i am homosexual, yet i am Catholic

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It is very relevant - it proves that homosexuality is not psychological, and also, humans evolved from animals.

Once again, this is from a Catholic source NARTH - it is biased.
Oh! I forgot to include the biased footnotes.

Footnotes {1} J. M. Bailey et al., “Heritable Factors Influence Sexual Orientations in Women,” Archives of General Psychiatry 50, no. 3, pp. 217-23. Note the title. Even though the authors admit that any possible heritable factors contribute only 25 percent to a homosexual predisposition, the article is titled as though trumpeting a headline discovery. It was picked up that way by sympathetic media outlets.

{2} S. LeVay, “A Difference in Hypothalamic Structure Between heterosexual and Homosexual Men,” Science 253 (1991), pp. 1034-37.

{3} D. Swaab and M. Hofman, “An Enlarged Suprachiasmatic Nucleus in Homosexual Men,” Brain Research 537 (1990), pp. 141-48.

{4} L. Allen, et al., “Sexual Orientation and the Size of the Anterior Commissure in the Human Brain,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America 89, no. 15 (1992), pp. 7199-7202.

{5} S. Demeter et al., “Morphometric analysis of the human corpus callosum and anterior commissure,” Human Neurobiology 6 1988), pp. 219-26.

{6} G. Gabbard, “Psychodynamic Psychiatry in the ‘Decade of the Brain,’” American Journal of Psychiatry, 149, no. 8 (1992), pp. 991-98.

{7} D. Deam et al., “Alpha1-Antitrypsin Phenotypes in Homosexual Men,” Pathology 21 (1989), pp. 91-92.

{8} R. Post, “Transduction of Psychosocial Stress into the Neurobiology of Recurrent Affective Disorder,” American Journal of Psychiatry 148, no. 8 (1992), pp. 999-1010.

{9} Gabbard, “Psychodynamic Psychiatry.”

{10} Reported in D. Gelman “Born or Bred?” Newsweek, 24 February 1992, pp. 46-53.

{11} J. Maddox, “Is Homosexuality Hardwired?” Nature 353 (September 1991), p. 13.

{12} P. Billings and J. Beckwith, “Born Gay?” Technology Review, July 1993, p. 60. Paul Billings, M.D., is the former chief of the Division of Genetic Medicine at California Pacific Medical Center in Palo Alto, California and is now head of Internal Medicine at the Palo Alto Veteran’s Administration Hospital; Jonathan Beckwith, M.D., is American Cancer Society Research Professor in the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics at Harvard Medical School.

{13} Ibid., p. 60.

{14} Ibid., p. 61.

{15} See D. W. Whitehead, “Dan Quayle Was Right,” The Atlantic Monthly 271, no. 4, pp. 47-84, for an excellent, lay-oriented summary of this reversal. Among others, Whitehead cites Sara McLanahan, now a sociologist at Princeton: “I’d gone to graduate school in the days when the politically correct argument was that single-parent families were just another family form, and it was fine.” She acknowledges now that “Evidence on intergenerational poverty indicates that, indeed, offspring from single mother families are far more likely to be poor and to form mother-only families than are offspring who live with two parents most of their pre-adult lives.” (p. 62). Whitehead and McLanahan are just two of the many, more often than not female, researchers who have broken out of the destructive seventies mindset. Perhaps the most well-known is Judith Wallerstein, director of the long-term, and still ongoing, California Children of Divorce Study. Her 1989 book, written with Sandra Blakeslee, Second Chances: Men, Women, and Children a Decade after Divorce, blew the lid off the divorce-as-personal-fulfillment-the-kids-will-be-fine fantasy.

{16} E. Coleman et al., “Sexual and Intimacy Dysfunction Among Homosexual Men and Women,” Psychiatric Medicine (United States) 10, no. 2 (1992), pp. 257-71.

{17} L. S. Doll et al., “Self-Reported Childhood and Adolescent Sexual Abuse Among Adult Homosexual Bisexual Men,” Child Abuse and Neglect 16, no. 6 (1992), pp. 855-64.

{18} D. M. Greenberg, J. M. Bradford, and S. Curry, “A Comparison of Sexual Victimization in the Childhoods of Pedophiles and Hebephiles,” Journal of Forensic Science (United States) 38, no. 2 (March 1993), pp. 432-36.
From Cathmed:

“Homosexuality and Hope” is the result of a two-year study by a special task force of The Catholic Medical Association (CMA). Based on current scientific facts and the practical experience of task force members, “Homosexuality and Hope” outlines a positive program of providing help, support and hope for those homosexual persons who wish to live in union with the Catholic Church. Topics included in the report are: current myths advanced in the literature, the early identification of same sex attraction, and a treatment program to help individuals live in full communion with the Catholic Church.
Ok, I will research this in more detail and im sure I have a few contacts that will aid me into the facts and findings of this. Forgive me if I sound sceptical, but I am. The church has a knack of being able to ‘change’ things. Look through your History books and what I said has been proven.
You win! We will use Kinssy’s discredited research.
Things take years or even hundreds of years to disprove, give it time. Or maybe just give me two years and a few Cambridge professors.
Ok, I will research this in more detail and im sure I have a few contacts that will aid me into the facts and findings of this. Forgive me if I sound sceptical, but I am. The church has a knack of being able to ‘change’ things. Look through your History books and what I said has been proven.
It has been found homosexuality is observed in men 7 times more than in women. Researchers found it had to do with early childhood and the fact that boys had to learn to be men from their father. An absent or disengaged father contributes to the prevalence of the condition. If I remember the research this happens between ages 1-4.
The church has a knack of being able to ‘change’ things. Look through your History books and what I said has been proven.
This may be for another thread, but are you suggesting the Church has changed its position on homosexuality?
Forgive me; I may be acting like something that is very foul. However I don’t like being told that my sexuality is something to do with a nuro-chemical imbalance in my brain resulting from faulty DNA nucleotides etc.

The footnote provided lists only names - they are just words.

No qualifications are shown, no criticism is given. These are merely authors, any person who has competent language skills can write a book, they just need the audience.
I am an 18 year old male who is homosexual, yet i am Catholic, i love my religion yet I feel that it is against me,
It is not your religion that is against you- it is satan who is leading you from your religion- and leading you to believe that your religion is against you.
does this mean I am not a Catholic?
I attend church every Sunday and I do my best to attend evensongs on weekdays when I can,
That is good
I was taught in a Catholic School and now I attend a Catholic college.
That is good, though Catholic education has caused many a Catholic to leave the Church. I know nothing of the quality of Catholic education you received.
I give blood and do a lot of charity work, and yet im writing this email as if I need to prove something to you, the Catholic people and myself.
Charity work is good- it is not everything though. Good works alone are not enough to save us.
I did NOT choose to be Homosexual.
I believe you.
Should I abandon my Catholic beliefs as I will never be accepted within the church?
No. Many people have things about them that they do not choose, but acting on them goes against the law of God.
I live in a Catholic household and have a lot of Catholic friends, if they can accept me then why can’t my church?
Because the Church does not cater to the whims of the age.
I have read the Bible and I do not personally believe is condones homosexual behaviour.
The Church’s interpretation is different, and I must say that is what counts. I ask you- in all charity- what part of “Do not lie with man as one lies with woman” is hard to understand?
I understand that it is not accepted within society, but surly the church is seen as a shelter from society’s brutality against its people, and is meant to unite people not segregate them.
Jesus said he would cause division- we were given fair warning. I am sorryyou are dealing with this, but acting on it is irreconcilable with the Church. The Church calls you to live chastely.
The question I put to you is am I Catholic, if I am not should I forsake my religion?
Yes, you are Catholic. No you should not forsake your religion. Please read about the Church’s teachings, and read Catholic books about homosexuality. Also check out www.couragerc.org . Please approach this with an open mind- even to what you may see as closed-mindedness. Above all, pray.
Forgive me; I may be acting like something that is very foul. However I don’t like being told that my sexuality is something to do with a nuro-chemical imbalance in my brain resulting from faulty DNA nucleotides etc.
What is wrong with that reasoning? Its not a negative towards you, it just might explain why you are attracted to members of the same sex versus the opposite sex. The norm among animal species, to include humans is to continue it’s species by reproducing. This is the norm. Obviously, homosexuals cannot reproduce. If the cause of homosexuality is due to a chemical imbalance of some type, it certainly explains why you can’t help the way you feel.
Equinox said:
(Laughs his head off) Please, please, please, go onto another topic, I have applied to the best medical schools in the country, and been accepted to all of them. “Catholic Medical Association” Doctors to not try to dictate religion, so maybe the Catholic Church should not try to dictate or pretend to know anything about ‘homosexual’ medical issues. (If there are any)

You applied for Med School at 18? That’s post-Graduate study. Pre-Med, maybe, but not Med School.

Since you’re so well versed in the field of medicine, could you provide the proof that homosexuality is biological or genetic?
When it feels likes it’s you against the word, one dose tend to lash out.

May God Be With All
If the world’s against you, maybe it isn’t the world that is wrong?
Can Homosexuality Be Treated and Prevented?

Psychologist George Rekers says there is considerable evidence that change of sexual orientation is possible—with or without psychiatric intervention. He wrote, “In a sizable number of cases…the gender-identity disorder resolves fully.” 10

Dr. Robert L. Spitzer, a psychiatric professor at Columbia University, created a firestorm in May 2001, when he released the results of his research at a meeting of the American Psychiatric Association. Spitzer, who had spearheaded the APA’s decision in 1973 to declassify homosexuality as a mental-health disorder, says his findings “show some people can change from gay to straight, and we ought to acknowledge that.” 11 This was not what his critics wanted to hear. We applaud Dr. Spitzer for having the courage to examine and then expose the myth of inevitability.
  1. Nicolosi, *A Parent’s Guide to Preventing Homosexuality.
    11.*Malcolm Ritter, “Some Gays Can Go Straight, Study Suggests,” *Associated Press, *9 May 2001.
Perhaps you are concerned about your child and his or her “sexual development.” Maybe your son or daughter is saying things like, “I must be gay,” or “I’m bisexual.” You’ve found same-sex porn in his room or evidence that he has accessed it on the Internet. You’ve found intimate journal entries about another girl in her diary. The most important message I can offer to you is that there is no such thing as a “gay child” or a “gay teen.” [But] left untreated, studies show these boys have a 75 percent chance of becoming homosexual or bisexual. 14

14.Nicolosi, *A Parent’s Guide to Preventing Homosexuality.
  • In my opinion (and in the opinion of an increasing number of researchers), the father plays an essential role in a boy’s normal development as a man. The truth is, Dad is more important than Mom. Mothers make boys. Fathers make men. In infancy, both boys and girls are emotionally attached to the mother. In psychoanalytic language, Mother is the first love object. She meets all her child’s primary needs. 15
Girls can continue to grow in their identification with their mothers. On the other hand, a boy has an additional developmental task—to disidentify from his mother and identify with his father. At this point [beginning at about eighteen months], a little boy will not only begin to observe the difference, he must now decide, “Which one am I going to be?” In making this shift in identity, the little boy begins to take his father as a model of masculinity. At this early stage, generally before the age of three, Ralph Greenson observed, the boy decides that he would like to grow up like his father. 16 This is a choice. Implicit in that choice is the decision that he would not like to grow up to be like his mother. According to Robert Stoller, "The first order of business in being a man is, ‘don’t be a woman.’"17

16 Ralph Greenson, “Disidentifying the Mother: It’s Special Importance for a Boy,”* Journal of the American Psychoanalytical Association 56 *(1968): p. 293-302.
  1. Nicolosi, A Parent’s Guide to Preventing Homosexuality, chap. 3.
It is not your religion that is against you- it is satan who is leading you from your religion- and leading you to believe that your religion is against you.


That is good

That is good, though Catholic education has caused many a Catholic to leave the Church. I know nothing of the quality of Catholic education you received.

Charity work is good- it is not everything though. Good works alone are not enough to save us.

I believe you.

No. Many people have things about them that they do not choose, but acting on them goes against the law of God.

Because the Church does not cater to the whims of the age.

The Church’s interpretation is different, and I must say that is what counts. I ask you- in all charity- what part of “Do not lie with man as one lies with woman” is hard to understand?

Jesus said he would cause division- we were given fair warning. I am sorryyou are dealing with this, but acting on it is irreconcilable with the Church. The Church calls you to live chastely.

Yes, you are Catholic. No you should not forsake your religion. Please read about the Church’s teachings, and read Catholic books about homosexuality. Also check out www.couragerc.org . Please approach this with an open mind- even to what you may see as closed-mindedness. Above all, pray.
Thank you for your comment, It is noted.

These studies are all biased, I mean “A parents guide to preventing homosexuality” - it is so very obvious that these people already have their minds made up before conducting the research.

And all of these sources are about psychology, I have no doubt that some homosexuality is due to psychology, but I do not believe that all cases are.
If the world’s against you, maybe it isn’t the world that is wrong?
Follow the many and forget the few? Im not stating that the world is against me, I merely stated how I feel. Just a thought, so when the black people were enslaved and the large population of the world thought it was ok, or interracial mixing when both black and white people thought it would be a bad thing, was it? Just a comparison in a sense, not comparing black people’s struggles to homosexuality in anyway perish the thought. However just think.
Forgive me; I may be acting like something that is very foul. However I don’t like being told that my sexuality is something to do with a nuro-chemical imbalance in my brain resulting from faulty DNA nucleotides etc.
The studies with reported findings in support of a “gay” gene have routinely failed the test of peer review requirements for valid and sound study conclusions, and are at best non-conclusive.

The phenomenon of SSA is deeply rooted in developmental psychosicial factors and influences, consistent with your self-reported consolidation around a SSA psychosexual identity in later adolescence.
You applied for Med School at 18? That’s post-Graduate study. Pre-Med, maybe, but not Med School.

Since you’re so well versed in the field of medicine, could you provide the proof that homosexuality is biological or genetic?
It is just an application, not the actual study.

At 18 it is pre med in America.

These studies are all biased, I mean “A parents guide to preventing homosexuality” - it is so very obvious that these people already have their minds made up before conducting the research.

And all of these sources are about psychology, I have no doubt that some homosexuality is due to psychology, but I do not believe that all cases are.
Think so? Perhaps it is you that have swallowed the hook, line and sinker of the “gay” agenda. In any case there is good research referred to in the links I have in included. If you wish debate the results of the studies, and don’t shoot the messenger becuase you don’t like the message.
The studies with reported findings in support of a “gay” gene have routinely failed the test of peer review requirements for valid and sound study conclusions, and are at best non-conclusive.

The phenomenon of SSA is deeply rooted in developmental psychosicial factors and influences, consistent with your self-reported consolidation around a SSA psychosexual identity in later adolescence.
OH PLEASE, If you are a Doctor or indeed and fellow medical student, or maybe even a nurse of some sort I would listen to you, but the studies you are talking about I have researched with some of the best professors at my disposal, and yet every single one of them I (we) have managed to find fault in.
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