Why should I be offended? I value your contribution, even if we happen to disagree. And your prayers are most welcome, they show your good intentions. Thank you.
You see, I am always willing to listen to others. I am definitely NOT omniscient, so I never know when someone offers a new insight which has not occurred to me. The trouble is that I usually hear the same old “stuff”, and it does not improve. God does NOT manifest himself to me in any shape or form that I can recognize. There is a usual response to this, something along these lines: “How dare you expect God to conform to your stipulations? Is God supposed to be your beck and call?”. Well, if God wishes to manifest himself to me, he MUST do on the terms which I am able to recognize.
As I said, I am always willing to listen, but I am only willing to listen to reason and logic. Unsubstantiated claims, blind faith, appeals to self-proclaimed authorities do not impress me.
God doesn’t HAVE to do anything. You are free to accept or reject him as you choose. If people did not have free will, then no one would ever be able to sincerely love. It would all be a forgone conclusion.
You do not find God through any outward manifestation of his. You find him by looking within. That does, I admit, take some skill, and it comes far more easily to some than it does to others.
This is one of those things that you’ve heard before and find unsatisfying, however it’s true: How would you know it’s light if it were NEVER dark? You wouldn’t even be able to understand the concept of darkness. How would you ever know love if you NEVER knew its absence? You wouldn’t. No one would.
Why all the fuss about poor Adam and Eve? Why not trace evil back to its source: Satan. Obviously, if God is omniscient, and he is, he knew Satan would rebel, and because Satan was gifted in the art of rhetoric, and fraud, God knew Satan would take fully one-third of the angels down with him. So, why create Satan, who God KNEW would rebel and tempt Eve. And since Eve was weaker than Adam, not being made in God’s image, but only from Adam’s rib, she would be able to be tempted. Had all the angels remained “good” and obedient to God, there would have been no temptation and no fall. Had their been no fall we would all be living in the Garden, but we really wouldn’t know love because we wouldn’t know it’s opposite. It would be taken for granted, as common as a “Hello.” We would pass our days pain free in the sunshine, but they would be relatively devoid of meaning. We couldn’t even appreciate a warm, sunny day because every day would be a warm, sunny day. We would know nothing else.
At some point, you are going to have to accept that the fall was part of God’s plan from the beginning or argue until death and never receive a satisfying answer because there is not another answer.
I hope you find what you’re looking for, and God bless.