So, in answer to the original question, what should Cardinal George do?I know from personal experience (several years ago) that Fr. Greeley is still saying mass. I hear from others that he is still helping out at a parish now. I never heard that he was restricted. I know he might not be officially assigned but he is saying mass in public.
He should make it clear that Fr. Greely is resticted from offering public Masses. He should further restrict him from giving homilies (or reflections) at Masses in his Diocese and from hearing Confessions (except when in danger of death). Both of those activities are far more dangerous than his offering Mass. Also, those activities require that Father Greely have permission from the Cardinal to act in his diocese.
Unless a priest is living in seclusion, I believe that such restictions should always be made public. The danger to the faithful is too great to risk someone unwittingly believing him to be in full good standing.