i am homosexual, yet i am Catholic

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The question is not do I want to have a homosexual orientation or be gay. It is what and who I am, I have been told by society and the Church it is wrong, and yes I have tried to ‘change’ my sexual preference, however that was only due to the pressures of the above I am comfortable who I am, however I am not comfortable with the way people and God will view me if I chose to live a life of homosexual preference and/or behaviour.

As to who you are, I too have struggled long with with that question. I struggled and continue to struggle, with desires. I have to come an answer, that I am a Child of our Heavenly Father, made in God’s image and likeness.

Coming to the realization that God made me in his image and likeness, I have concluded that he knows what will made me happy for all eternity. The way to happiness (blessedness) is found in what we have been taught by Jesus in scripture, and passed on through his Holy Catholic Church.

If you can come to trust in the body of Christ (his Church), and open yourself to his teachings trusting that they are for your eternal happiness, this will help you in your struggle.

Remember as Jesus said, “not my will, but thy will be done.”

I will pray that you will open yourself to receive the gifts God has for you, if you choose to submit yourself to His Will.

God Bless
A same sex attraction is something you discover you have, not something you are born with. I beleive you when you say you cannot help who you are, I also beleive Christ when he promises new life.

Drug addicts, sex offenders, and many many many homosexuals have said they couldn’t change who they are and have then found true transformation in Christ. The truth is it doesn’t matter what you are, without giving your life to Christ, in the biblical and authentic sense, you will never be who He made you to be.

*edit: I’m not comparing you to drug addicts and sex offenders, they are an example of other people who say they cannot change who they are.
A same sex attraction is something you discover you have, not something you are born with.
I’m not sure this is a totally true statement. Research into this is ongoing.
I’m not sure this is a totally true statement. Research into this is ongoing.
If homosexuality was biological, there wouldn’t be any homosexuals that became heterosexuals with counseling. You can’t “counsel” someone with Down Syndrome or Heart Disease to make those biological conditions go away.

In fact, homosexuality used to always be considered a psychological disorder until it was changed by political pressures. There was no scientific evidence to pull it from the list of pyschological disorders.
If homosexuality was biological, there wouldn’t be any homosexuals that became heterosexuals with counseling. You can’t “counsel” someone with Down Syndrome or Heart Disease to make those biological conditions go away.

In fact, homosexuality used to always be considered a psychological disorder until it was changed by political pressures. There was no scientific evidence to pull it from the list of pyschological disorders.
I posted eariler something that I feel may answer this. Simply put, there is both. I believe that homosexuality for some is not a choice, and is something that cannot be corrected (thus due to biological factors) where as for others it is psychologically determined, due to bad relationships in early childhood etc. and therefore can be counselled with changes in some instances.

Further more, I think that it is not only political pressure that changed the attitude of many learned psychologists, I say this as, having looked at the type of organisations, I realise that there are some very stubborn people, and that if they believe that homosexuality is a psychological disorder, then they couldn’t care less how much pressure is applied.
If homosexuality was biological, there wouldn’t be any homosexuals that became heterosexuals with counseling. You can’t “counsel” someone with Down Syndrome or Heart Disease to make those biological conditions go away.
I’ve read (can’t remember where) that most gays, who have been counseled, usually revert back in a short time. If I under went counseling to become a homosexual, I suspect (I hope) I would revert back to being a heterosexual in a short time, if I ever changed at all. IMO, you can’t change who you are attracted too. If you have the willpower, you can be celebate. I truly believe there is a physical aspect to their feelings/desires, it can’t be just “counseled” away.
Simply put we aren’t defined by our sexual attractions; I was born a caucasion, I cannot change, if I were a gay caucasion I could become a heterosexual caucasion but I would still be a caucasion.

If someone says they are gay and that they cannot change, they either are denying the transforming power of the Holy Spirit or do not want to change (which I suppose is one in the same issue)
I’ve read (can’t remember where) that most gays, who have been counseled, usually revert back in a short time. If I under went counseling to become a homosexual, I suspect (I hope) I would revert back to being a heterosexual in a short time, if I ever changed at all. IMO, you can’t change who you are attracted too. If you have the willpower, you can be celebate. I truly believe there is a physical aspect to their feelings/desires, it can’t be just “counseled” away.
Yes, there could be backsliding. But just as an alcoholic can stop ever taking a drink again, so a homosexual can stop ever sodomizing.
Simply put we aren’t defined by our sexual attractions; I was born a caucasion, I cannot change, if I were a gay caucasion I could become a heterosexual caucasion but I would still be a caucasion.

If someone says they are gay and that they cannot change, they either are denying the transforming power of the Holy Spirit or do not want to change (which I suppose is one in the same issue)
I don’t think it’s that simple.
Scott Waddell:
Yes, there could be backsliding. But just as an alcoholic can stop ever taking a drink again, so a homosexual can stop ever sodomizing.
No argument. You can probably convince a homosexual to stay celebate, but I’m not sure you can stop the feelings they have.
No argument. You can probably convince a homosexual to stay celebate, but I’m not sure you can stop the feelings they have.
you are right. Alcoholics I imagine still have cravings for a drink. When I am in the sole open checkout line at Wal-Mart with one item behind five people apparently supplying an army battalion, I have feelings of wanting to go to the manager and strangle her. Even if in some fantasy land they legalized and encouraged assualt on Wal-Mart employees I would not do it because it is just plain wrong, feelings or not.
mike, it is that simple - what does a homosexual have to do, “work it off” or have faith God can transform them into the person they were made to be?
mike, it is that simple - what does a homosexual have to do, “work it off” or have faith God can transform them into the person they were made to be?
Nothing wrong with prayer, it certainly helps me get through some things. However, I truly believe being “gay” is not a conscious choice, for the most part. Prayer can help control the urges to act, but the physical feelings/desire will still always be there (IMO).
Homosexuality is so strange to me. I am not a homophobe. I pray for homosexuals when I see them on tv or in real life.
Mike, I’m not talking about prayer, I’m talking about giving our lives to Christ, being indwelled with the Holy Spirit and being transformed. If that hasn’t happened then a homosexual and anyone else who claims to be a Christian needs to take a deep examination of their walk.
The real problem is that the church really has no strong stance on this, at least not strong enough to stop the prejudice and homophobia that takes place everywhere, yes, even within the church.

And yes, it’s true, to anyone who actually looks at the bible, it doesnt make all that much sense that homosexuality is condemned. Leviticus, Sodom and the Ghommora (no clue if that’s how it is spelled)… they’re all in there along with things like sacrificing your own daughter to save guests in your house as if it’s ok to do, eating shellfish gets you stoned to death by your whole village… but regardless, the church has taken the stance that sex between the same sex is immoral and Catholicism isnt really about what the individual thinks, it’s about what the Church says.

Past that, even though the Church has said that the state of being homosexual is not a sin, only the action, it doesnt really stop people from believing what they want. It doesnt make anyone more caring or loving, and homophobia is not uncommon. Most people still prefer the approach of “he/she is a homosexual, I hope they stay away from me and out of my home.”

It’s not a simple issue, but people prefer to dismiss it as one.
“I am an 18 year old male who is homosexual, yet * am Catholic, * love my religion yet I feel that it is against me, [dose] this mean I am not a Catholic?..I did NOT choose to be Homosexual. Should I abandon my Catholic beliefs as I will never be accepted within the church?..I have read the Bible and I do not personally believe [is] condones homosexual behaviour…the church is seen as a shelter from society’s brutality against its people, and is [ment] to unite people not segregate them. The question I put to you is am I Catholic, if I am not should I forsake my religion?”

Dear Eclipse:

I remember reading in the Catechism of the Catholic Church that homosexuality as already stated by someone in a post here is not a sin until acted-out, but homosexuality is not encouraged, but as a cross to bear–you are encouraged to carry it. Apparently there is little to say, homosexuality is genetic and there is little to say the opposite–science and religion know less about it, than those who claim that they are homosexuals, and have been since birth.

You should never forsake your religion. I am at present a mortal sinner. I plan to attend confession before Sun. mass this Sat., tomorrow. If I were to be excommunicated for my sin(s), then I would attend mass just the same, and confession 'til I was forgiven, and receive communion after such forgiveness.

You are accepted in the Catholic Church; your sin is unacceptable irregardless of it being what may have existed for you since birth–homosexuality is contrary to procreation, it is a disorder of sort(s) with respect to it being contrary to procreation.

Please do not abandon your religion, because you feel a lack of acceptance, but carry your cross as others must carry theirs.

Many saints were rejected by Catholic clergy, and it was perhaps a Mother Superior of a nunnery during the time of St. Bernadette who condemned her to death by placing her to work, with a horrid condition of asthma, in an infirmary with many of the sick going to her for help; St. Bernadette died of tuberculosis.

How did the saints from Fatima die? They were imprisoned by fellow Catholics as children, which worsened their health, already weakened by poverty.

You see the point: life is cruel even, and perhaps most especially among Catholics–many people do not really care, but what did Mother Theresa say, care just the same.

Good luck to you!

Most sincerely,

In fact, homosexuality used to always be considered a psychological disorder until it was changed by political pressures. There was no scientific evidence to pull it from the list of pyschological disorders.
One that same note, there is no proof to keep it on either. No proof whatsoever, just theory.

Like most psychological disorders, they are a man made excuse for behavior. I cannot help stealing, I am a kleptomaniac. I can’t help fornicating; I have a sexual disorder. I can’t help killing, I am a sociopath.

Man made excuses instead of accepting the actions as ours to chose and repenting.
As i was already compared to those, i seen no harm in doing it myself (not that i liked it, however replying to lots of ppl at once, the brain cannot keep track etc , please read ALL quotes before writing.

Many Thanks
Such arrogance! People are trying to help you, young man. Show some manners. Don’t demand they read all quotes. Be grateful they care enough to try to help you. And listen to what they’re saying. And show enough consideration to reply and to acknowledge each person. Did your parents teach you good manners?
Past that, even though the Church has said that the state of being homosexual is not a sin, only the action, it doesnt really stop people from believing what they want. It doesnt make anyone more caring or loving, and homophobia is not uncommon. Most people still prefer the approach of “he/she is a homosexual, I hope they stay away from me and out of my home.”.
There’s a lot of other things you said that I disagree with, and I think that many active homosexuals look at any non-embracing of their lifestyle as homophobia.

I had a friend five years ago who confessed to me that she was a lesbian. Our friendship was fine before she told me, but the reason she told me was because she wanted to talk to me about her lovelife. She wanted me to be like “Its so great you have a girlfriend.” I couldn’t. I could only say that I was happy she was happy. Our friendship ended because she didn’t like my viewpoint. I don’t even know why she didn’t understand my viewpoint when she came out of her closet, because I explained to her right away that I held deeply religious beliefs, that I felt that the behavior was wrong, but that the individuals deserved love and shouldn’t be treated less than human. I told her that she couldn’t expect that much out of me, but I think she was so excited about having told me that she wasn’t listening.

When she started telling me about her new girlfriend a couple months later, my responses were quiet and short worded. Any other subject I would have been fine with, but it was an area of disagreement. It’d be like me wanting to relate to an athesist about my excitement over the sacraments. There’s only so many ways you can comment without turning the the conversation into an argument.

So anyway, she was upset at my shortness of words, and asked me why I was acting that way. I honestly thought she had understood that we were on two different spectrims of belief, so I just said it was difficult to know what else to say without starting an argument and while respecting her dignity.

Suddenly she started arguing with me, which shocked me. She started saying she couldn’t change and that she couldn’t force herself to have hetrosexual feelings and I told her she didn’t need to develop those feelings. Eventually it got to me explaining what I believe chastity requires and that there is the option of lifelong celebacy. She felt this was a worse expectation than to change her sexuality and that she couldn’t be friends with someone who thought she was living in sin. So our friendship ended completely by her choice and her refusal to simply tolerate that I disagreed with her behavior.

So often I observe people complaining about being rejected when they in fact have been the ones who have done the rejecting.
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