What do you think the priest and/or the deacon should have done?Today at the parish my family attends, I had to go to this confirmation “Spirit” day. So many bad things happened, like a lady was fumbling around in the tabernacle to show us what a pyx is, and she took one of the things for a monstrance with a consecrated host in it and was just casually walking around with it. I saw it and kneeled because I really didn’t know what else to do.
After this thing when the lady compared the altar to a thanksgiving dinner table we went to mass… I was asked to altar serve and and durring communion, I saw a eucharistic minister give communion to a women who broke it in half (it looked like it) when she was like 6 feet away from the minister, I believe she put half in her mouth after she cracked it (crumbs must have fallen all over the floor) she put the other half either in her pocket, or she had it in her fist I couldnt tell. I ran after her then realized I needed to tell the deacon or priest, the deacon just said “thanks” and I didnt know what to do.
After mass I ran to the priest and I said “I saw a women steal the eucharist, I think she put in her pocket” he said “sometimes people do the wrong thing” in a uncaring voice. I told the deacon and he said “she must have been bringing it home for a sick person” I said that your not sopose to do that and he just said “well we will let it slip” and I was so disgusted that they did NOTHING. I was thinking they could have at least cared a little and made a announcement. But not even that.
Where do I go? This priest was the pastor. I was almost crying on the way home. I feel like I should have done something more.