Maureen Fiore:
Why is he having a difficult time with the Church? Maybe because he really is not homosexual and is just testing us. Playing Devils advocate?
Or because he is not really Catholic, or because he is not really some, any, or all of what he claims to be? Because he’s here ‘to make a point.’ When others didn’t quickly stumble in the quagmire of his brilliant reparte (AKA re-hashing the same ol’ same ol’ gay propaganda), he turned to simply dismissing rather than addressing what is said, name calling and character assassination, not to mention rather suddenly obtaining impressive medical credentials for an 18 year old.
Equinox, if you are truly who you say you are, I can only say, we all struggle with our own temptations and sins, and God loves us, but that doesn’t translate into a free pass to do as we please. Others have already made this point.
Said in another way: you may demand your right to sit on a train track, you may convince others that it is a good, normal, and reasonable thing to do, you may convince others the train doesn’t exist, or that the engineer of said train loves you and would never hurt you, those of us warning about the dangers of sitting on train tracks may even appear fools seeking to deprive you of your joy in life… and yet when that train comes… all the talk in the world isn’t going to help.
I, too, have my struggles, temptations, and sins, and demanding that others approve of them and celebrate them isn’t going to help me one iota when I face God.
Best of luck to you, whoever you are.