I’d been going to mass for a few months, and RCIA for a month, when the pastor came to introduce himself to me. He asked if I was the girl who wanted an annullment. Proceeded to tell me it will take up to two years, and that I can’t join the church until it’s approved.(because I’m remarried). I was okay with that. Then I found out how much it can cost…I’m very very broke…and it will be over five years until I can even start to save for this…by the time I have the money I may not have any witnesses. Furthermore, it bothers me that the church makes money off this…do I get a tax receipt since they are a tax free organization? Did it not upset Jesus when he found people making money at his father’s temple?? I was young, depressed, and alone when I married him…the marriage was less than a year…my ex has been in hiding from multiple levels of government for years now…I’m sure it was never a valid marriage, as was the protestant minister who told me there was no hope after multiple counselling session between us…my husband didn’t want kids, he was addicted to porn, he supported himself with illegal activities…I knew none of this when I married him. It doesn’t seem fair that I can’t join God’s spiritual family on earth because I’m poor and made a huge mistake when I was 20 years old, over ten years ago. I’m hurting so badly, and feel so very lost. I’m not even sure if I should go to RCIA anymore, since it seems I’m wasting everyones time if I’m never going to be able to actually be a member of the Catholic Church.
My youngest is supposed to start at a Catholic school in september too…no longer sure about that either…if I can’t join the Catholic church because I married a psychopath ten years ago and can’t afford to fix it…maybe my kids shouldn’t be part of a religion that requires cash payments to atone for your mistakes. We are talking thousands of dollars, and I often have to borrow money just to buy our food. All I wanted was to live a good Christian life and be part of the Catholic family. I feel so lost now…no spiritual family in my future…don’t know what to do.
My youngest is supposed to start at a Catholic school in september too…no longer sure about that either…if I can’t join the Catholic church because I married a psychopath ten years ago and can’t afford to fix it…maybe my kids shouldn’t be part of a religion that requires cash payments to atone for your mistakes. We are talking thousands of dollars, and I often have to borrow money just to buy our food. All I wanted was to live a good Christian life and be part of the Catholic family. I feel so lost now…no spiritual family in my future…don’t know what to do.