Your primary problem has never been your attraction to the same sex. This is a cross, yes, but it is not the thing that is primarily making you face a moral delema. The primary problem, it appears, is your discontentment with lifelong singlehood and celebacy. Only your desire that “in order to be happy I need a companion” would motivate you to, because the Church teaches that you cannot act on your same sex attraction, to change your same sex attraction.
All this attraction means is that it is very unlikely God will call you to the married life, as if he did, He would call you to marry someone of the opposite sex as marriage is the union of the complimentary sexes.
"Have you not read that from the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female’ and said, ‘For this reason man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the two shall be one flesh’? Mt 19:4-5
Pray for a placent heart, instead, and work for a placent heart. I also recommend concecrating yourself to Jesus through Mary.
“Some are incapable of marriage because they were born so; some, because they were made so by others; some, because they have renounced marriage for the sake of the kingdom of heaven.” Mt 19:12
The only way for you to not be Catholic would be for you to reject your faith. The Church is not rejecting you. Why do people always think they’re being rejected when they’re the ones doing the rejecting or that they are being judged when they are the ones doing the judging?
We can argue about if its a chemical problem, how often it occurs in the human species, if its a mental illness that is developed through time, but none of this really matters. The point is that your attraction is an attraction to sin. We all have a fallen nature and everyone experiences this fallen nature in different ways.
In humility accept this desire for what it is and also recognize that you are not the sum of your feelings, desires, accomplishments and failures. You are something much simplier, you are the sum of God’s love. If you die to yourself and live in Him, you will become the fully realized version of yourself, you will become more of who God really made you to be and less of what the stains of original sin and your acts of sin have made you.
Moreover, you are called to a greater calling if you are called to lifelong celebacy. It is not to say that the marital act is not good nor that marriage itself is not good, but when He calls individuals to the challenge of celebacy, He is calling you to give yourself wholly to Him without any division of heart.