Pascal’s Wager is, I’m sorry to say, a dumb idea. In the first place, it ignores all other religions. How can you ever be sure you’ve picked the right god? You’d have to worship them all just to be sure.
Pascal does not ignore all religions. He assumes the existence of one true God and one true religion. The argument is about whether we can safely say there is no God. The question of which religion is the true one is another debate altogether. Let’s not confuse the issue. I have explored all the religions and there is no doubt in my mind that Christianity is the true one.
If you say there is no God, and there is a God, where will you stand in eternity?
You don’t have to worry about where you will stand if there is a Lochness Monster?
Pascal’s Wager is, I’m sorry to say, a dumb idea. In the first place, it ignores all other religions. How can you ever be sure you’ve picked the right god? You’d have to worship them all just to be sure.
Pascal does not ignore all religions. He assumes the existence of one true God and one true religion. The argument is about whether we can safely say there is no God. The question of which religion is the true one is another debate altogether. Let’s not confuse the issue. I have explored all the religions and there is no doubt in my mind that Christianity is the true one.
If you say there is no God, and there is a God, where will you stand in eternity?
You don’t have to worry about where you will stand if there is a Lochness Monster?