There is little evidence that people with same sex attraction are born that way. And even if they were it doesn’t follow that we would encourage the behavior of a disorder. Alcoholics might be born that way we wouldn’t encourage them to continue that destructive behavior.
I find it interesting that the APA removed homosexuality from the list of disorders because the treatments they had back then mostly failed. That has changed a lot. Treatments today have a much higher rate of sucess. The doctor who spearheaded the movement to remove the diagnosis from the DSM has since changed his mind and is now working toward putting it back in. He discovered in his research that faith based treatment programs work quite well when the individual is motivated .
For purposes of being a faithful Catholic change is not necessary but chastity is. Father Benedict Groeshcel wrote a fine book entitled The Courage to Be Chaste.
I find it interesting that the APA removed homosexuality from the list of disorders because the treatments they had back then mostly failed. That has changed a lot. Treatments today have a much higher rate of sucess. The doctor who spearheaded the movement to remove the diagnosis from the DSM has since changed his mind and is now working toward putting it back in. He discovered in his research that faith based treatment programs work quite well when the individual is motivated .
For purposes of being a faithful Catholic change is not necessary but chastity is. Father Benedict Groeshcel wrote a fine book entitled The Courage to Be Chaste.