it had ravaged Italy and China and that it was coming) but as far as I know only Trump despite repeated and early warnings from his staff consistently downplayed the risk and simply made stuff up about how few cases there would be/engaged in wishful thinking until people started dying in large numbers. He called it a Democratic hoax. He has yet to show any true empathy with the victims of the disease and appears just as preoccupied with himself and his ‘ratings’ as ever. This guy is frankly unhinged.
How about the WHO and their stellar performance? How about CDC and their missteps? How about the numerous state governors who are still lagging?

No charity or “prayerity” in many hearts these days.

Anyway, too much poison here. Need some air…
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‘The Democrats are politicizing the Coronavirus,’ he said. “One of my people came up to me and said ‘Mr President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia’. That did not work out too well. They could not do it. They tried the impeachment hoax … They tried anything … And this is their new hoax.’
Not everyone has memory loss. I remember him calling it a hoax with my own ears, and from his mouth. This has nothing to do with fake news. I was witness, as were millions.

On a different note, I do not understand why Easter is thought to be a time where the a politician can be promoted, but criticism is considered inappropriate. A post above mentions Trump five times positively, but any negative mention is considered wrong?
An international poll of more than 6,000 doctors found that hydroxychloroquine was the most highly rated treatment for the novel coronavirus and the “most effective therapy” from a list of 15 options.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration gave chloroquine and its next-generation derivative, hydroxychloroquine, emergency-use authorization a week and a half ago for treating the novel coronavirus, although the drug was already being used off-label by some doctors and hospitals for COVID-19 patients.
The poll found 23% of U.S. medical professionals had prescribed the drug, which has been FDA-approved for malaria, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.
Debate about hydroxychloroquine has raged in the United States since President Trump touted it two weeks ago as a potential “game-changer” in the fight against the deadly pandemic, prompting critics to accuse him of peddling unproven remedies, or “snake oil,” as USA Today put it.
This is problematic on so many levels.
  1. MSM are notorious for misrepresenting anything happening in the scientific community. They simply lack the fundamental knowledge required to understand to information given and thus report it correctly.
  2. Doctors, physicians, in general have little to no knowledge about research.
  3. A poll is not how the efficacy of a drug is judged.
I suspect the REAL problem leftists have with the success of hydroxychloroquine is that President Trump recommended it. Nobody is claiming that the hydroxychloroquine cocktail will be proven to be an absolute cure. But all these geniuses who like to criticize its use are not recommending a better alternative at this time.
Would they rather have people die than use something Trump recommended?

The move comes after infectious diseases specialist Didier Raoult announced new clinical results, which can be accessed here, that show 78 out of 80 patients treated with chloroquine recovered within five days, reported Trustnodes.
France’s Minister of Health Olivier Véran said Thursday: “Hydroxychloroquine and the combination of lopinavir / ritonavir may be prescribed, dispensed and administered under the responsibility of a doctor to patients affected by Covid-19.
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Where is the Christian joy that true progress is being made - for the first time in human history - against a never before seen plague?
If true progress is being made then I thank God and I am ready to rejoice.
I hope to hear soon of a cure being found and applied.
My formerly pathetic eyes were just repaired via cataract surgery and engineered interocular lenses. My vision now being better than when I was born, I like to look at the big picture.
I rejoice for you. 🙂 I’m hoping to have cataract surgery myself in the not too distant future.

Man who almost died from coronavirus tells Fox News how drug backed by Trump saved his life​

Rio Giardinieri felt like he was close to death but recovered after taking hydroxychloroquine.

Wed Mar 25, 2020 - 6:35 pm EST.

March 25, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — A 52-year-old man who thought he was going to die as a result of the coronavirus told Laura Ingraham of Fox News that he believes the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine saved his life.

Rio Giardinieri says he had been suffering with a fever for nine days, that his breathing became worse, speaking became difficult, and that he expected to die as a result of the coronavirus.

But Gardinieri decided to request hydroxychloroquine from medics after a friend of his from a prayer line told him about the drug. That friend had seen the drug covered recently on Ingraham’s show. . . .

. . . On Monday Ingraham tweeted an article from Forbes highlighting the case of Margaret Novins, a 53-year-old nurse from New Jersey who reports that her fever was gone within a day of taking hydroxychloroquine, after testing positive for the coronavirus. . .
hat-tip @Cathoholic

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Like I said, look at the reputation of the source. In this case LifeSiteNews - a pseudo-Catholic website that promotes right-wing causes. Then look at the content. A man who might have recovered with or without HCQ. Most do recover. It is just his personal opinion - and an anecdotal one at that - that HCQ made the difference. Thanks for the perfect illustration of what not to count as real news!
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LeafByNiggle . . .
Like I said, look at the reputation of the source. In this case LifeSiteNews - a pseudo-Catholic website that promotes left-wing causes.
Why those doggone left wingers at LifeSitenews.

I got an idea. Let’s get 'em good.

You show how this interview with FoxNews’ Laura Ingraham never occurred.

And how it wasn’t even reported on FoxNews.

And how this guy is an actor, not a real patient.

Then I will come out and hit LifeSiteNews hard.
I will show them for the charlatans they really are!

Let’s get busy LeafByNiggle.

To everyone else who may not know.
My above reply is a rhetorical device.
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Good job, Elias, in identifying the “Fake News”.

Media pundits, political operators and influencers still can’t stop repeating the falsehood that President Donald Trump called the novel coronavirus a “hoax,” even after several high profile fact checks hit news cycle.

President Donald Trump called criticism of his administration’s handling of the pandemic the Democrats’ “new hoax” during a Feb. 28 campaign rally in South Carolina. He repeatedly said that the coronavirus must – and will be – taken “very, very seriously.”
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