Nona (and FIll the void) as Catholics we are to practice what we preach.
The Church has always said that contraception is a serious sin and this is infallible because it has been taught continuously for 2000 years, like for instance, the fact that adultery is gravely sinful. This is called the ordinary magisterium, that is infallible teaching which has been continuously taught. This doctrine that all marital acts must be open to life was not proclaimed by an ex cathedra statement of the pope, an extraordinary exercise of the teaching authority of the Church.
Now when your chidren reach teenage years, you will not be credible to them when you tell them that they must remain chaste and not have marital relations while being unmarried. They will know unconsciously, even if you don’t tell them, that you as a married person are unable to master your desires for even a few short times during your married life and so how can you expect them to not give in to these desires?
They will conclude, one has to give in to these desires no matter what because there is no controlling them.
Also, how is your marriage going to survive this? Those who contracept tend to develope a selfish atttude towards their spouse. The nature of contraceptive intercouse is that there is a deliberate frustration of fertility on the part of one, the act becomes a lie. The marital act says, I give myself to you, body and soul. So when the fertility is frustrated, that is a part of your body which is not being given to the other. So these contracepted acts then say, ‘I love you except for your fertility’. Or ‘I’ll give you everything except my fertility’.
This puts a strain, at the very least, on your marital relationship.
NFP (used for serious reasons to aviod pregancy) is actually more effective than the Pill or IUD. There is a nturally infertile time during a woman’s cycle. Now by taking an NFP class from the Couple to Couple League, one can learn how to know in any given cycle when that time is.
I’ve talked with so many who conceived when on the Pill, wearing an IUD, using condoms, etc., after sterilization.
Where do you get the idea that any contraception or sterilization is 100%? It is not so. So when one does conceive while contracepting, it is usually very unexpected and since the person believed that because they were ‘being good’ and contracepting that they have a right not to be pregnant. Many are then tempted to kill the child or reject it by abuse.
Also, ecological breastfeeding is a great way to space babies for some. It extends the natural infertility after childbirth.