i am homosexual, yet i am Catholic

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There is little evidence that people with same sex attraction are born that way. And even if they were it doesn’t follow that we would encourage the behavior of a disorder. Alcoholics might be born that way we wouldn’t encourage them to continue that destructive behavior.


I find it interesting that the APA removed homosexuality from the list of disorders because the treatments they had back then mostly failed. That has changed a lot. Treatments today have a much higher rate of sucess. The doctor who spearheaded the movement to remove the diagnosis from the DSM has since changed his mind and is now working toward putting it back in. He discovered in his research that faith based treatment programs work quite well when the individual is motivated .


For purposes of being a faithful Catholic change is not necessary but chastity is. Father Benedict Groeshcel wrote a fine book entitled The Courage to Be Chaste.
I have some relatives who are vehemently upset with homosexuals and the normalizing of the homosexual partnership. Missing in all of the upset is the equal time given to the promotion of promiscuous (sp?) heterosexual sex. Lots of folks are up in arms about being bombarded with gay sex on TV, but in comparison there is little fury over all of the other sexual sins in TV, movies, magazines, etc.
Any sex outside of marriage is the same gravity of sin, but homosexuals are probably made to feel their sin is worse than anything else.
As Scripture says (and I don’t know where off the top) we ought to consider all suffering in this life for naught. This IS our exile, after all. And in keeping with His Goodness, it is a paradise, no matter what your cross!
I am an 18 year old male who is homosexual, yet i am Catholic, i love my religion yet I feel that it is against me, dose this mean I am not a Catholic? I attend church every Sunday and I do my best to attend evensongs on weekdays when I can, I was taught in a Catholic School and now I attend a Catholic college. I give blood and do a lot of charity work, and yet im writing this email as if I need to prove something to you, the Catholic people and myself. I did NOT choose to be Homosexual. Should I abandon my Catholic beliefs as I will never be accepted within the church? I live in a Catholic household and have a lot of Catholic friends, if they can accept me then why can’t my church? I have read the Bible and I do not personally believe it condones homosexual behaviour. I understand that it is not accepted within society, but surly the church is seen as a shelter from society’s brutality against its people, and is ment to unite people not segregate them. The question I put to you is am I Catholic, if I am not should I forsake my religion?
If im assumming corectly, your not an active homosexual, there for your a catholic male, and being a male is defined by hetrosexuality, not a state of mind. For some reason you have devoloped sexual attractions for your brothers rather then the opposite sex, but you are still hetrosexual by nature and you allways will be ( try and think of your self as a “hetrosexaul” with a disorder, it will help you to supress and over come your temptations by relising the truth. Homosexuality is a lie and a perversion of truth.

I have also felt alienated by “people” in the church, but you must remmeber that “people” are sinners, regardless of them being Catholic. So Rather then feel offence, Try an prey for them, so that God might enlighten them to their folly, prey for them so they might see. This pleases God when we prey for are enemys, love your enermys. Never leave, the Church on the account of other peoples sins, you will get no sympathys from God. And if you trust in God and live devoutly, then you may be blessed and be fixed, if it is his will. Perservere and you will be saved! 🙂 👍 :blessyou: :amen:
What is sexuality anyway?

Understand what sexuality is, this is the key. The only reason im a man and a women is a women is because We have sexual organs, we have them simply because of what those sexual organs achieve, not the pleasure we gain from useing them. The sexual pleasure we achieve is simply a complement to making children. If human beings where not defined by thier sexual organs( if they didnt have a penis or virgina), thier would be no definition in terms of sexuality. This would mean we would not be sexually attracted to eachother because there would be no sexuality. In other words if your not a man or women, it would be illogical for you to have a pysical sexual attraction. Attraction ocurrs only because we are sexual beings with sexual organs.

Some talk about love, but the love you have for your wife is no different then the love you have for your parents, the only difference is you are not by nature sexually attracted to your parents, your sexually attracted to your wife because God made it so it should be that way in order that you have children. Any Disorders of Gods plan come about as a result of the perversion of sexuality in are society. If a married couple had sex in the days of abraham, they would have to be open to the possibility of a child, because thats what sex is for.

The sexual plesure we feel from sex is only a complement to the making of children. The people of old times had to be chaste, and the only times they had sex was when they was open to the possibilty of have children. This is the kind of chastity that the church teaches now. If a gay couple woke up today and lost thier sexual desires, at the most, they would remain best freinds( they would nolonger date or look at eachother in a sexual manner), and if it was just relationship based on lust, then you would lose all intrest in eachother and be repused by the idea of kissing eachother and having sex.

People of are day love the feeling sex and use it as a drug rather then what it was created for. Through out the ages they have been trying to find ways of having the plesure of sex with out having children. Today we also have many desieses on top of the possibility of children. But now Society have found two new ways of combating this, Condoms and abortions, in this way they can achieve the pleasure that they want and not have worry about the conseqences. Sexuality has been perverted and abused and thats why people are growing up with lust for animals, children, and the same sex among other abominations that abuse the facultys and the gifts that God gave us. With preyer Obedience and patience, these desires can be over come or at least serpressed to the point of being almost nonexistent. God bless and fight rather then lay down and be lied to.

I have also felt alienated by “people” in the church, but you must remmeber that “people” are sinners, regardless of them being Catholic. So Rather then feel offence, Try an prey for them, so that God might enlighten them to their folly, prey for them so they might see. This pleases God when we prey for are enemys, love your enermys. Never leave, the Church on the account of other peoples sins, you will get no sympathys from God. And if you trust in God and live devoutly, then you may be blessed and be fixed, if it is his will.
Equinox - Others have done a good job of explaining the Church’s teachings about homosexuality, mortal sin, forgiveness etc. I just would like to say this: God loves you, and yes, He understands how you feel, and the longings in your heart. Please realize that God’s rules, the teachings He gives us through His Church, are not a way of depriving you of joy, but of helping you steer clear of deception and find true joy, which only God can give you. Sometimes what we feel can seem true and right, but be a deception and something that will destroy us if we act upon it - that’s true for anyone, any kind of temptation. God wants to give you something better. He’s always there, offering a better way if we are willing to turn away from our sins and toward Him. Sometimes it seems easier to convince ourselves that the thing we want isn’t a sin - and I do it too - but that’s why God gave the Church the authority to teach; it is a great blessing if you are willing to listen.
What a beautiful response. (Above) God Bless Equinox, I am sure we will all remember you in our prayers. Life is short pray hard.
There’s a lot of other things you said that I disagree with, and I think that many active homosexuals look at any non-embracing of their lifestyle as homophobia.
I dont think you handled your friendship with her in a bad way at all, and I think often people forget that respect goes both ways. You respected her beliefs by not forcing yours on her, which is more than many religious people can do, but she couldnt do the same.

About my use of the word homophobia, I use it with the meaning it has taken on today. So when I say it, I dont necessarily mean irrational fear, though that is what it is at times. That being said, I wouldnt consider your response to your friend homophobic even by the way I used it in my post.
Seeing as Equinox hasn’t posted on this page, I’d tend to think he was just baiting. Although the resulting conversation has been very good.

Equinox, if you are still reading and have an open heart, I’d like to say something to you. I also have a cross that at times has made me fear God (in the negative way) and my fellow human beings. I had an overwhelming fear that the Church and Her members were constantly judging me. I too “love[d] my religion yet [felt] it was against me”. It got to the point of suicidal thoughts at times. What brought me back was a focus on God as being
A) soooo much bigger than my struggle
B) somehow being constantly, personally loving and concerned about me and my struggle
C) the One who gave me this, in order for me to become who I am and who I will be: emphathetic, practical, creative, etc.

The thing is, to see all that, you have to sincerely reach out for the Truth. Are you here for Truth, or baitting? It’s up to you.

In Pax Christi,

My cross is hemiparetic cerebral palsy.
First let me say, my heart is truly broken for you. I can feel your anguish and if I could, I would just throw my arms around you and remind you that God loves you so so much.

It seems that you are asking questions that you are not ready to hear the answers for yet. I have found myself in a similar situation many times. For example, I am a married woman. I have been called to be a faithful and loving wife and a mother to my children. I recently posted a thread talking about the fact that when my marriage was in a lot of trouble, I fell in love with a married Catholic man. Three years later, I am still struggling. I have found it tempting to say to myself “But, my husband was not faithful to me,” or “How can God ask me to endure till death do us part?” But the reality is, that if I love the Catholic church the way I say I do, and if I trust that the Holy Spirit is indeed guiding what the Church teaches, then I must adhere to it, even when it “feels” difficult or unfair. To do anything less diminishes the very faith that I value so much.

I have been a Catholic, and a christian long enough to know that God gives us laws for a reason. I have also learned that in being obedient, even if it seems I must give up my freedom, that I wind up being MORE free, and finding fulfillment that I never imagined. I hold to this truth now, as I carry MY cross. I don’t know how long it will be before I see God’s end result with me regarding this, or how long it will be for you, should you CHOSE to bear YOUR cross, but I do know that God promised that His grace is sufficient, and it is always available to us, if we just claim it. God does not lie - He will give you what you need! Even if it’s one moment at a time.

Also, my dear brother in Christ, remember that Satan is everything that God is not. He is a LIAR, who will tell you that you will be miserable the rest of your life, if you do not live your life the way YOU want. He will tell you that your homosexuality is BIGGER than God’s grace or love. He will tell you that God does not really love you, if He cannot let you do what you want. He has done these things from the beginning of time. Remember how he told Eve, “Did God really tell you…?” and “You surely will not die!” He is asking you now, "Does God and His Church REALLY love you? and “You surely will not die (spiritually or otherwise), just because you act on your NATURE that God gave you!” He wants to keep you from receiving all the graces that God wants to give you, and others THROUGH you. The only way to stand between you and Grace - is sin. He hits us where it hurts.

I hope something I have said has helped. Know that I will be praying for you, and that you are loved. God Bless and keep you close to Him, always.
I am an 18 year old male who is homosexual, yet i am Catholic, i love my religion yet I feel that it is against me, dose this mean I am not a Catholic? I attend church every Sunday and I do my best to attend evensongs on weekdays when I can, I was taught in a Catholic School and now I attend a Catholic college. I give blood and do a lot of charity work, and yet im writing this email as if I need to prove something to you, the Catholic people and myself. I did NOT choose to be Homosexual. Should I abandon my Catholic beliefs as I will never be accepted within the church? I live in a Catholic household and have a lot of Catholic friends, if they can accept me then why can’t my church? I have read the Bible and I do not personally believe is condones homosexual behaviour. I understand that it is not accepted within society, but surly the church is seen as a shelter from society’s brutality against its people, and is ment to unite people not segregate them. The question I put to you is am I Catholic, if I am not should I forsake my religion?
You have 2 options:
  1. live the rest of your life being single and chaste
  2. overcome your attractions and lead a normal life
If you prefer option 2, then I’d suggest visiting


The latter is a ministry run by a former homosexual.
JSmitty , your first link is offensive and needs to be removed immediately.It is an abomination.
So you are stating that I should give up 18 years of upbringing, beliefs and values because I am homosexual, then you are basically saying that I am not excepted within the church. I have been told and I believe that the church accepts / loves everyone…
It looks to me like you have already abandoned the faith and beliefs of your upbringing. If you can’t assent to the teachings of the magistereum, then you are not acting as a Catholic. I would be devastated to see you (or anyone) leave the Church, but you cannot just change authoritative doctrine because it doesn’t suit your lifestyle desire. I mean, I really badly would like to get drunk and have sex sometimes, but I am obligated by my conscience to act virtuously. I can’t just assert my own doctines to allow myself to act like this. Neither can you. So I suggest you suck it up and lead a celibate life. Millions of men have done it before, including Christ.
when I get married to somebody of the same sex
This is impossible, as marriage is the union of one man and one woman, as defined by God and His Church. You can call it same-sex “marriage” all you like, that doesn’t make it so.
Equinox, please respond. We only correct you because we love you and we do not want you to be decieved. The world is decieving, the flesh has been decieved, and ever since we where kicked out of the garden of eden the human mind has used the Physical body as a vercle of pleasure rather then what it has been created for. Please dont let your pride or fear or weakness stop you from trying to change. Its not lie when i tell you this, if you doubt that with Gods help you can change in to a heathy minded hetro-sexual then you wont be able over come it. Homosexual feeds and becomes stronger when you doubt your hetrosexuality and your man hood. Being attracted to men is for women, not for men, the atraction its self revolves around to oposite sexes, it serves a purpose, nothing else.

The universe is ordered. God created food so that we can eat and stay Alive, it is plesurable so we enjoy eating it, but its not for are pleasure, it is to sustain life and it is only for that reason.

In outer space it is cold, why?( it doesnt need to be, nor is there is any reason that it should be) and then we have suns that produce heat? why should these to elements be opposites and produce theses opposites to an extreame? it is because they are designed to work agains’t and for each other to produce an “enviroment”. Their is a reason for hot only because their is such a thing as cold, and cold exists only becuase it defines heat. when theses to come together they form a balance. And we relate to the fact that the world is hot and cold becuase we have feelings and a body designed that is nesserary for for us to interact and live in this world other wise we would not recognise these elements of are reality, Its nesserary that we do.

The univerese is based on are nessesitys to live, it is for life and interaction, since everything interacts and produces a reaction. Its not just thier just for the sake of it, like we dont just have a penis for the sake of having one. it doesnt have to be this way but god felt that an ordered universe would be fitting and it also works agaisnt heresy and lies since ones reason has to follow order. it works the same for sexuality, sexuality isnt just somthing we have and find plesurable.

It is ordered and nesserary, so that me and you can exist, since you would not if it was reasonable that anyone should produce feelings for the same sex. Reason and logics. Just think about it. Homosexuality is a produce of are imagination, thier for does not follow the order of the universe because are imagination doesnt exist in the physical universe. Sometimes when you focus on somthink and imagine it, it stays in your mind.

If you hear a song that makes a strong impresion on you, you will remmeber it and maybe find it hard to get it out of your head. If you at some point you doubt your sexuality because your enviroment produces a strong impresion on you that you should do so, then it will stay with you and grow stronger the more doubt you feed it.

A human is never more impresionable then When he or she a child, this is the most important put of a humans life. And what a human learns at that age, will dictate what the child will become in the future acording to his or her enviroment in the future and his or her understanding of it. :blessyou:

Pray that God will change you. He can and Will, if it’s something you desire. I have known a few homosexuals who were not happy in that lifestyle any longer, they wanted to be and live differently and they now do. So can you. Nothing is impossible with God. Don’t forget.

There’s a ministry out there for you. It’s called:
One that same note, there is no proof to keep it on either. No proof whatsoever, just theory.
Disorders are merely an abnormal mental or physical condition and as homosexuality is not a normal condition, there is sufficient reason to keep it up there. Are you saying homosexuality is normal?
Like most psychological disorders, they are a man made excuse for behavior. I cannot help stealing, I am a kleptomaniac. I can’t help fornicating; I have a sexual disorder. I can’t help killing, I am a sociopath.
I’m not sure where your anger stems from, but I do not think it helpful to overgeneralize and combine those with legitimate psychological disorders and those who abuse the classifications to their benefit or as a scapegoat. Authentic attempts at classifying a disorder are not meant to excuse a person from continuing their disorder but rather a step in correcting this disorder and if you’re going to make the claim that these “disorders” don’t exist, then you’re claiming there isn’t anything about human beings to be corrected.

Now, if it is a genetic problem, *then *someone could say “I can’t help it.” But if its a disorder, it is certainly something to be corrected.

Do you see the difference?
I’ve read (can’t remember where) that most gays, who have been counseled, usually revert back in a short time. If I under went counseling to become a homosexual, I suspect (I hope) I would revert back to being a heterosexual in a short time, if I ever changed at all. IMO, you can’t change who you are attracted too. If you have the willpower, you can be celebate. I truly believe there is a physical aspect to their feelings/desires, it can’t be just “counseled” away.

I see what your saying, but there’s a fundamental reality about the nature of human beings that everyone is forgetting: the body is void of conceptual thought. When I am hungry, the cells in my stomach lack the ability to conceptualize what it is that it’s hungry for. The cells merely recognize a depletion of this, that, or the other nutrient/protein and notify the brain. It is me that turns this synapse into conceptual thought. For example, a person who has never had sushi before won’t ever crave sushi. Why? Because the stomach can’t tell me what I want, my brain has to decode this desire and this desire is filtered through the lens of my own experience.

Just because an alcoholic may *feel *like they don’t have control over their addiction, doesn’t mean they don’t have control. And just because an alcoholic relapses after treatment doesn’t mean that they are destined to be alcoholics and cannot be healed.


Whether they reverted is irrelevant. The mere fact that they were able to be attracted to women for even a week means that it isn’t a genetic disorder and can be conditioned. All the pyschological treatment in the world can’t make an austistic child not be autistic. Why? Because autism is genetic. Homosexuality, however, is not.
I believe that homosexuality for some is not a choice, and is something that cannot be corrected (thus due to biological factors)…
Why do you believe this?

If someone never chose the deviancy they’ve inhereted, does it necessarily follow that it cannot be correct or is acceptable?
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