If God became man

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I think it is because of poor English.
I understand that. I admire you for trying to communicate. Perhaps a lot is misunderstanding. English is not an easy language.
Yes they might thought that Jesus’s father was Joseph and they did not think that Mary was blessed and pure. So they accused Jesus to be Son of Blessed One. They did not admit that Jesus’s birn was through a miracle without a father. So they accused Jesus to claim such thing. Now which is more close to fact? Jesus did not say that He was an incarnated god but the son of blessed one. Because some people shamed His mother to commit such thing when Jesus was born. They did not think that the birth of Jesus was through a miracle. And there have been allways doubts on birth of Jesus for unbelievers. Otherwise there was no a claim by Jesus to be incarnated through a woman.
This is really a strained interpretation of the Scriptures especially when you compare all of the Gospels. It is clear that they were not referring to Jesus’ mother when they asked if He was the Son of the Blessed One. In the other Gospels it is stated “I order you to tell us under oath before the living God whether you are the Messiah, the Son of God.” So your explanation that it was about Mary is unfounded.
And I consider your comments and evidences very carefully. But you have not certain evidences. You say just such things: Jesus said your sins are forgiven to someone. So Jesus must be God because only God could forgive sins. But Jesus did not say directly I forgave sins! And Jesus said that Father had given all authority and power to Him. So that claim is very weak to consider.
If He was not forgiving sins, the reaction wouldn’t have been to stone Him. Not only did He forgive sins He gave the power to forgive sins to His apostles. Who but God could tell someone else that they could forgive sins?
Or you say Paul(?) said O My God or My Lord. As I know Christians or beleivers use that words very usually. For instance when someone see an amazing case so he say O My God! Paul was amazed to see Jesus so he said that words.
It was Thomas. No Jew would ever use God as just as expletive as you suggest here. It would be an anachronism to say that they did. When Thomas said My Lord and My God it couldn’t be anything other than the acknowledgement that what Jesus told them, that He is God, was true.
Or Jesus said I AM and I AM is one of name for God. I AM should be one of name for God because in Qur’an Allah named Himself in that way.
But everybody could himself I am. So that is not a certain evidence.
“Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am.”
Jesus said before Abraham was born He was God.

Your argument is that everybody uses I am but not like this sentence. You wouldn’t say before something I am.
Again the reaction of the crowd was to stone Him because they understood that He said He is God.
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