i am homosexual, yet i am Catholic

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Yet again comparing a homosexual to a paedophile or murderer! THEY ARE BOTH ACTS AGAINST THE LAW. I have read your response, and I do understand what you are saying, but please reword it. I will then submit my response, but I will not lower myself to being considered next to the likes of paedophiles or murderers.
Once again, you have pointedly ignored that, coming from a Catholic perspective, the references to the effect of those sins on one’s soul was relating to God’s Law, not civil law. Mortal sin is mortal sin, if you chose it, knowing that it put you in the same spiritual state as pedophiles and murders, its kind of pointless to demand we pretend there is a differnce. The refusal to acknowledge that God’s law is not equivalent to (and is in fact greater than) civil law is a large part of the predicitibality of your posts thus far. If your demand for discussing the effect of sin on one’s soul is conditionl on other accupting your arbitrarly imposed limitations on God’s authority, you are not going to get very far here.
Having read all these posts, and not coming from a medical background, but an engineering and educational one, I have to ask- Did we all somehow miss your question? This is kind of reminding me of that old nursery rhyme/ riddle, “As I Was Going To Saint Ives”. All the kits, cats, sacks, and wives didn’t matter, along with the man who had them all, because only one person was going to Saint Ives- I.

Equinox: Are you looking for a reason to stay, or a reason to leave the Church?
You can not be practicing homosexual and recieve the Sacrements. You can attend mass but not take communion.
You can be Catholic but not partake of its blessings.

If you are celebrate and not a practicing homosexual, then you may partake of the sacraments as any member can.

The physcial act of homosexual sex is a sin and not condoned in God’s plan. Just as a divorced person, a person living together could not partake of the Sacraments, a person living a homosexual lifestyle may not either.

The Church loves you and wants you to be part of it, but the Church can not change God’s laws because man wishes to live a certain way.
You said:

“Yet again comparing a homosexual to a paedophile or murderer! THEY ARE BOTH ACTS AGAINST THE LAW. I have read your response, and I do understand what you are saying, but please reword it. I will then submit my response, but I will not lower myself to being considered next to the likes of paedophiles or murderers.”

to my original post:
When anyone dies with an unrepented mortal sin on their soul, we all know where they go. It is up the individual to confess and repent their sin, feel shame and do penance, whatever the sin may be. Homosexuality may be forgiven if repented, as will pedophilia, murder, etc. There is no sin bigger than God’s mercy (Fr. Corapi). The key is you need to strive to feel sorrow for sin- something nobody wants to do initially, but we can with prayer and God’s guidance overcome anything and become his followers.
I was actually responding to what you said in a previous post you wrote:

All I am stating is if I choose to get married and partake in the act of sex does this mean I am not catholic for committing one sin (in my head) against God, when paedophiles and killers may be forgiven in the eyes of the church etc.

***So, YOU are the one who compared yourself to them! ***

The entire concept of marriage has changed. People did not “marry” as we even understand it. The main aim of marriage was to create life
What legitimate reason is there for the change?
The entire concept of marriage has changed. People did not “marry” as we even understand it. The main aim of marriage was to create life - to, in many cases keep the tribe alive - thus you were in effect assigned a “breeding” partner, there was no need for marriage between homosexuals, as marriage was not made out of love then. Homosexuality in many cases was not frowned upon, and people could engage in such acts freely, as marriage was merely for the intention of having children.
Upon further reflection, I retract my last objection as there is not legitimate evidence to demonstrate that reason for “marriage” was producing life. If the production of life, especially given the low life expectancy and high infant mortality rates, was the reason for marriage it would be absurd for marriages in antiquity to have only one partner - it would have been perfectly acceptable to have as many partners as you possibly could to create as many children as you could. While this was certainly done by various historical figures, it was not condoned by society at large. Why not?
Equinox said:
(Laughs his head off) Please, please, please, go onto another topic, I have applied to the best medical schools in the country, and been accepted to all of them. “Catholic Medical Association” Doctors to not try to dictate religion, so maybe the Catholic Church should not try to dictate or pretend to know anything about ‘homosexual’ medical issues. (If there are any)

Why are you shunning advice? Obviously, you don’t belong in these forums.
If you are at all interested in hearing from someone who sounds like he was in the same boat as you, please read this article. It’s very intersting, and may have more credibility with you than we do here on the Forum. It’s an article from the New Oxford Review, reprinted on one of my favorite blogs.
The Truth About the Homosexual Movement
By Ronald G. Lee
Ed. Note: This article contains an honest description of the homosexual “lifestyle.” If you don’t want to read such accounts, DO NOT READ THIS ARTICLE. If you do read it, don’t send us a letter of complaint. You’ve been forewarned.
There was a “gay” bookstore called Lobo’s in Austin, Texas, when I was living there as a grad student. The layout was interesting. Looking inside from the street all you saw were books. It looked like any other bookstore. There was a section devoted to classic “gay” fiction by writers such as Oscar Wilde, Gertrude Stein, and W.H. Auden. There were biographies of prominent “gay” icons, some of whom, like Walt Whitman, would probably have accepted the homosexual label, but many of whom, like Whitman’s idol, President Lincoln, had been commandeered for the cause on the basis of evidence no stronger than a bad marriage or an intense same-sex friendship. There were impassioned modern “gay” memoirs, and historical accounts of the origins and development of the “gay rights” movement. It all looked so innocuous and disarmingly bourgeois. But if you went inside to browse, before long you noticed another section, behind the books, a section not visible from the street. The pornography section. Hundreds and hundredsof pornographic videos, all involving men, but otherwise catering to every conceivable sexual taste or fantasy. And you would notice something else too. There were no customers in the front. All the customers were in the back, rooting through the videos. As far as I know, I am the only person who ever actually purchased a book at Lobo’s. The books were, in every sense of the word, a front for the porn.
Read the rest here…
Consecrated, thank you for the link. What a powerful piece of writing, and consistent with everything I’ve ever read.
Hey Equinox, I’m curious, which schools have accepted you (I’m just wondering 🙂 ).

As for everything else, here’s my view.

You’re gay. Fine. I won’t argue and I could care less whether or not it is genetic. You have a cross to bear. You could look for a loophole or you could pick it up and walk with it.

I would simply like to know what you expect to get out of sex. Can you answer that question?

Sex is an expression of love, but it by no means defines love. Ask couples who are unable to have intercourse for one reason or another. I would expect that they would tell you they love each other and they deal with the fact that they don’t have intercourse. If you love somebody, cool, you should. Do you really need to express your love sexually to make it real? I’m curious, I personally don’t know.

However, I would also like to say that I am impressed. I think that I read that you have not had sex. That’s good. 👍 I’m not married and neither have I. I would appear that you are struggling with a teaching of the Church. I have too. I still struggle with teachings of the Church. There are plenty I don’t understand but I just obey them and save judgment for another day. Keep on pushing, it’s worth the fight.
Whatever decision you make (I’ll admit, I hope you choose to stay with the Church and choose not to feel down because you are demonized for something over which you have no control, while still maitaining your chastity), may God be with you.

Consecrated, thank you for the link. What a powerful piece of writing, and consistent with everything I’ve ever read.
Thank the Holy Spirit, who lead me to it! 🙂

I really hope the OP reads it and takes the words seriously.
Your primary problem has never been your attraction to the same sex. This is a cross, yes, but it is not the thing that is primarily making you face a moral delema. The primary problem, it appears, is your discontentment with lifelong singlehood and celebacy. Only your desire that “in order to be happy I need a companion” would motivate you to, because the Church teaches that you cannot act on your same sex attraction, to change your same sex attraction.

All this attraction means is that it is very unlikely God will call you to the married life, as if he did, He would call you to marry someone of the opposite sex as marriage is the union of the complimentary sexes.
"Have you not read that from the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female’ and said, ‘For this reason man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the two shall be one flesh’? Mt 19:4-5
Pray for a placent heart, instead, and work for a placent heart. I also recommend concecrating yourself to Jesus through Mary. iipg-queenofpeace.org/consecration1.htm
“Some are incapable of marriage because they were born so; some, because they were made so by others; some, because they have renounced marriage for the sake of the kingdom of heaven.” Mt 19:12
The only way for you to not be Catholic would be for you to reject your faith. The Church is not rejecting you. Why do people always think they’re being rejected when they’re the ones doing the rejecting or that they are being judged when they are the ones doing the judging?

We can argue about if its a chemical problem, how often it occurs in the human species, if its a mental illness that is developed through time, but none of this really matters. The point is that your attraction is an attraction to sin. We all have a fallen nature and everyone experiences this fallen nature in different ways.

In humility accept this desire for what it is and also recognize that you are not the sum of your feelings, desires, accomplishments and failures. You are something much simplier, you are the sum of God’s love. If you die to yourself and live in Him, you will become the fully realized version of yourself, you will become more of who God really made you to be and less of what the stains of original sin and your acts of sin have made you.

Moreover, you are called to a greater calling if you are called to lifelong celebacy. It is not to say that the marital act is not good nor that marriage itself is not good, but when He calls individuals to the challenge of celebacy, He is calling you to give yourself wholly to Him without any division of heart.
Everyone has written some awesome posts, so I’ll try to keep this short. The bottom line, Equinox, is that yes of course you are Catholic. In the eyes of the church and God you always will be. You understand that sex before marriage is a sin. You also know, I’m sure, that gay sex is a sin, always. You also know that gay “marriage” “civil unions” whatever - are not recognized by the church. There’s no loophole anywhere. If you engage in these activities you will still be Catholic, but a Catholic in mortal sin.

Homosexuals basically are called by the church to live a celibate life. It is a very heavy cross to bear. But think of it this way: God loves you sooo much. He knows that you are above the evil you are tempted to. You are worth so much more than that to Him!! And in keeping His laws and staying pure, you will be rewarded with eternity with Him. Don’t sacrifice your soul for some little pleasure on earth. It isn’t worth it. (This is something all of us sinners need to remember.)

I really wish the best to you. Someone mentioned pm’ing Edwin1961. I think that might be a great idea. Edwin is a wonderful guy and he might be able to walk you through some of your confusion. God bless. 🙂
You can not be practicing homosexual and recieve the Sacrements. You can attend mass but not take communion. You can be Catholic but not partake of its blessings.

If you are celebrate [sic] [celibate ?] and [are] not a practicing homosexual, then you may partake of the sacraments as any member can.

The physcial act of homosexual sex is a sin and not condoned in God’s plan. Just as a divorced person, a person living together could not partake of the Sacraments, a person living a homosexual lifestyle may not either.

The Church loves you and wants you to be part of it, but the Church can not change God’s laws because man wishes to live a certain way.
Spelling errors aside - 🤓 - Fr. Chuck has it. These are good “Talking Points” of wisdom to remember.

I hope everyone notes this phrase,


Copy it, memorize it. You will need it.
I was parents taught me the same in a catholic context, however I was born this way and my parents understand, they love me for who I am and have never had the bigoted view that being homosexual is a crime against the church or the state. All I am stating is if I choose to get married and partake in the act of sex does this mean I am not catholic for committing one sin (in my head) against God, when paedophiles and killers may be forgiven in the eyes of the church etc
At the risk of repeating what everyone else has said:
Don’t confuse the “bigoted view” and the Church’s teaching. Just because people and the Church believe and teach that the ACT of homosexuality is a sin doesn’t mean it’s a bigoted view. It was God that gave us that teaching, not man.

If you CHOOSE to “marry” and partake in the ACT of sex with your male partner, then you are still Catholic but you will be a Catholic separated from God by mortal sin. Only a pure confession can bring you back into that grace.

Pedophiles and murderer may be forgiven - as well as practicing homosexuals IF THEY REPENT AND MAKE A COMMITTMENT TO NOT COMMIT THE SIN AGAIN. That’s a condition for all confessions. You, as the penitent, must make every effort to not sin again and to not put yourself in a position to sin. In other words, just like a alcholic wouldn’t go into a bar because of the temptation to have a drink, you shouldn’t put yourself in the a situation where you would be tempted to have sex with another man.

ALL sin can be forgiven - except the one where you obstinently refuse to accept the grace of God - the sin against the Holy Spirit, even at death. An active homosexual can be forgiven, just like the pedophiles and murderers, if the contrition is honest and you intend to avoid that sin in the future.

The Church is not rejecting you - you would be rejecting the Church. Jesus said, “He who hears you, hears me and he that rejects you, rejects me”. The Church loves you and wants you to remain with her but she cannot, under ANY circumstance, accept the sin. She will help you with everything in her power to help you come away from the sin and she will help you stay away in the future but you have to be willing to accept the help offered.

That’s all ther is to it and no one can give you the answer you so desparately want to hear. I’m sorry.
God loves you no matter who you are. There are people in this world that have urges to kill, have affairs, or impulsively lie, but whether you act upon those urges is where sin comes in. Satan will make us all think this way or that because he is constantly striving to keep us from doing the Will of God. Keep in mind Satan cannot know what you are thinking, but he can plant ideas and actually make you think something that truely is not. As far as the members of your congregation, are you sure they do not accept you or is it coming from within you? Have you accepted what you think you are? God made us in His image, His words clearly states homosexuality is wrong, so are you sure Satan isn’t playing with your mind. You have apparently been open about yourself with your church, that is a big step. DO NOT give up your faith. Stay strong and God will help you. Continue to seek Him with all your heart and if you want to change He will help you. I will keep you in my prayers.
Just because the world or the culture says you are “homosexual” it doesn’t mean anything. We all have sexual attractions in some way or another. Your sexuality is that you are a man and no less or different than any other man. Attraction is a small part of your sexuality. The world makes it out to be the biggest part but it isn’t. Sexual attraction is not that large a part of truly loving a women. In fact I would say that more than often sexual attraction gets in the way of loving a women because of lust. Lust will always be lust. It doesn’t mater if you lust over the same sex, other women besides your wife or even your wife. It is still lust and it gets in the way of true love.

There are times when I honestly believe that a man who has same sex attraction is more capable of truly loving his wife for who she is. Sex is about totaly giving yourself to your wife in a way that images the Trinity. The Trinity is Three but One at the same time. Husband and wife are one flesh, and two at the same time. This isn’t because of attraction but because of selfgiving love. This love is so giving that it and God gives life from it. Sex is about self giving to your wife and then to the children whom you hold in your arms. It’s not about attraction.

You said:

“Yet again comparing a homosexual to a paedophile or murderer! THEY ARE BOTH ACTS AGAINST THE LAW. I have read your response, and I do understand what you are saying, but please reword it. I will then submit my response, but I will not lower myself to being considered next to the likes of paedophiles or murderers.”

to my original post:

I was actually responding to what you said in a previous post you wrote:

All I am stating is if I choose to get married and partake in the act of sex does this mean I am not catholic for committing one sin (in my head) against God, when paedophiles and killers may be forgiven in the eyes of the church etc.

***So, YOU are the one who compared yourself to them! ***

As i was already compared to those, i seen no harm in doing it myself (not that i liked it, however replying to lots of ppl at once, the brain cannot keep track etc , please read ALL quotes before writing.

Many Thanks
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