If God is outside of time

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Then why pray to Saint and Angels if Baptizem makes the job? Who was the first that baptized others? S/he must be holy and unholy at the same time!?
The first to Be Baptized was our King, Jesus - the King of the Kingdom established from Heaven. And he baptizes his citizens by appointing his followers to baptize in his name, which we do.

Our King was Baptized by John the Baptist, sent by God to anoint the King He would send, His own Son Jesus.
Then why pray to Saint and Angels if Baptizem makes the job? Who was the first that baptized others? S/he must be holy and unholy at the same time!?
As far as your statement that “if Baptism makes the job”, we are born anew in Baptism. Baptism is Birth into the Kingdom of God.
Then we are required to “grow in Grace and Holiness”, just as children grow to be adults, we grow to be fully grown in the Faith of Jesus Christ, conformed fully to his image.

And, Saints and Angels are our helpers in this growth, inspiring us, and acting as messengers between us and God, messengers who care about us with their whole hearts.
It would mean that Heaven is outside of time, right?
Not necessarily. I mean that, since we are human, our eternity will certainly be different from that of God’s. All the Church teaches is that we were created for everlasting life ( the term used by the Catechism ) and that part of our beatitude will be everlasing life. Whether we will experience the passage of time is unknown. But if we do, we also know that we will not change, we will be perfect in every way forever.
Then, we could be waching our lives right now from Heaven, right?
No, where did you get that from?
That said, we are all at the same time in Heaven, meaning that, at the time we get to Heaven it would be the end of times and that we will experience His second coming right after we die.
When we die our everlasting life will begin. There will be death, judgment, and heaven or hell. But the Second Coming of Christ is a special event that will usher in the end of the material universe and the General Judgment. You can read the Catechism on that.
Is that the teaching of the Church? If not, shed light please.
Read the Catechism linked below.

I don’t think the Church teaches that we enter eternity when we die. St. Thomas Aquinas said we enter sempiternity, I think, which is different from eternity because you can’t see the future in sempiternity, among other reasons. You should be able to Google sempiternity for more info.
Do you have a reference for Thomas using the term " sempiternity? " I don’t recall that he did and there was no reference on Google that he did.

The first to Be Baptized was our King, Jesus - the King of the Kingdom established from Heaven. And he baptizes his citizens by appointing his followers to baptize in his name, which we do.

Our King was Baptized by John the Baptist, sent by God to anoint the King He would send, His own Son Jesus.
But John was a human being. How he could be holly? How he could clean people sins with baptism? Why did Jesus need baptism? How Jesus could be a follower of John if he is the king? How John could know about Jesus coming when the holly chain is broken?
But John was a human being. How he could be holly? How he could clean people sins with baptism? Why did Jesus need baptism? How Jesus could be a follower of John if he is the king? How John could know about Jesus coming when the holly chain is broken?
Men can be Holy, that was explained in an earlier post. His baptism was just a water baptism to prepare them for the Lord. When He came, we showed the example by being baptised. About the rest of your questions, first, Johm was conceived by a miracle (he was Zacary’s son), he was inspired. And He could be a follower of John (where did you get that from?) because he was both the One Almighty God, but he was also a man. He was not a secular king.
But John was a human being. How he could be holly? How he could clean people sins with baptism? Why did Jesus need baptism? How Jesus could be a follower of John if he is the king? How John could know about Jesus coming when the holly chain is broken?
(First of all holly is a plant. 🙂 Holy is an adjective meaning sacred.) John was the forerunner of Christ - he announced the presence of the Lord to the world. John was calling people to repentance in preparation for the Messiah. By baptizing Jesus, John was telling everyone that here was the One they had been waiting for, who would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire. Also, Jesus’ baptism showed that he identified with sinners. His baptism symbolized their baptism into the righteousness of Christ, dying with him and rising free from sin into the newness of life. When John hesitated in baptizing Jesus, he told him this it was proper to “fulfill all righteousness”.
Men can be Holy, that was explained in an earlier post. His baptism was just a water baptism to prepare them for the Lord. When He came, we showed the example by being baptised. About the rest of your questions, first, Johm was conceived by a miracle (he was Zacary’s son), he was inspired. And He could be a follower of John (where did you get that from?) because he was both the One Almighty God, but he was also a man. He was not a secular king.
But men are sinful since the fall of Adam and Eve! Hence, nothing holy could be present here on earth, place of sinful people. How John could possibly be holy and know the truth about future? Was John a child of Adam and Eve? You need a being to make the magic trick of cleaning sins. S/he cannot be a human being (a sinful being by definition) and holy at the same time.
But men are sinful since the fall of Adam and Eve! Hence, nothing holy could be present here on earth, place of sinful people. How John could possibly be holy and know the truth about future? Was John a child of Adam and Eve? You need a being to make the magic trick of cleaning sins. S/he cannot be a human being (a sinful being by definition) and holy at the same time.
John was cleansed of original sin in his mother’s womb:

"your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall call his name John. 14 And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth, 15 for he will be great before the Lord. And he must not drink wine or strong drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother’s womb. 16 And he will turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God, 17 and he will go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready for the Lord a people prepared.”
Luke 1:41
“And it came to pass, that when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the infant” – filled, like the mother, with the Holy Ghost – “leaped for joy in her womb”, as if to acknowledge the presence of his Lord. Then was accomplished the prophetic utterance of the angel that the child should “be filled with the Holy Ghost even from his mother’s womb”.

Now as the presence of any sin whatever is incompatible with the indwelling of the Holy Ghost in the soul, it follows that at this moment John was cleansed from the stain of original sin.
But men are sinful since the fall of Adam and Eve! Hence, nothing holy could be present here on earth, place of sinful people. How John could possibly be holy and know the truth about future? Was John a child of Adam and Eve? You need a being to make the magic trick of cleaning sins. S/he cannot be a human being (a sinful being by definition) and holy at the same time.
Men can be Holy because of Baptism, the sacraments and the Church. John was sent by God. Remember thar God is not an instruction manual, he made John do all of that.
John was cleansed of original sin in his mother’s womb:

"your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall call his name John. 14 And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth, 15 for he will be great before the Lord. And he must not drink wine or strong drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother’s womb. 16 And he will turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God, 17 and he will go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready for the Lord a people prepared.”
Luke 1:41
“And it came to pass, that when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the infant” – filled, like the mother, with the Holy Ghost – “leaped for joy in her womb”, as if to acknowledge the presence of his Lord. Then was accomplished the prophetic utterance of the angel that the child should “be filled with the Holy Ghost even from his mother’s womb”.

Now as the presence of any sin whatever is incompatible with the indwelling of the Holy Ghost in the soul, it follows that at this moment John was cleansed from the stain of original sin.
You cannot possibly fuse the broken chain, one side being holy and another being sinful. It is logically impossible. How did Elizabet know things about his son? She was told? How? She was sinful!
You cannot possibly fuse the broken chain, one side being holy and another being sinful. It is logically impossible. How did Elizabet know things about his son? She was told? How? She was sinful!
See? You think that God is a manual, someone who does things in a strict way. Remember he is omnipotent!!! Make a prophet be born is a tiny little thing he can do. And yes, the Holy Spirit told Elizabeth, it’s right there on the quote. When the Holy Spirit is in someone, they are inspired, they talk truth.
See? You think that God is a manual, someone who does things in a strict way. Remember he is omnipotent!!! Make a prophet be born is a tiny little thing he can do. And yes, the Holy Spirit told Elizabeth, it’s right there on the quote. When the Holy Spirit is in someone, they are inspired, they talk truth.
God cannot do something which is logically impossible hence he cannot fuse the broken chain holy and unholy since he does not have access to unholy part by definition.

God and Holy Spirit cannot be present in mind of a sinful being hence Elizabet could not possibly know the truth!
God cannot do something which is logically impossible hence he cannot fuse the broken chain holy and unholy since he does not have access to unholy part by definition.

God and Holy Spirit cannot be present in mind of a sinful being hence Elizabet could not possibly know the truth!
God is not a definition!!! He has access to unholy things just like he has access to us when we are baptised.
God cannot do something which is logically impossible hence he cannot fuse the broken chain holy and unholy since he does not have access to unholy part by definition.

God and Holy Spirit cannot be present in mind of a sinful being hence Elizabet could not possibly know the truth!
Nothing is impossible with God.
God is not a definition!!! He has access to unholy things just like he has access to us when we are baptised.
Before or after we are baptized? How did we know that baptism is useful without knowing the truth? You have to be holy. Why baptism is then useful if God has access to unholy beings?
He could no change us without killing us. One example is enough.
He could. If he choose to do it like that is because it would be the more useful way for us to understand Him and His work. If he would just make us good-behaving-robots with a blow of His breath he would be removing our freedom he gives us because he loves us.
Do you have a reference for Thomas using the term " sempiternity? " I don’t recall that he did and there was no reference on Google that he did.

The NewAdvent translation uses the word “aeviternity”: newadvent.org/summa/1010.htm#article5

When I used the word “sempiternity,” I was referring to aeviternity. I think I just mixed up the two terms, but they may be synonymous.
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