If a President was this religion would you still vote for him?

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In the above poll pick the one or more religions that would mean a candidate would lose your vote if he ran for President. Remember you can pick more then one. If one isn’t listed that should be feel free to to post it. I left out the more cultic ones that would obviously never come up.
There is no such thing as an dissenting/liberal/progressive Catholic. Either you are Catholic and subscribe to the Creed or you are not.
Should “atheist” be a poll choice, or does that not count as a religion in the sense you meant?
I have never voted for a politician based on his religion, and I don’t plan on starting anytime soon.
I would have put “heretic”, but I choose to use terms that most would understand ie. dissenter. I had to choose only 7, so there was no space left for atheist.
It takes more than a poll. There are plenty of people claiming to be part of religion “X,” but when you take a closer look they do not really adhere to anything.
I find this poll interesting, as Mitt Romney, Governor of Massechussets is begining to heat up his bid for the 2008 republican nomination for President. Governor Romney is a rising star in conservative politics, and sharply criticised the senator in his state who ran in the last election. However, some people are starting to bring the fact that he is a practicing Mormon into the picture in an attempt to discredit him among evangelicals.
I would have no trouble voting for a devout Catholic or evangelical Christian. I would not vote for a Muslim, absolutely not, sorry.

Do you know that in the scheme of things salvation wise, the Muslims, devout Muslims who know the Koran correctly, worship the same God we worship, even if some of their understanding is incorrect.

The order of our connectedness to the Catholic Church is:
  • Catholics, in the center, with the Fullness of the Truth
  • Orthodox, with almost all the truth, the most notable exception being their understanding of the Papacy
  • Baptised Christians outside the Catholic Church, with their understanding of Christ and His role in our salvation
  • Others, starting with the Jews, the chosen people; then followed by the Muslims, from the family of Abraham who serve the same God; followed by the remainder of humanity.
I’m certain that the Eastern Rite Orthodox were pretty upset when the crusaders sacked Constantinopole. We are still praying that this wound be healed.

Please do not let the error of a few radicals who call themselves Muslim affect your view of the whole people.

Oh, and I wouldn’t vote for anyone based on their “stated religion” as I have seen enough to know that one doesn’t always accept the views of the religion claimed. Hence, I would vote based upon their views on specific issues and I would determine the veracity of their stated views based on their track record.


Do you know that in the scheme of things salvation wise, the Muslims, devout Muslims who know the Koran correctly, worship the same God we worship, even if some of their understanding is incorrect.

The order of our connectedness to the Catholic Church is:
  • Catholics, in the center, with the Fullness of the Truth
  • Orthodox, with almost all the truth, the most notable exception being their understanding of the Papacy
  • Baptised Christians outside the Catholic Church, with their understanding of Christ and His role in our salvation
  • Others, starting with the Jews, the chosen people; then followed by the Muslims, from the family of Abraham who serve the same God; followed by the remainder of humanity.
I’m certain that the Eastern Rite Orthodox were pretty upset when the crusaders sacked Constantinopole. We are still praying that this wound be healed.

Please do not let the error of a few radicals who call themselves Muslim affect your view of the whole people.

Oh, and I wouldn’t vote for anyone based on their “stated religion” as I have seen enough to know that one doesn’t always accept the views of the religion claimed. Hence, I would vote based upon their views on specific issues and I would determine the veracity of their stated views based on their track record.

A devout Muslim pointedly and deliberately denies the divinity of Jesus Christ, considering him only a prophet (and not only this, but an inferior prophet to Mohammed.) I have made no assumptions on the great scheme of things. God may choose to save anyone he wants to, and I may choose not to elect a Muslim who denies my Lord to public office.
If a man doesn’t have enough character and integrity to follow his religious beliefs, he doesn’t have enough character and integrity to be President of the United States.
However, some people are starting to bring the fact that he is a practicing Mormon into the picture in an attempt to discredit him among evangelicals.
So what if he is? Mormons seem alright to me.
Chris Jacobsen:
If a man doesn’t have enough character and integrity to follow his religious beliefs, he doesn’t have enough character and integrity to be President of the United States.
Hence the need to look at a person’s actual stand on issues.

And, if a particular religion suggested abortion was OK, yet the candidate was the only candidate vehemently opposed, I’d vote for him in a heartbeat! Perhaps he’s seeing the light less than fully, but the more fully one see’s it the better, in my mind.

And wrt Muslims, I don’t think anyone has to vote for anyone based on where they worship, I just want us to be careful when we exclude entire groups from the opportunity to serve.

I picked more than one choice and it seemed to accept it.

I would think that Muslim would have the highest rejection. Also those non-Jewish, non-Christian religions are scary!!

I am quite offended by Catholic candidates who openly oppose Church Teachings and hide being representative government as their excuse. Saying your Catholic, yet being for abortion on demand is a misrepresentation of yourself to the people who vote for you.
However, some people are starting to bring the fact that he is a practicing Mormon into the picture in an attempt to discredit him among evangelicals.
So what if he is? Mormons seem alright to me.
Same here, well, I mean other than the fact that they believe that the Catholic Church is Apostate and that they are the TRUE Church. Personally, most LDS’s that I know are nice enough people, and proportionally speaking, they are more informed and serious about their faith than Catholics are.
To be honest with you I do not believe any politican to be forthright…whether Catholic or not. They have their own agenda, and I do not believe it is for the glory of God.

That being said, I would not vote for any liberal denomination or a liberal perception of said religion. Orthodoxy is what I am looking for when it comes to the faith…even for a president or a prime minister.

The most difficult one I would have is the muslim faith becoming hierarchy. I voted against it. I empathize with a lot of the stuff happening today, but I could not trust them with leadership in a western world, as corrupted as it is.


Same here, well, I mean other than the fact that they believe that the Catholic Church is Apostate and that they are the TRUE Church. Personally, most LDS’s that I know are nice enough people, and proportionally speaking, they are more informed and serious about their faith than Catholics are.​

They are an intresting bunch. They do have a three hour service on Sunday, I bet they are serious.
I am reading The Book Of Mormon right now. It’s an interesting read.
I find this poll interesting, as Mitt Romney, Governor of Massechussets is begining to heat up his bid for the 2008 republican nomination for President. Governor Romney is a rising star in conservative politics, and sharply criticised the senator in his state who ran in the last election. However, some people are starting to bring the fact that he is a practicing Mormon into the picture in an attempt to discredit him among evangelicals.
I’ll tell you…I really like him! He’s my governor and I don’t have a problem whatsoever with his faith… Romney has a lot going for him!
I don’t vote on an individual based off their personal faith, I vote for someone based off their ability to do the job well.
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