You passed over the last few paragraphs in my previous post about “progeria” and other questions. About the starvation of children and the worms burrowing into their eyes. Do you really believe that it is in their BEST interest to have these problems? Please answer this. I really would like to know.
As mentioned elsewhere, this is a favorite theme of yours so certainly, I hope I can help.
First The book of Wisdom, chapter 1 says this.
Do not court death* by your erring way of life nor draw to yourselves destruction by the works of your hands.
Because God did not make death,
nor does he rejoice in the destruction of the living.
…For righteousness is undying.
It was the wicked who with hands and words invited death,
considered it a friend, and pined for it,
and made a covenant with it,
Because they deserve to be allied with it.
So no, God does not directly will the suffering and death of people. It is the wicked who bring it into the world. In the end, those who do not repent, suffer “the second death” of the soul because they want to be aligned with Satan and Hell. They choose the way of death and evil - by opposing God the source of life and goodness.
Now, regarding your diseases of children.
One thing to consider is your own sins. Your sins, through a lifetime, have contributed evil to the world. Your sins bring evil to people living today, and will affect future generations with evil effects. How are you going to make up for all of that evil that will live on after you, Vera?
Some of the evil is easy to understand. Let’s imagine you committed an abortion, as many today have done. That kills the life of a child that God intended to live. And, that child was destined to find a cure for many diseases. But the child was killed - thus children suffer disease. Now we can see, that the evil you are talking about is your own fault.
So, it is not good to blame God for the evil in the world that is the result of your own sins.
That was abortion. What about atheism? Spreading the nihilistic belief that there is no God that loves us, and there is no ultimate purpose in life is a grave sin. We can easily imagine, even after you are dead, that words of sinful atheism live on and poison the souls of people. Some young person reads your words, rejects God and falls into despair - killing himself.
See how your sins create evil?
Yes, but what about the diseases you like to blame on God?
First, that young man who committed suicide because of the sin of atheism, was going to be a financier who was going to contribute a billion dollars to research and medical aid in Africa. But now he is gone. But you are blaming God, and not your own sins for that?
In other cases, the disease itself - the worms or parasites that cause harm. It only took one mutation for those to exist at all. One mutation in a population. But the person who could have killed that mutation in the very beginning, was not in the place where God wanted him or her to be. Instead, he was getting drunk somewhere or committing adultery.
So, the one mutation, the one worm - that created the entire population (or the one mutation that would have killed it all) was not created/prevented because of one person’s sin.
Maybe that person is you, Vera. Maybe your sins today will cause a disease that affects millions tomorrow.
And you are going to judge God for that?
Why not just repent of your sins, turn away – and ask God’s mercy. He can change the evil and make it right. Our good acts - turning towards God, remove not only the evil of our sins (depending on our penance and desire) but the evil of other people’s sins which cause children to suffer disease and death.