I am not Catholic

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Lisa N:
I was surprised at the number of non-Catholics on this board. I entered tentatively as a non-Catholic, wondering how I’d be received. Very nicely I might add! I’ve had some pretty low level questions and they’ve been answered respectfully. The knowledge level on this board is amazing!

As to what drew me to Catholicism, one big factor was the consistency on human life issues. I just couldn’t accept my mainline Protestant church’s approach that the death penalty was wrong and abortion/gay agenda/euthanasia were “private matters” and heaven forbid we make any waves by speaking out. It seemed like they wanted to save the guilty and sacrifice the innocent. Nothing I read in the Bible or from any of the great prophets supported in the slightest degree something like abortion.

The other draw along with that small still voice, was the beauty of the worship. If you’ve attended Protestant churches (other than Episcopalian) they tend to have a lot of “talking heads” and not much worship. I feel I am dedicating that hour to God and I don’t want to spend it hearing announcements about this group or that group and what the youth are doing. Strike me dead for saying so but I get very weary of “children’s time” Anyway long story short I leave Mass feeling uplifted and full of gratitude. I’d leave my Protestant services bored and thinking of what I needed to get at the store on the way home. YAAAWN.

Anyway I love this board and I appreciate the knowlegeable folks sharing their wisdom with us newbies. Thank you!!

Lisa N
Wow! sounds like the Holy Spirit to me, 🙂
When I was 16, I said I had three major protests against the Catholic Church, and if someone could provide reasonable arguments for any two of them, I’d take the third on faith.

Since then I’ve gotten married, so I’ve had to amend the challenge a little… but needless to say I haven’t had reasonable answers to any of them, despite years of research and investigation. I was attracted to the Catholic Church for a variety of reasons, but at this time prefer to identify myself as a non-denominational (or, to those who know me well, anti-denominational) protestant who hopes to see the differences between Eastern and Western, as well as Catholic and Protestant, resolved in a universal, loving, and logical way.

I guess part of me hopes to find the answers to those same three questions on here, somewhere, hidden amongst the same old rhetoric, but mostly I like to read the opinions of those who are smarter than me but hold a different opinion, and see if I can make their understanding fit what I observe as truth.
I didn’t check anything because none represented me. I was Catholic for most of my life, was never confirmed, and now am looking at another religion. I don’t “hate” Catholicism, but it’s not for me.
Hi BlessedBe! Yes, but you still can’t stay away from this Catholic website! Very interesting…
When I was 16, I said I had three major protests against the Catholic Church, and if someone could provide reasonable arguments for any two of them, I’d take the third on faith.

Since then I’ve gotten married, so I’ve had to amend the challenge a little… but needless to say I haven’t had reasonable answers to any of them, despite years of research and investigation. I was attracted to the Catholic Church for a variety of reasons, but at this time prefer to identify myself as a non-denominational (or, to those who know me well, anti-denominational) protestant who hopes to see the differences between Eastern and Western, as well as Catholic and Protestant, resolved in a universal, loving, and logical way.

I guess part of me hopes to find the answers to those same three questions on here, somewhere, hidden amongst the same old rhetoric, but mostly I like to read the opinions of those who are smarter than me but hold a different opinion, and see if I can make their understanding fit what I observe as truth.
Hi Sir Shaun! 👋

I haven’t read all 100-something posts yet. Are your 3 questions in there somewhere?

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
SirShaun please start a thread asking one of your questions and let’s go from there. The question I ask my dear friend, who is an athiest/agnostic/skeptic on any given day is, “What would it take for you to believe?” His answer is usually something like, “For this jesus of yours to come to me personally and tell me.” My answer: “Great! What would you like Him to be wearing so you will recognize Him?” He has never answered that. 😃

In hope,
Heathen Dawn:
Scripture yes, sacred no. Wiccans may read scriptures like Aradia: the Gospel of the Witches, and Norse reconstructionist pagans may read the Sagas and Eddas, but for both, while those writings are important and worthy of reverence, they are not inerrant, not binding and not fitting to fight over their correct interpretation.** I may venture to say they have the same significance to the pagan as a book like The C Programming Language** by Kernighan and Ritchie has to the applications programmer.
This is one of the best metaphors I have ever seen!

👍 :clapping: :bowdown2:
Hi BlessedBe! Yes, but you still can’t stay away from this Catholic website! Very interesting…
Point being?

I am secure enough in my faith that I can visit sites and learn about other religions without my own faith being shaken.
Point being?

I am secure enough in my faith that I can visit sites and learn about other religions without my own faith being shaken.
Your signature says it all. Your heart is in the right place, but it’s time for your brain to wake up and realize the faith you reject is the true faith. Deep down I think you know that it is. Otherwise why else would you type post after post here? As a devout Catholic, I don’t spend lots of time on Jehovahs Witness websites. It’s okay, really. I don’t want you to leave. Just maybe you’ll come home one day. Holy Mother Church will be waiting for you.
Hi Sir Shaun! 👋

I haven’t read all 100-something posts yet. Are your 3 questions in there somewhere?

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
No, they aren’t. Right now, I’m just mostly lurking. If they’ve been addressed in a way that would satisfy me, I’d rather find them than post them (personality quirk of mine.)

Also, like I said, I’ve had to ammend the challenge quite a bit since then (a lot happens in 10 years…marriage, migration, and mortgage.)

At this point, if I were convinced of all three, I would have to talk to my wife about considering the Church. We did already talk briefly at one time about considering the Eastern Orthodox churches, seeing as two of the three questions are non-issues with them, and the third seems open to debate.

Just so I’m not accused of being rude, I’ll give a summary of them, though the details of my questions go deeper than I’d express here and it usually takes three or four attempts of people answering the wrong aspects of these questions before they even start down the right path. The questions relate to:

  1. *]The infalibility of the Pope/Church
    *]The immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary

    Which, basically, makes my objections among the more typical protestant objections… which is why contrary to many non-denominationalists, I have no issues with being identified as a protestant.
Your signature says it all. Your heart is in the right place, but it’s time for your brain to wake up and realize the faith you reject is the true faith.
The fact that it is the true faith is the opinion of the followers of the faith. My brain did wake up and that is why I left Christianity - I realized I did not believe in it, and so why should I bother pretending - that would be lying.
Deep down I think you know that it is.
Deep down I knew that it wasn’t and that is why I’m not Christian anymore.
Otherwise why else would you type post after post here?
Discussion. I originally came here because I had done a search on Wiccan forums, and this site came up with an anti-Wicca thread, so I am on to comment and attempt to clear up misconceptions people have about it.
As a devout Catholic, I don’t spend lots of time on Jehovahs Witness websites.
That’s fine, you don’t have to go to other religions’ forums. I simply said that if one is secure enough in their faith, it wouldn’t make a difference.
Just maybe you’ll come home one day.
I am home.
I am Home.====================== Hi Blessedbe, I justed wanted you to know that I still care about you. I have a daughter your age and like you she was very confused. Then one day she came home,a real Home into the loving arms of Jesus Christ who is waiting for you. You are like the lost sheep whom Jesus came after,because He cares for everyone of His flock and that includes you. Jesus loves you very much and He wants you to come home.It really doesnt matter what you have done because we are all sinners but thank God for His loving mercy.Come Home Blessedbe and I promise you this will be the most blessed Christmas you will ever have.May Gods Spirit of love and peace and forgiveness enter into your heart and soul this Christmas. Im praying for you because Christs love has put you on my heart.God bless.
I justed wanted you to know that I still care about you.
That is nice to know (not sarcasm).
I have a daughter your age and like you she was very confused.
But I am not confused. This is something that I have and still put a lot of thought into.
Come Home Blessedbe and I promise you this will be the most blessed Christmas you will ever have.
As I said, I am home. I had a very nice and blessed Yule and plan on having an equally nice Christmas this weekend.

I hope you and everyone here has a Merry Christmas.
I hate absolute statements. I am not Catholic–but I am catholic. Note the little ‘c’. I am not likely to become Roman Catholic. I might consider Eastern Orthodoxy, if they ever come out with one in an American flavor. (that’s a joke not a jab). In all seriousness: sme of the traditionalist Anglicans I know who have considered joining an Orthodox parish of one kind or another say it’s like converting to a whole 'nuther nationality. Which seems weird considering we haven’t been importing especially large numbers of Eastern Europeans since the 1920’s or so, except mebbe for Russians: I’d think most of the folks attending Eastern Orthodox churches these days would be third or fourth generation Americans and fully Americanized. My only visit to an Orthodox service left me colorblind for a week. Catholic churches are decorated, but the only color which sticks in my mind is the gilting in the St. Louis Basilica. Somehow, the colors in Roman Catholic churches are more muted. There’s probably a profound theological reason for that but I don’t have any idea what it would be.

Anyhow: sorry I didn’t actually participate in your poll. If you’d just given an option which said ‘I’m not a Roman Catholic’ I would have.

You will understand this. In your excursion through different Churches Could it be that you are just looking at the exteriors, the obvious decorations? You mention youd go for an Eastern Orthodox with an American flavor…sounds like you are selecting which resturant to go to. Instead of reading Summa Theologica to learn about the Catholic Church it may be better to find a Baltimore Catechism or a similar instructional book. As you know, it is rare, the person who can glean a Religion from reading the Bible.
I was’nt going to post on this thread but now feel I must. Jesus, the son of God, was sent by His Father to live and ultimately sacrifice Himself for us. The Old Testament Saints had the law to live up to and a Saviour to look forward to. We have Christ our Saviour to look back to and up to. Because of our sins Jesus died, this is an awesome statement. Just stop and think on that for a minute, for our sins, my sins. Jesus freely gave Himself to die and pay the price for sin. If we reject this free gift we are deserving of hell. If God is a just God then there must be payment for the rejection of His Sons blood. Jesus was the Creator. He then sacrificed for His creation because He loves us. Following Him is not a chore or a burden, I follow Him because it is truly a pleasure to do so for my Saviour. He was completely innocent of sin but I was and am completely guilty of my sins, yet he chose to take my place. I’ll follow Him wherever He takes me.
I am a Catholic.
Exporter said:
You will understand this. In your excursion through different Churches Could it be that you are just looking at the exteriors, the obvious decorations? You mention youd go for an Eastern Orthodox with an American flavor…sounds like you are selecting which resturant to go to. Instead of reading Summa Theologica to learn about the Catholic Church it may be better to find a Baltimore Catechism or a similar instructional book. As you know, it is rare, the person who can glean a Religion from reading the Bible.

Y’all should try posting in forums like these after working night shifts a lot. Funny what it does to your memory. I didn’t recall posting the quote you cited at all.

Anyhow: the sense of your response was somewhat mangled. You seem to have started in mid-thought and then capitalized in the middle of another sentence.

Anyhow I own a Baltimore Catechism. And a Catechism of the Catholic Church. And a one-volume edition of a book entitled ‘Catholicism’. And a book by Hans Kung called “Does God Exist?”, from 'way before they ecommunicated him, apparently for writing huge books that never make any sense. (I read the whole book, several times. He never bothers to answer his own question which he asked in the title of his book. Expends acres of forestry however on why every atheist who ever lived wasn’t quite an atheist however). I own a tattered yellow book entitled ‘Decrees of the Council of Trent’ or something like that. A read-and-white book which has a collection of creeds, called something like “The Church Teaches”. Some pamphlets by Michael Davies. I’m looking at a couple of books as I sit here by someone named Robert Sungenis. Which have gone largely unread for some reason. I’ll read 'em eventually. I’d have to dig around in boxes to see what other Catholic books I have in my library.

Wanna know what I have in my Anglican library? Or what I have on Eastern Orthodoxy? (Actually I’m told the things I have on Orthodoxy aren’t especially good intros to the topic–Fr. Ambrose suggested better ones but I haven’t bought many books lately). Anyhow I’ve read a little bit about Roman Catholicism. I’d go back to Mormonism, I think, before I’d be Roman Catholic. Actually the LDS Church is pretty much a perfectly-designed church, if one doesn’t look too hard at it’s theology or origins.

Hope this isn’t distracting too much from the purpose of the thread. They’re getting pretty strict about that these days.
Veronica Anne:
Dear Heathen Dawn,

Please educate me (I promise I won’t bite) around this.
  1. Is this signature tag of yours a common statement of Wicca-dom?
  2. Does Wicca have any kind of writings that encapsulate your worldview (belief system)?
One thing to keep in mind is that the pagan beliefs are incredibly diverse. Personally I don’t consider myself a pagan but my ex-wife is. I consider myself an iconoclast but I have some insight into pagan religions.

The point is to keep in mind that the answers you get from any one pagan don’t apply to all pagans. Thelemites are quite different from Traditional Druids who are quite different from the eclectic witchcraft traditions and so on…

(I hope you don’t mind me butting in)
I am proudly Catholic, but picked the last option since I wanted to see the results of the poll and could not unless I voted :o . Is there another way I could have viewed the results so far without voting?

It is not totally false, I did fall away and did return home. I found my way with a parish program called “Re-membering”.
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