*Nope, I don’t “have to” explain anything, because that is STILL not the subject of this thread. Open your own thread, if you wish to discuss it.
determined by random processes of nature. If a different sperm would have reached the ovum, you might call yourself AntoniaRey - and the world would just go on. Whether it is “YOU” or “Antonia” who would exist, is of no relevance - especially since no one would know. And this simple truth is
NOT a death wish for your existence.
Unfortunately for you, Pallas, your first question presupposes free will:
**The first question is this:**
Could God have created a different pair, like George and Susie, who would NOT have succumbed to the temptation, and would NOT have chosen to disobey? If
every conceivable human pair would have succumbed to the temptation then there is no free will; the fall would have been
preordained or predestined. Sounds quite unreasonable. The existence of free will is a basic tenet.
Yet you have also stated explicitly:
We are the **random** result of a specific sperm "winning" the race to the ovum.
There is no qualification here which implies that our existence depends entirely on a random natural event without any form of supernatural intervention. Everything else you have written implies that there is no God, e.g.
"Why do you think that I or you are SPECIAL"? We are not. If we would not exist, then someone else would exist in our place."
In your scheme of things there is no free will because everything has a natural explanation and your entire argument is based on a false premise! Your vain attempt to modify your position with the word “partially” is inconsistent with everything else you have written. You are not really baffled at all because in your mind there is no conflict. For you
physical necessity has the last word and nothing else matters… If you wish to discuss “free will” is detail, open your own thread. Make sure that you precisely and explicitly define what you mean by this expression.