I am not sure why you started this post if you are unwilling to hear the truth and accept it. You have your beliefs and if you are unwilling to change, as you have said, then why continue a discussion. No reason you can give to support contraception being morally neutral makes it so. Just be glad that you live in a time when NFP is so scientific and successful. Some of us had our kids when this was not the case.I would like to thank you all for your questions and discussion.
I am not prepared to change my personal beliefs about contraception, nor would any discussion in this forum cause me, nor could it cause me, to change these beliefs. The main reason for this is due to the fact that I am not willing, within the forum, to place my ideas out for the scrutiny of others. If I am to change my beliefs about contraception, it would be in private, between me and my pastor, my religious mentor, or a between me and a strong Catholic one on one.
But I will say that I have heard all the reasons you have presented and more, and remain unconvinced that contraception is intrinsically wrong.
I will also say that I may, based on one argument, revise my and my partner’s practice concerning contraception, or how I would approach it (my wife would not be open to removing contraception, though I would try), not because I think contraception is wrong, but simply out of respect for the Church, that I should respect it even when it teaches something that is not correct. It may in the end do me little harm to cease contraception, compared to the rewards of obeying the Church no matter what (as one would a father, even when sometimes he is wrong).
As for RCIA, I will finish up this year (as I am also a sponsor to one of the initiates), but may not return until I have resolved this dilemma.
As for considering myself Catholic, if one would answer that contracepting makes me non-Catholic, then that person would be wrong, to the point where whatever else they say should be taken with a grain of salt.
I am Catholic, and will be until the day I die. I also feel justified in calling myself Catholic. If someone asks me about contraception, I will kindly say “the Church teaches…” and if they ask what I personally believe, I will kindly state “I do not wish to say at this time what I believe concerning contraception.”
Thank you for the discussion. I opened this up because I wanted more perspectives to bring up with my friends and Priest. And after talking with a good Catholic mentor (my RCIA sponsor) I think I know what to do.
But I still do accept that contraception is morally neutral. And I don’t see changing my mind about it at this time or in the near future.
Again thank you all, the majority who were very respectful, and even the minority who were not as kind, but still, I am sure, had very good intentions in what they have said.
I will wander this post to reply to any further questions as they come, so long as they do not deal directly with the reasons I believe that contracepting is morally neutral.
With love in Christ.
May the Holy Spirit enlighten you. We on the forum have not been able to do that.