Are you familiar with the concept of “possible worlds”? If every conceivable human pair would have sinned, then God would be unable to create a pair, which would not have sinned. Observe the universal operator of “every”. That means that every pair would be created to become a sinner. That is the meaning of “preordained”.Your scenaro is not logical. If God knew every conceivable pair would sin, that does not mean that they had no free will. It would mean they freely chose to disobey.
What is better, to sin and be forgiven, or not to sin at all? You argue that this world with all its sins, horrors, pains and sufferings is somehow “inferior” to the Garden of Eden. Are you serious? A sinless person needs no compassion and needs no mercy and definitely needs no “salvation”, since he would already be “saved”.I think the reason is that this provided him the opportunity to demonstrate his Infinite Compassion and Mercy. It also promised to be a condition to elicite a more perfect love from his creatures. Who is more greatful, he who has been forgiven much or he who had nothing for which to be forgiven? Having been forgiven much we are more greatful, and our love is greater than otherwise.
Come on. Who tested them, if not God?He did not " put them to the test, " he allowed them to be tested, but he warned them not to test him, or they would die.
If he did not want them to fail, he should have created them so they would freely choose not to sin. And if being created with knowing that they would sin, and that fact had no impact upon their free will, then the other scenario is also true: “to be created with full knowledge that they will not sin would not intrude upon their free will either.”He did not want Adam and Eve to fail. He wanted a proven love, freely given.
A real loving father does not place a bowl of poisoned candy on the table and does not warn his children about the serious consequences.Of course, but this was not the situation of the Fall. It was no trick, and they were clealy warned of the serious consequences.