I thought COVID19 would blow over in 2 weeks and then I saw this video

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In my little portion of Illinois in the US, it is not bad at all. Different areas and different countries will see the effects in different intensity for a myriad of reasons; like a wave washing over the planet, the peak and duration of the crest will differ from place to place.
South Carolina isn’t terrible at the moment, but I don’t live that far away from Georgia, which is having some issues at the moment, let’s just put it that way. I know New York, California, and Washington are really bad. I read that Prince Albert of Monaco has coronavirus. Now that makes sense, Monaco is a small country, and Prince Albert is well known for going around and talking to, well, everyone. I hope he, just like everyone else that has coronavirus, gets better.
Agreed, except that the health care system in NYC is already overloaded, with an insufficient number of hospital beds, ventilators, protective gear for health care workers (doctors, nurses), and so on. New York now has the dubious distinction of having the highest number of cases of the coronavirus. And it is no longer the “city that never sleeps,” except for health care professionals, the governor, and the mayor. Despite my misgivings about our mayor de Blasio, he is right that we need help from the federal government. What we do NOT need is empty promises and lies from our POTUS, who bungled the nation’s defense and offense against this virus from the start. Waiting in the wings, however, is a contender whom I don’t have too much confidence in either. This war has really shown just how incompetent many, though not all, of our leaders are. We are certainly NOT the greatest generation.
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This outbreak, and the travel restrictions, quarantines, etc., are going to last a lot longer than people think. More drastic measures are probably going to have to be taken in places where they haven’t already. It’s going to be harder in the U.S. where people are more reluctant to trust and obey the government and strongly value individual liberties, as opposed to a place like China, which is an authoritarian country where despite the larger population, it can easily be locked down.
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What we do NOT need is empty promises and lies from our POTUS, who bungled the nation’s defense and offense against this virus from the start
Please stop politicization of this. Joe Biden called Trump and the administration racists for putting a travel ban China. Want to rethink your comment?
Please stop politicization of this.
Thank you. I completely agree. I started to type a longer post but I stopped because I didn’t want to add to the pile.

Sweeping political and generational statements (We’re all of a month into this crisis at most; way too early to be declaring what kind of “generation” “We” are) do nothing to help the problem, which is an unprecedented problem. We’ve had epidemics before but not in the era of fast-moving international and national travel. I doubt that any President, whether or not I voted for them, would be doing much better with this.

I’m simply going to be muting threads that go off on a political tack with this as being unproductive, the same way as I’m snoozing/ hiding all political posts on other social media.
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The spread of the virus is still in its early stages in the USA. We are not even in the thick of it yet.

That said, it’ll hit some places harder than others. I imagine rural areas would see less spread than in urban areas, due to the closeness of people, and depending upon how well they self quarantine. My city has shut down all fine in restaurants (you can still order out) and other types of non essential shops, and we have only had a handful of cases so far.
What we do NOT need is empty promises and lies from our POTUS, who bungled the nation’s defense and offense against this virus from the start.
Since you have so much knowledge in these types of emergencies, why dont you enlighten us with the step you would have taken.

Why are you politicizing this virus?
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What we do NOT need is empty promises and lies from our POTUS, who bungled the nation’s defense and offense against this virus from the start.
Since you have so much knowledge in these types of emergencies, why dont you enlighten us with the step you would have taken.
I’d start with not downplaying the virus for two months and all the while saying it won’t affect Americans.
Criticizing the president (and other leaders) for what is being done is not politicization of the issue – it is dealing with emergency administration. I would rather over-protection than to lose lives avoidably in a pandemic. The situation is very serious and my small business is at a standstill.

I knew this was an historic, very dangerous situation weeks ago when a set of facts stood out to me – they have cancelled sports tournaments but when the president was shot and killed the NFL played on schedule the nest Sunday.
Anyway, why COVID19 is such an issue is that it is highly contagious. And worse than that, a person can have the virus for four to twelve days before even showing any symptoms (even mild ones), and they are contagious that whole time. So anyone they interact with while feeling healthy they could also infect. Now, true, many people will have mild symptoms or symptoms they can get over at home, but the way this spread so easily across networks of people means it can easily find it’s way to the elderly, immunocompromised persons, and people with other comorbidities. And while the percentage is low, there are otherwise healthy young people who it can seriously affect.
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I’m from downstate, you know, anything south of I-80 😂🤣😂🤣. Actually west of Springfield. No reported cases within 60 miles. I’m sure that will change.
so was every one else, Next
That is not true. Plenty of persons and doctors in February, fully knowledgeable of how contagious this was, were saying the administration needed to be doing more and that he was doing active harm by continuing to claim this wouldn’t catch in America. You’d have to be in a pretty insulated American conservative bubble to think otherwise.
Keep in mind that most of our information about how political and health authorities have responded, is filtered through the media. The media is heavily centralized, 90 percent supports the Democratic Party.
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Keep in mind that most of our information about how political and health authorities have responded, is filtered through the media
Trump’s words are conveyed with fidelity in video and in his own tweets.
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It’s not too bad in St. Louis. Last I heard it was 10 cases, with one death of an elderly woman. Definitely reason enough to stay home, but nothing like what is going on in Italy. Last night, they said there were no new cases reported and hospital admissions are consistent with this time of year. School only closed on Wednesday, so it’ll probably be a couple of weeks before we know if they shut down in time. Lots of stores are shut down as are all public events and venues except the parks.
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