Heathen Dawn:
Your concept about life in heaven as zombie-ism indicates how little you know of what Christians believe about it.
The eyewitness accounts on which it is based are indeed contemporaneous with Jesus. Discounting them because they weren’t down as they happened is akin to discounting a book written today about the fall of the Berlin Wall.We don’t know that. Even the earliest gospel, that of Mark, isn’t contemporary with Jesus.
Whether an eschatology is “gloomy” or cheery has no bearing on its truth. Either it is true or not and that is what must be dealt with.That’s right, but I don’t think Christianity can possibly the truth, as it has such a gloomy eschatology, with the majority of humanity ending up in eternal torment, and the minority as eternal zombies praising God all day long.
Your concept about life in heaven as zombie-ism indicates how little you know of what Christians believe about it.
In fact they were quite rational, and that makes the act or terrorism they commited all the more horrendous. If they were not rational, then they have diminished responsibility for it. They knew exactly what they were doing.Martyrs are irrational people par excellence—valuing ideology over basic surivival instinct. Were the 9/11 terrorists (Islamic martyrs) rational people? Of course not.
That’s a rather condescending attitude toward those who lived before us if they had no life experiences to form them as we do. They may have been less technologically and scientifically advanced than us, but they were as human as we. Witness Nathaniel’s cynical comment “what good can come out of Nazereth?”, “Doubting” Thomas’ famous doubts about Jesus’ resurrrection, and Pilate’s dismissive retort “What is truth?”The would-be messiahs may have been as cynical as David Koresh in our times, but the people weren’t as sceptical as we are.
I addressed this in a previous post.So the first Muslims, complete with martyrs, being convicted of the truth of Islam are at least some evidence for the divine inspiration of the Qur’an?