Very well put. Thank you. I believe that this circumstance is largely the result of the great wealth available in the USA. It has become more important cheer on your favorite sports team or pop star that pursus information and reason in the more meaningful areas of life. That you have lamented this condition is evidence to me that there is a “better” condition for “man” than the one you described.I doubt Dameedna does!
Unfortunately, there are an awful lot of people, regardless of their faith, or lack there of as well, who lack either the available information, the desire, imperative or the ability in some cases (particularly lay people, in my experience, amongst the religious) to devote themselves to rigorous thought, but rather are content with a mishmash of what they are told (often sloppily and vaguely) and what they read in the lowerbrow ‘comic’ strips.
The Catholic Church, among many other great faiths, have awe-inspiring traditions of erudition, inquiry and questioning any and all preconceived notions, and it wasn’t so long ago at all that this was considered entirely vital for the health of the Catholic faith. I have become appalled by the apparent lassitude about classical education and reason now displayed among many Catholics, and the entire USA for that matter, at least here and elsewhere as well.
Please bring that back! How I want so much to feel the same respect for those at least the rudiments of good education I once did for the much of my earlier life! Yes, a personal plea, but from the bottom of my heart.