Really? Maybe it is justified in his own eyes, but why should that be accepted by others? The act of every criminal is justified in his own eyes, the usual phrase is: “he needed killing”.A** person**'s decision is justified if **that person **believes it is reasonable.
Do you really think that the victim of a gang-rape should shrug it off by saying: “well, the creation of these independent thugs was a sufficient justification for allowing this rape to happen. Why should I complain about the minor inconvenience of being raped and tortured by these ten thugs? After all the existence of independent agents is more valuable than my measly little life and suffering.” Is this how the rape victim SHOULD react? Of does she have a legitimate complaint against the creator of those independent agents - when the creator KNEW what will happen?
Nevertheless we routinely render judgments based upon our imperfect knowledge of what is really going on in the mind of the criminals. Should we not have a legal system because we do not have full information?The comparison of God with a human parent is unsound for three reasons. Only God determines the precise extent of our freedom, has insight into our minds and knows the ultimate outcome of our lives.
No, a responsible society does not execute criminals because it MIGHT happen that the verdict was incorrect, and execution is final (irreversible) and because it costs too much money.A responsible society does not execute murderers because no one knows for certain their exact degree of culpability.
It is the second best solution. Just like “an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure”.Putting them in prison is a far cry from not creating them!
If you wish to argue about some continuation, then you need to present a proof of that continuation. Just because you believe it, it does not make it real.If this were the only life we have there might be a reason for sifting people out prior to birth but your thread presupposes the existence of God and presumably survival after death - which implies that your bafflement should take into account the eternal context of our life on earth.
On the very contrary, to judge what happens in this world by presenting a totally unsubstantiated state of affairs outside this existence is completely irrational and unreasonable. What happens here and now can only be judged on its own merit.To judge everything by what happens** in this world** is obviously unreasonable.